8 Most Beautiful Healing Poems

Summer is always related to green lotus leaves, watermelons that relieve the heat, and the splendid sunset.

Playing in the water by the creek, listening to the children playing, and seeing the vitality of life, my heart is full of joy.

Reading a book in the house, enjoying the coolness under the moon, a breeze blowing gently, and all my worries are relieved.

Today, I bring you 8 poems, and feel the summer through the poet’s pen and ink. It has nothing to do with the heat, only leisure.

A few sentences will make you feel warm and beautiful, cool without wind.

Plum sour soft teeth, plantain Green and window screens.

The long day sleeps ruthlessly, watching children catch willow flowers.

In early summer, everything is bright and lovely.

Eating a few plums, sweet and sour, the taste lingers between the lips and teeth;< /p>

Take a look at the plantains, the green is gratifying, and my heart is filled with coolness.

Better yet, there are several children outside the window They were playing hide-and-seek with catkins. They were full of smiles and innocence, sweeping away the laziness of people taking a nap.

In Yang Wanli’s writings, summer is so charming.

The stone beam thatched hut has a curved roof, The water splashed twice.

Sunny day, warm wind and wheat gas, green shade and quiet grass Victory time.

When it comes to the beauty of summer, it is natural to avoid the countryside.

Stone bridge thatched hut, gurgling water, green grass, warm wind and sunshine.

At this time, the wheat began to grow vigorously, When it is mature, it emits bursts of wheat fragrance, which makes people feel that this is far more charming than the blooming flowers in spring.

When writing this poem, Wang Anshi was dismissed because of the reform. However, he did not indulge in grief. Cultivating an open-minded and optimistic state of mind.

The little baby holds the boat and steals Pick white lotus.

I don’t understand the hidden trail, and the duckweed opens.

The lotus pond in summer, the lotus blooms just right, is very beautiful.

A child saw it and liked it too much, so he hid it from the adults and rowed a boat to pick white lotuses. Despite his small size, his movements are agile and fast.

After picking the white lotus, the child was overjoyed and forgot that he had sneaked out and rowed home.

He didn’t know that the ripples on the lake had already “betrayed” him and leaked his secret.

These open lotus flowers and this lovely child are the epitome of summer, so fresh and interesting, making people laugh when they think of it out.

Take a stick to chase Liu Wailiang , Yihu bed on the south bank of the painting bridge.

The moon is bright and the boat flute is staggered, and the wind is calm and the pond lotus is fragrant. span>

Summer is hot, everyone is thinking of ways to enjoy the shade.

Qin Guan leaned on a cane and searched without haste, and was pleasantly surprised when he came across a beautifully decorated bridge.

There is a beautiful scenery in front of you, and softness under your body Near the Hu bed, someone was playing the flute in the distance, and the lotus flower was fragrant nearby.

The beauty of life lies in living in the moment and feeling the moment.

More calm, less anxiety. The more comfortable you are, the less nervous you will be.

Summer like this is ecstatic.

The monastery’s house is cool and fresh with bamboo trees, The first rain washed away the dust.

The breeze blows the lotus leaves, the sapphire plate Diarrhea mercury.

If you ask, when is the most comfortable time in summer?

Many people will say that it is best to blow a gust of wind when it rains next, which is the most suitable for draining your worries and emptying your mind.

The poet Shi Jianwu encountered such a moment.

After the summer rain, the monastery is cool and the bamboo leaves are green , all the eyes are fresh and indifferent.

A breeze blew, and the lotus leaves in the pond danced with it, and the water droplets in the middle of the lotus leaves poured down like sparkling mercury Eye-catching.

There is nothing in the world as beautiful and bright as this one.

Bieyuanshen In the deep summer, the mats are clear, and the pomegranates are all over the transparent curtain.

The trees are overcast and the day is noon, and the dream is flowing Orioles sounded.

I have a small yard with lush green trees and pomegranates in full bloom. The environment is quiet and elegant.

I have a large bamboo mat, which is cool and comfortable, with a fragrant fragrance, so I can take a nap in peace.

Those hot and dry summer heat has nothing to do with me, at this moment The singing of the yellow warbler is related to me.

I think this is the life many people yearn for, right?

Slow down, calm down, and you will find more beauty around you.

You can hear birds singing, see flowers bloom, and feel your own breath and heartbeat.

The four mountains gather all the clouds in one day, The water is bright and the sky is cold.

The lotus flowers are all around for the eyes, as if you are not there mundane.

In summer, how can there be less rewarding lotus?

When I came to Jujing Garden, I saw lotus flowers blooming warmly and brilliantly. The pink flowers stretched freely, or danced in the wind. Surrounded by the lotus leaves, it is like a fairy standing in the water, so beautiful.

At this moment, the lotus viewers are also infected, as if they are in a fairyland, and every breath is filled with freedom and lightness.< /span>

The gifts of nature are all worth cherishing, and the lotus flowers in summer should not be missed.< /span>

Wandering along the river, surrounded by green, surrounded by beautiful scenery, the impetuous heart is slowly dispelled, leaving indifferent and tranquil. span>

A river of smoke and water shines in the clear sky, and people on both sides of the strait have painted eaves , a period of autumn light in the lotus bushes.

Watch the seagull dance again and again, and roll the fragrant wind ten miles of bead curtains.< /p>

Drawing boats to the horizon and wine flags to the wind. Love to kill Jiangnan!

Everyone has their favorite city in their heart.

For Zhang Yanghao, this complex belongs to Jiangnan.

The sun is shining, and the river surface is filled with thin smoke, like a dream.

There are houses on the riverside, with colorful pictures on the eaves, which are beautiful.

Looking at the river again, the lotus flowers are blooming vigorously, and the gulls are circling and dancing.

At this time, there are ships coming from the sky, and the flags hoisted by the riverside restaurants flutter in the wind, as if welcoming the arrival of the ships. Thousands of intentions.

Such a beautiful and lovely Jiangnan, why not make people fascinated?

About the summer experience, one thousand people have one Thousands of answers.

In the poet’s pen, it is the lotus leaf that takes over the sky, the pond after the rain, the wheat that grows arbitrarily, the innocent child, and The spacious and tranquil self…

We travel through time, approach the text, and feel the sincerity, beauty, tranquility and comfort, only There is no bitterness and depression.

Yes, summer is so beautiful and worth cherishing.

Click“Watching”, may you and I both Be more quiet and cool, bring joy and security, and spend this summer.

author | xvxiaomao2018)

pictures | Visual China< /p>