7 Tips To Lose Weight Without Eating Less! Those who know have already lost weight

You, who have resumed work, have your face rounded a few times and your waist a few feet thicker?

Do you need a way to lose weight without eating less and moving more! Please keep the 7 secrets!

Tips: Losing weight doesn’t mean losing weight!

Image source: Zhanku Hailuo

Exercise not only burns fat, it also builds muscle. In some weight loss stages, if the body of the loser loses 1 kg of fat, but gains 1 kg of muscle protein, it will show no weight loss.

Image source: Zhanku Hailuo

Losing weight ≠ losing weight, don’t take weight too seriously, there are some signs that you are losing weight, such as looser clothes, flatter abdomen, and more raised hips.

Image source: Zhanku Hailuo

Everyone to lose weight should calm down!

Contributing Author:

Wang Shuying |Registered Dietitian

Gu Chuanling |Registered Dietitian


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