7 major foods, eating the wrong ones can make the bones more brittle!

Spinach Soup

Spinach is very nutritious, it is recommended to eat it every day, but it is best not to drink spinach soup directly, because such as spinach soup The content of oxalic acid is high. In the body, oxalic acid will combine with calcium to form calcium oxalate and cause calcium loss.

The best way to remove oxalic acid is< span>Boil the water, use boiling waterboil for 60 seconds, the oxalic acid can be blanched by 60%-70%.

In addition, many foods such as bamboo shoots, water spinach, water spinach, mustard greens< span>The content of oxalic acid is also high, so be sure to blanch it with boiling water before eating to remove most of the oxalic acid.

mustard< /strong>

The salt content of mustard is high, and excessive salt intake is also one of the reasons for osteoporosis. Because the kidneys excrete excess sodium with urine every day, the more sodium the human body needs to excrete, the greater the consumption of calcium, which will eventually affect the normal growth and metabolism of bones.

In addition to mustard, foods high in salt includemonosodium glutamate, soy sauce, potato chips, shrimp sticks, biscuits, Ham, plum, salted meat, salted fish, etc., must be eaten less.

overnight tea

Overnight tea, especially strong tea, will have more theophylline, which may have the bad effect of “decalcification”.

Try not to drink tea at the same time when drinking milk or other dairy products. Theophylline and tannin in tea will combine with calcium in dairy products to form calcium salts that are insoluble in water, and excreted from the body, reducing the nutritional value of dairy products.

Of course, it’s okay to drink a little milk tea brewed by yourself occasionally, but at the same time you can drink a few more mouthfuls of milk, Or eat more other calcium-rich foods.

carbonated drinks

The imbalance of calcium and phosphorus ratio is one of the main culprits that lead to calcium deficiency. Under normal circumstances, the ratio of calcium to phosphorus in the human body is 2:1.

However, in real life, people consume too much phosphorus-containing foods such as carbonated drinks and French fries. The intake is often more than 10 times that of calcium. In this way, too much phosphorus in the diet will desperately “drive” calcium out of the body.


Coffee is an ancient drink, and 1-2 cups per day (200ml per cup) is still acceptable.

But the caffeine in coffee can combine with calcium, making calcium insoluble and easy to lose. It also has a good diuretic effect. Ifdrinking a lot of coffee for a long time, it is more likely to cause calcium loss and increase the risk of osteoporosis.

The digestion process of sugar also consumes a lot of calcium, which can easily lead to osteoporosis.

In this regard, everyone should abide by the science of eating sugar:


First, don’t eat candy before meals. Second, it is not advisable to eat dessert immediately after a meal. Third, do not eat desserts and candies on an empty stomach. Fourth, do not eat a lot of sugar at one time.

meat< /strong>

Appropriate protein is good for bone health, but you can’t eat too much meat, otherwise excessive protein intake will also promote bone health The calcium in the dissolves, resulting in the loss of calcium. For meat, an average adult consumes an average of 120-200 grams per day (raw weight).

Department of Clinical Nutrition, Peking Union Medical College Hospital

Yu Kang Professor

The health science platform [Eat three meals a day] hosted by Professor Yu Kang, Department of Clinical Nutrition, Peking Union Medical College Hospital, welcome to pay attention!