7 benefits of eating an apple a day

Apple is a common fruit. Although apple is a relatively cheap fruit, its nutritional value is quite high. Apple is rich in protein, vitamin C, pectin, fructose, dietary fiber, various minerals substance. Eating an apple a day can give the body energy, boost immunity, and many other health benefits. Let’s take a look.

An apple a day keeps my disease away?

1. Enhance physical fitness

Apples are rich in nutrients. Eating an apple a day can supplement the body Various nutrients can replenish energy to the body, enhance physical fitness, improve immunity, and reduce the chance of various diseases. Studies have found that people who eat apples regularly are much less likely to catch a cold than those who don’t eat apples.

2. Lowering blood lipids

Apple is rich in pectin, which is absorbed by the human body. After digestion and absorption, it can combine with bile acids in the body to absorb excess triglycerides and cholesterol in the body like a sponge, and then excrete it from the body. In addition, the vitamins, magnesium, and fructose contained in apples can also reduce the content of triglycerides and cholesterol, thereby reducing blood lipids.

3, beauty, weight loss

Apple contains a lot of vitamins and dietary fiber, pectin, these nutrients can play a role in beauty and beauty, pectin can keep the skin elastic and shiny. Apples are rich in malic acid and vitamins, which can promote the decomposition and metabolism of fat, prevent the accumulation of fat in the body, and enhance the sense of protection, which can play a role in weight loss.

4. Strong bones

Apples contain boron, manganese, zinc, iron, calcium These minerals strengthen bone, increase the concentration of estrogen and other compounds in the blood, and prevent calcium loss. Some studies have found that eating an apple a day for menopausal women is conducive to the absorption and utilization of calcium, and has a certain preventive effect on osteoporosis.

5. Prevention and treatment of constipation

Apple contains a lot of cellulose and organic acids, these nutrients can promote the peristalsis of the stomach and intestines, and can play a role in laxative, making the stools that are difficult to discharge become soft and easier to be discharged from the body . If you often have constipation, you can insist on eating an apple every day, which can improve the symptoms of constipation.

6. Relieve psychological stress

The special light fragrance contained in apples has a good effect on the human body. Psychological stress has a certain alleviation effect. Studies have found that patients with psychological stress or depression, after smelling the aroma of apples, their mood will be greatly improved, and the symptoms of depression will disappear.

7. Enhance memory

Apple is rich in fructose, vitamins and anti-substances such as zinc, calcium, magnesium, etc., which can supplement nutrition for the brain, promote brain health, and enhance memory. Middle-aged and elderly people can eat an apple a day at ordinary times to reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease as much as possible.

Message from the doctor

Eating an apple a day is indeed good for health, but you should pay attention to the time of eating apples, it is recommended to eat apples half an hour before meals To eat apples, it is not advisable to eat apples immediately after meals to avoid symptoms of gastrointestinal discomfort. In addition, it is not advisable to eat apples in excess, at most two a day. Excessive consumption of apples will lead to excess nutrition and obesity, which is not conducive to human health.

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