7.68 million of disciplinary funds were collected and returned! A city in Gansu cuts off the “black hands” who infringe on the interests of the masses

“Ma Xingwen, a farmer party member of Xishanbao Village, Gufeng Town, Gulang County, was expelled from the party for illegally implementing the project of returning grazing to grass; Huang Kang, Jinta Town, Liangzhou District Zhao Xi, the former director of the Village Affairs Supervision Committee of Zhai Village, falsely reported that the subsidy fund for the project was falsely claimed by the government and was punished by government affairs…” Recently, the Wuwei Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision of Gansu Province named and reported 4 typical cases of corruption and work style around the masses. Cases, use the things around you to alert people around you.

Since this year, the city’s discipline inspection and supervision organs have given top priority to solving corruption and unscrupulous behavior around the masses, and have continued to consolidate and deepen doing practical things for the masses. Achievements, improve the work mechanism for the masses to raise issues, rectify in a timely manner, and promote rectification, and promote the resolution of the people’s distress.

The Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision started from the specific problems strongly reflected by the masses, and focused on carrying out special supervision during the transition period, rectification and normalization of prominent problems in the field of people’s livelihood” “Punish corruption and build umbrellas” and other work, formulate the “2022 plan for the division of key tasks for party style and clean government construction and anti-corruption work” and “implementation plan for strengthening the supervision of prevention and rectification of “village bullies”, etc., to refine work measures and clarify responsibilities Division of labor, strong and orderly progress.

“What is the current progress in resolving the ‘difficult to register’ housing problem identified in the city?” “For the issue of making up the price difference for the replacement of shared property rights, do you What measures have you taken?” The city’s discipline inspection and supervision organs, based on their functional positioning, strengthened supervision and inspection, and continued to promote the efficient development of the resolution of the “difficult registration” problem left over from the history of urban housing. Up to now, the city has resolved 64,561 housing units with “difficult registration” problems, with a resolution rate of 86.06%.

In view of the frequent occurrence of corruption and work style problems at the grassroots level, the municipal and county-level discipline inspection commissions have optimized the construction of the supervision platform for the operation of small and micro power, and improved the foundation Data entry to promote comprehensive publicity and disclosure. Up to now, the Wuwei Poverty Alleviation Funds Supervision Network has recorded 53.331 million pieces of data and information, involving 22.91 billion yuan of poverty alleviation and agricultural funds, and 7.6812 million yuan of disciplinary funds collected and voluntarily turned over to return.

At the same time of increasing supervision and inspection, the city’s discipline inspection and supervision organs pay close attention to corruption, misappropriation, interception of private shares, Falsely report and falsely claim prominent issues that infringe on the interests of the masses, accurately supervise the enforcement of discipline and accountability, and resolutely cut off the “black hands” of corruption. Since this year, the city has investigated and dealt with 17 corruption and work style issues around the masses, criticized, educated, helped and dealt with 49 people, of which 12 people have been punished by party discipline and government affairs.

Source: Woodpecker

Source: China Gansu Network