606 people from the Hunan Aid-Shanghai Traditional Chinese Medicine Medical Team took the opportunity to return to Hunan, achieving three “bests” and three “zeros”

Today (May 23), 606 members of the Hunan Provincial Aid Shanghai Traditional Chinese Medicine Medical Team returned to Hunan from Shanghai Hongqiao Airport by special plane. During their 36-day aid to Shanghai, they set three “bests” and achieved three “zeros”.

As of May 16, the cabin was officially closed, and the Gudan Road Fangcai Hospital, which was taken over by the Hunan Provincial Aid Shanghai Traditional Chinese Medicine Medical Team, operated for 32 consecutive days, accumulatively receiving treatment There are 5,242 patients with new coronary pneumonia, 5,163 people have been out of the cabin, and 79 people have been referred. Among the patients admitted, the oldest is 92 years old, and the youngest is only 31 days old. The patients stayed in the cabin for an average of 5.9 days. Except for full-term pregnant women, infants and young children, 100% of the patients in the cabin were treated with traditional Chinese medicine.

On May 23, 606 members of the Hunan Provincial Aid Shanghai TCM Medical Team returned to their hometowns by chartered flight. Before leaving, Shanghai held a farewell ceremony for him, thanking the active support of Huxiang Chinese medicine practitioners.

The Hunan Provincial Aid Shanghai TCM Medical Team consists of 12 medical teams, consisting of 4 provincial TCM hospitals in Hunan and 7 strong TCM medical teams. City and state electoral composition. There are 606 people in the team, including 128 male medical staff and 478 female medical staff. Among them, the medical team is mainly based on traditional Chinese medicine, and there are also experts in surgery, critical care, pediatrics, orthopedics, skin, ENT, anesthesia, acupuncture and massage, and rehabilitation. 52% of the team members were born in the 1990s. The oldest team member is 56 years old, the youngest is 20 years old, and the average age is 32.8 years old. The team has 192 party members and 18 reserve party members. On April 15, at the most difficult and most urgent moment in Shanghai’s fight against the epidemic, 606 members of the Hunan Provincial Aid Shanghai Traditional Chinese Medicine Medical Team, dressed in white, went retrograde and rushed to help Shanghai.

Dating back to the beginning of the appointment, Xiao Wenming, deputy director of the Hunan Provincial Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, temporary secretary of the party committee and team leader of the Hunan Provincial Aid Shanghai Traditional Chinese Medicine Medical Team, is still deeply impressed.

He said that on April 13, it was already night when he received the notification to form a team to assist Shanghai. 606 team members coordinated from four provincial TCM hospitals, seven cities and prefectures, and 25 TCM medical institutions. , Although the departure time in the early morning of April 15 was only more than 10 hours away from the time of receiving the notice, and it took more than 5 hours to rush to Changsha to gather from various cities and prefectures in Hunan, everyone still obeyed the order and set off on schedule.

In order to prevent acclimatization and other conditions from affecting the aid to Shanghai to fight the epidemic, the team members brought chili sauce, chopped chili, rice noodles, etc. , “At that time, I thought that fighting the epidemic is the first priority. If you are not used to Shanghai’s dishes, you can simply use chili bibimbap or rice noodles to satisfy your hunger.”

After arriving in Shanghai, the Hunan Provincial Aid Shanghai Traditional Chinese Medicine Medical Team worked together with the construction and operator of Gudan Road Fangcai Hospital for 36 hours, and officially opened the cabin to treat patients on April 17. During the operation of the Fangcang, the medical team followed the national and Shanghai protocols. Asymptomatic patients were treated with the No. 1 Chinese medicine formula, and mild patients were treated with the No. 2 Chinese medicine formula. Special patients were consulted by experts to provide personalized treatment, and they were transferred after consultation. The mobile emergency intelligent Chinese pharmacy also carries out special treatments such as massage, moxibustion, ear acupuncture, aromatic medicine, traditional health-preserving exercises, emotional counseling, etc., to the greatest extent to meet the patient’s precise treatment needs of “one person, one policy, one person”. .

During the period of aid to Shanghai, the Hunan Provincial Aid Shanghai TCM Medical Team overcame many difficulties, and achieved the “three largest team size, the most patients treated, and the shortest time for patients to turn negative” among the national TCM medical teams in Shanghai. The most “achievement”, and achieved “three zeros”, namely “zero accidents in square cabins, zero deaths in patients, and zero infections in team members”.

△ Zeng Sainan (right) accepted the pennant

Three zeros were achieved, which made the supervision expert Hunan Provincial Hospital feel quality control Zeng Sainan, a member of the center and the Hospital Feeling Center of the Third Xiangya Hospital, was very pleased. In order to ensure safety, the sensory control team conducted full-time and area-wide supervision of the cabin, 24-hour dedicated personnel, video supervision and reminders of the unloading process of medical personnel in the unloading area around the clock, inspection and supplementation of protective equipment, and key points. Nucleic acid sampling monitoring and environmental assessment are carried out in the region, and all hidden dangers are solved in the bud. The infection control specialists of the second batch of medical teams in Hunan Province devoted themselves to checking leaks, preventing blind spots, giving ideas, and finding ways to ensure the safety of every medical staff and patient.

Xiaoxiang Morning News reporter Xia Shengtu/Correspondent Zeng Sainan

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