60,000 people are inspected every day! Bincheng District People’s Hospital firmly casts a safety wall for epidemic prevention and control

Qilu Evening News Qilu One Point reporter Chen Tiantian

Recently, there have been many cases of new coronary pneumonia in Bincheng District, and the situation of epidemic prevention and control is extremely severe. At this critical juncture, Bincheng District People’s Hospital, under the strong leadership of the District Health and Health Bureau, acted upon the order and rose to the challenge. The members of the hospital team led all the medical staff and cadres to interpret the mission with actions and protect life with their lives, highlighting the strong responsibility of the majority of medical staff in the Bincheng District Health System. With the benevolence of doctors and a high sense of responsibility, they have firmly built a safety wall for epidemic prevention and control.

In the outpatient hall, fever clinic, nucleic acid sampling point, PCR (nucleic acid test) of Bincheng People’s Hospital )laboratory. Although the outside was cold and windy, every medical staff who fulfilled their duties in their respective positions deeply warmed and moved us. Let’s get to the scene together, learn about their work, and meet these behind-the-scenes heroes.

Pre-examination and triage are strictly controlled, and the fever clinic has a “post”

Entering the outpatient hall, I was stopped by medical staff to check The health code and itinerary code are displayed one by one and the body temperature is measured before entering the lobby. Outpatient pre-examination and triage are the first line of defense for epidemic prevention. “One question” and four “ones”: see the standard wearing of masks, check the itinerary code (health code), measure the temperature and ask the epidemiological history. The doctor will ask the patient again before receiving the consultation. Patients with fever symptoms will enter the fever clinic under the safe guidance of medical staff to prevent the virus from invading from the source.

“When did the fever start?” “Do you have any discomfort such as runny nose, sore throat?” “Where have you been in the past 14 days?”… As the frontier of epidemic prevention and control, if the temperature If the temperature exceeds 37.2°C, the health code is yellow or red, and the patient has a fever within 3 days before seeing a doctor, nucleic acid testing will be carried out in the fever clinic, and suspicious cases will be immediately isolated.

The fever clinic of Bincheng People’s Hospital currently has 5 observation rooms, which can be seen in the monitoring video of the fever clinic observation duty room. The interior is calm and warm, the medical staff are working in an orderly manner, and the observers are fully and actively cooperating.

At the hospital sampling site, a 22-member Detachment Army

Bincheng District People’s Hospital Fever Clinic Head Nurse Zhang Shuangxia and 51-year-old Party member Zhang Xiaofang maintained order at the nucleic acid sampling site. Nucleic acid sampling is part of the fever clinic, so Zhang Shuangxia is also in charge. The petite young head nurse in front of him led a 22-member in-hospital nucleic acid sampling team.

Because of the tight schedule and heavy tasks, they work three shifts a day. The night shift staff work from 5:00 pm to 8:00 am the next day. New crown nucleic acid test specimens, all samples are willing to be tested in the jurisdiction, all medical staff in public hospitals, private hospitals, clinics and pharmacies in the health system of the district should be tested for new crown nucleic acid samples, key populations New crown nucleic acid test specimens, special warehouse personnel and cold chain food And the new crown nucleic acid test samples of imported goods, a total of 44 new crown nucleic acid test samples of all employees in five townships. In just one night, they counted and transported 30,000 specimens.

Zhang Shuangxia said that starting from March 11, the number of samples began to increase, and the transshipment task became heavier. Since ancient times, men have been on the battlefield, and now their daughters are stronger! Even though the work is so heavy, their women’s army still overcome many difficulties, no matter how hard they are, they will not cry. They have already put their original intentions into their blood and implemented their mission in ordinary work.

The furthest away from the patient, the closest to the virus – PCR laboratory

The PCR (nucleic acid detection) laboratory of Bincheng People’s Hospital is farthest from virusNearby, medical staff working in the laboratory have to perform sample reception, inactivation, classification and coding, sample addition and extraction, amplification analysis, and report review every day… each of these procedures may be related to the virus.” close contact”. In the past few days, a team of 8 has been fighting continuously in the PCR laboratory.

Every moment, every inspector must be protected in accordance with the three-level safety standards, wearing protective masks, goggles, thick protective clothing… In this way, they are fully armed and sweating in less than an hour. , and they enter the laboratory for more than 8 or 9 hours. In order to save time, they try to drink less water and eat less every day. Every time they walk out of the lab, their isolation gowns are soaked. Every day, they count against every second, and they repeat this process tirelessly. In one day, they tested 60,000 people!

In order to save time, some team members insist on eating until late at night after eating in the morning. laboratory. They all hope that their teammates have a good rest, but they insist on working without rest.

Yin Hongzhen, 49, is the deputy director of the PCR laboratory and a post-operative breast cancer patient. According to the doctor’s orders, Yin Hongzhen needs to work and rest on time and eat reasonably. But in the face of the severe epidemic prevention and control situation, and the amount of nucleic acid testing has increased sharply, how can Yin Hongzhen sit still? She comes into the lab from 7am every day, often staying for 8 or 9 hours at a time.

She had tears in her eyes when she talked about the colleagues who worked together in the lab. She kept saying, “Don’t write about me, this is my obligatory job. If you want to write, you have to write about the colleagues who can’t leave, and the director Shang Mingxin who has been working all night.” After just a few short sentences, Yin Hongzhen hurriedly entered the work area and returned to the 24-hour brightly lit nucleic acid testing laboratory.

The hospital’s anti-epidemic work is a myriad of things, and there can’t be a slight difference in each item. What is reflected in the lens is only a brief moment of the medical staff working every day. This is the medical staff of Bincheng District People’s Hospital, and this is the medical staff of Bincheng District Health System. They guarded the lights of thousands of homes with their lives in countless sleepless nights. In this world, there are no heroes who fall from the sky, only mortals who stand up. In this world, there are always some people who can illuminate your heart without touching you.