6,000 people die of cancer every day in China, loud reminder: after the age of 40, please take 5 things to heart

Middle-aged people, it’s too hard to get sick, let alone die.

Mr. Zhou, 42 years old, has both the old and the young. He delivers courier services in Guangzhou to make a living. One of his sons is still in elementary school, and his parents are not in good health. He takes medicine all the year round. , so he also worked hard.

Delivering express delivery is a very intensive job, often busy from 8 am to 10 pm, and he always eats casually, often at 2 or 3 pm in the afternoon He hurriedly took a few bites in the morning, and even the dinner was very sloppy. For many years, the irregularity of the three meals made his stomach very bad.

About a year ago, Mr. Zhou had a dull pain in his stomach. Others said it was a small illness such as gastric ulcer, so he just went to the pharmacy to buy some medicines. Eating, he didn’t pay attention to it anymore, and every time he had a stomachache after that, he took medicine to cope with it. It was not until this year that Mr. Zhou suddenly vomited blood on the way to work, and he went to the hospital for examination. The doctor found that the culprit of his stomach pain was not gastric ulcer, but gastric cancer. The gastroscope was diagnosed as “poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma of the stomach”.

40 years old is a golden stage in a person’s life, but cancer is actually very easy Find out at this stage.

I. A cruel phenomenon: 6,000 people die from cancer every day, and after the age of 40 is at high risk

Journal of the National Cancer Center< The latest cancer report in China on /span> shows that in 2016, there were 4.064 million new cancer patients and more than 2.4135 million deaths in one year. On average, more than 11,100 people are diagnosed with new cancers every day in my country, and nearly 6,600 people die from cancer.

In terms of age, from the age of 40, the number of deaths and morbidity began to increase significantly, and the number of new cancers was highest among the 60-79 age group , men and women had the highest number of cancer deaths in the 60-79 age group.

Second, cancer cells like to disguise themselves as minor diseases, and the 6 symptoms cannot be ignored

< p>Cancer is very cunning, and it often pretends to be a minor illness to confuse others, especially those who are in their prime, and are easily overlooked and despised.

1. Abdominal pain, don’t just suspect stomach disease

stomach ulcer and stomach disease The performance of epigastric pain and melena, gastric ulcer is related to diet, and occurs periodically, and is more common in young adults; gastric cancer has a progressive aggravation, and the disease develops rapidly, and is more common in the elderly. If there are no typical gastric ulcer symptoms in the past, but changes in the nature and regularity of pain, timely examination is recommended.

2. Breast lumps, not just fibroids

Breast fibroadenomas are good Occurred in young women, the tumor was mostly round or oval, with clear borders, good mobility, and slow growth. Breast cancer is more common in middle-aged and elderly women, with hard texture, irregular borders, poor mobility, and rapid growth of the tumor.

3. Blood in stool, probably not hemorrhoids

Blood in the stool is mainly caused by hemorrhoids, which is manifested as blood on the surface of the stool, not mixed with the stool, and the blood color is bright red. Rectal cancer patients also have bloody stools, usually mixed with blood, dark red or berry-colored blood with mucus and pus.

4. Don’t treat a long-lasting cough as a cold cure

Cough is many diseases The initial manifestations are common in colds, sore throats, dry and itchy throats, etc. Cough caused by colds is generally treated symptomatically, and improvement can be seen within 1-2 weeks. But if it is not relieved for a long time, it is necessary to pay attention to whether Lung cancer is caused. When the tumor grows on the bronchial lung tissue, it will produce respiratory irritation symptoms and irritating cough.

5. The nose is bloody, don’t just take it as anger

Fudan Wang Xiaoshen, Chief Physician of the Radiation Therapy Center, University Affiliated Cancer Hospital said that nosebleed is a typical symptom of nasopharyngeal cancer. Nasal, that is, inhaling the nasal cavity in the early morning, and the nasal mucus spit out through the mouth is bloodshot, which is caused by the friction between the tumor and the outer wall of the nasal cavity.

6. I was inexplicably tired, probably very close to liver cancer

Some time ago, there was a Hot search#Symptoms of liver cancer are often mistaken for being too tired#Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences Bi Xinyu, chief physician of the Hepatobiliary Surgery Department of the hospital, said that compared with fatigue caused by other reasons, the fatigue caused by liver cancer is often not relieved after rest. This is due to abnormal liver function. There will be problems of nutrient absorption disorders, insufficient energy, and imbalance of hormone levels, resulting in physical fatigue.

Third, don’t work too hard after the age of 40, these few things should Take it to heart

1. Don’t eat meat and drink heavily, and socialize excessively

After the age of 40, the human body will Unconsciously going downhill, organ function gradually degenerates, and more attention should be paid to diet control at this time. A high-protein, high-fat diet, as well as frequent alcohol abuse and other habits, will increase the risk of cancer. It is recommended to eat a healthy diet, with a combination of meat and vegetables, and food intake. Moderately and consciously increase the intake of vegetables, beans and staple foods, and reduce the intake of red meat and alcohol.


After the age of 40, smoking causes more serious lung and heart damage, and smoking is associated with stroke, liver cancer, lung cancer and other diseases. The sooner you quit smoking The better.

3. Refuse to work excessive overtime and be a workaholic

middle-aged welcome When you come to the peak of your career, you are also facing a lot of life pressure. Greater mental stress can easily lead to low immunity and increase the risk of cancer. It is recommended that people in this age group learn to decompress and not be trapped by life and work trivial matters , set aside time for yourself, express your emotions, be tolerant and understanding of others, and be content.

4. Open your legs and sit for a long time, stay away from obesity

Many middle-aged people have a “potbellied” body due to lack of exercise. Studies have found that abdominal fat accumulation is the most harmful to health, and obesity is also likely to increase the risk of cancer. Therefore, people must pay attention to exercise when they reach middle age, and they can integrate exercise into their lives, such as walking to and from work, and climbing a few stairs at home. .

5. No matter how busy you are, you must make time for a physical examination. Don’t be sloppy on items

①Lung cancer: low-dose CT screening

②Liver cancer: liver ultrasound and alpha-fetoprotein

③Colorectal cancer: fecal occult blood , Colonoscopy

④Esophageal cancer, gastric cancer: gastroscope

⑤Breast cancer: breast color Doppler ultrasound or mammography.

The age of 40 is a watershed in life, and many diseases have “emerged” at this stage. However, many middle-aged people think that “minor illness and pain” is not surprising, and they do not take it seriously. During the golden period, more attention should be paid to physical condition. Regular screening is the key. The early detection of diseases can lead to a longer life. #Number Weekly# #Everyone can popularize science, and there is new knowledge everywhere#


[1] “Cancer incidence and mortality in China” , 2016″. Journal of the National Cancer Center. 2022.02.27

[2] “4 types of cancer are easily misdiagnosed as minor diseases! If you have these symptoms, see a doctor as soon as possible”. Life Times. 2018-06-14

[3] “[Popular Science] Bloody nasal discharge, is the “horse foot” exposed by nasopharyngeal cancer? “. Fudan University Affiliated Cancer Hospital. 2017-06-15

[4] “[Expert] Often tired and need to investigate liver cancer”. Cancer Hospital of Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences. 2017-03-22

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