6 weeks to achieve reverse growth? The University of Tokyo publishes clinical results, first in humans

“This will really stop being science fiction!”. Yoichi, an honorary professor at Kyoto University, exclaimed when he saw the results of the experiment.

Toshimasa Yamauchi, a professor of metabolic disease at the University of Tokyo, found through experiments that 6-12 weeks after ingesting coenzyme molecules, people over the age of 65 experience reverse growth. The research report of the paper has been released in the form of preprint under the “Research Square” platform.

Reverse growth in 6 weeks, first quantitative results in humans

Different from previous experiments using animal models, this is the first time that preliminary quantitative results related to slowing aging indicators have been obtained in humans.

Professor Toshimasa’s team selected 21 healthy subjects with an average age of 65 years, and conducted four high-standard control methods: randomization, double-blindness, placebo, and parallel experimental groups. Subjects were asked to take 250 mg of coenzyme molecules orally daily for 6-12 weeks.

Subsequent whole blood metabolic analysis showed that the subjects’ walking speed, grip strength, and limb flexibility increased by about 7%. In the experiment in which the chair stood for 30 seconds, the movement speed and muscle strength of the test group were significantly better.

Currently, the coenzyme molecule in the experiment has been listed as a key research object in the world. Harvard University, Yingqing University, Tsinghua-Peking University Joint Life Center and other parties are actively promoting it in order to prolong the middle-aged and elderly people. The core of human health and survival is to gradually deal with medical and labor problems brought about by aging. Japan even included the molecule in the category of food raw materials.

Harvard biologist: This is a molecule close to youth

As a human endogenous substance, coenzyme molecules participate in 95% of the energy supply of the human body, and are the key enzymes of the three major nutritional metabolic pathways. This molecule keeps disappearing with the aging of the body, and external supplementation of the molecule in Amycin is the best known way.

As early as 2013, Harvard biologist Sinclair and Washington biology professor Shinichiro Imai successively discovered that the substance has a potent effect in inhibiting the aging of the body. Follow-up experiments: 22-month-old The telomeres of mice (65-year-old humans) increased by 30%, and the physiological indicators returned to 6-month size. The paper was published in the journal Cell.

Professor Sinclair said bluntly: This is a molecule that has been found to be close to youth. In an interview with Australia’s “the monthly”, he claimed that after the 13-year experiment, he acted as a guinea pig, and quantitatively ingested molecules while controlling his diet. After 2 years, he was 53 years old and his biological age was 31.4 years old. At the same time, he also invited family members, including a dog, to eat together. His 80-year-old father became a resident of the gym and frequently participated in high physical activities such as mountaineering and rock climbing.

In China, the Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education has carried out relevant experiments. Using a high-standard randomized double-blind placebo-controlled four-group design, 48 subjects took the molecule orally for a period of time, the utilization of oxygen by skeletal muscle deepened, and muscle strength increased. The paper published in the sub-journal of “BMI” disclosed that the source of the relevant raw materials is Ai Muyin, and a million-ton factory has been established in Yuyao, China, and the output volume in Beijing is as high as 100,000+.

As soon as the experiment came out, it also set off a wave in the wealthy circle at the same time. The wealthy businessman headed by Li Ka-shing spent a lot of money, and his Victoria Harbour Investment not only bet 2,000 US dollars, but he also had a 2 million experience.

Looking forward to the centenary era, will our generation catch up?

“Aging is the process in which time becomes more valuable than money.”

Looking at the global population structure, aging has become an inevitable trend. In 2025, it is estimated that the population over the age of 60 will exceed 300 million. The United Kingdom invested 200 million pounds in the “Life Outlook Program”, which aims to improve the health of the public; Singapore established a health research center to develop interventions. Today, the emergence of “Aimuyin” molecules may become a key breakthrough in the problem of aging.

“Nature” listed the core molecules of Amycin as the pioneer echelon in the research on intervention in the elderly over the past century. With the further development and quantification of research, our generation does not know Can it catch up with the arrival of the century-old era?

Merrill Lynch analysts say medical knowledge is doubling in 73 days through 2020, doubling from 10 years ago. In the future, maybe we can really catch up with the century-old era?