6 types of hypoglycemic drugs with antihypertensive effect, one article inventory!

*For medical professionals only

Favourites don’t “get lost”!

Nowadays, the incidence of diabetes is increasing year by year, and the use of hypoglycemic drugs is also increasing. At the same time, everyone is paying more and more attention to blood pressure, blood sugar, and blood lipids. If you can “by the way” reduce blood pressure and lipids while taking hypoglycemic drugs, wouldn’t it be “the best of both worlds and serve multiple purposes with one stone”?

Today, we will sort out one of the “sidelines” of some hypoglycemic drugs—the antihypertensive effect for your reference.

Said the previous words: First, “side business” cannot replace “main business”; second, domestic clinical drug use mainly refers to domestic guidelines/consensus and related drug instructions.



Metformin: Currently the first-line hypoglycemic drug, in terms of antihypertensive effect, metformin has no effect on normal blood pressure, but on abnormal glucose metabolism and 2 Type 2 diabetes (T2DM)pregnancy with elevated blood pressure has antihypertensive effect[1-3]. Works equally well on pure systolic, diastolic, or both.

This antihypertensive effect may be related to its inhibition of asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA) activity, increase of nitric oxide (NO) levels, and restoration of ADMA-NO balance in the body[4] . Other studies suggest that metformin can also reduce blood pressure by improving insulin resistance and reducing vascular smooth muscle pressure [5-6].


Alpha-glucosidase inhibitor

Acarbose: As a commonly used hypoglycemic drug, acarbose also improves blood pressure in T2DM patients. Blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, and mean blood pressure were all lower than those in the placebo-treated group. On the other hand, it also has a certain antihypertensive effect on patients with coronary heart disease with impaired fasting glucose (IGT), but its specific mechanism remains to be further studied[7].



Pioglitazone: T2DM patients are often accompanied by refractory increased blood pressure clinically, mainly due to hyperglycemia and interleukin and other inflammatory factors stimulate blood vessels to cause vasoconstriction and vasoconstriction Wall thickening results in [8].

As an insulin sensitizer, itimproves insulin sensitivity by increasing the sensitivity of fat, muscle and other peripheral tissues to insulin, promoting its uptake and utilization of glucose, reducing plasma insulin levels, and improving insulin resistance, so as to achieve the purpose of lowering blood pressure[9]. Another study suggests that pioglitazone can reduce blood pressure by inhibiting the vasoconstrictor function of angiotensin II and promoting NO synthesis [10,11].


Sodium-glucose co-transporter-2 (SGLT-2) inhibitor

SGLT-2 inhibitors also have the effect of regulating blood pressure. At present, it is believed that the antihypertensive effect of SGLT-2 inhibitors is mainly related to SGLT-2 inhibitors increasing urinary sodium excretion, reducing body weight, thereby reducing cardiac afterload and inhibiting the sympathetic nervous system (SNS).

Because SGLT-2 inhibitors also inhibit the reabsorption of sodium ions in the process of reducing glucose reabsorption, thus reducing the blood volume of patients through natriuresis and diuresis, which can significantly reduce Blood pressure in patients with volume-dependent hypertension.

However, there is no report on the persistent urinary sodium loss caused by SGLT-2 inhibitors, which may be related to the rapid compensation of the body’s urinary sodium.

1. Dapagliflozin: Dapagliflozin monotherapy or combination therapy, the systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure of the patients were significantly lower than those before treatment, with obvious Antihypertensive effect [12-13].

2. Canagliflozin: Except for single drug, concomitant use of antihypertensive drugs did not significantly affect the blood pressure-lowering effect of canagliflozin[14 -15].

3. Empagliflozin: It reduces blood pressure without increasing heart rate, but it has no synergistic antihypertensive effect when used in combination with other antihypertensive drugs. The mechanism of action remains to be further studied [16-18].


Glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonist (GLP-1RA)

GLP-1RA has blood pressure lowering effects, mainly lowering systolic blood pressure [19-22]. Among them, liraglutide may reduce blood pressure by reducing body weight, increasing urinary sodium excretion, reducing free fatty acid (FFA), and improving endothelial function; in addition, it can also treat preeclampsia in hypertensive diseases of pregnancy. In murine models, it can reduce blood pressure, improve renal function and upregulate endothelial nitric oxide synthase (NOS3) expression [23,24].


DPP-4 inhibitors

DPP-4 inhibitors improve blood pressure in hypertensive patients by suppressing inflammatory responses and reducing oxidative stressTube endothelial function. In addition, it can also regulate blood pressure by activating the sympathetic nervous system, interfering with the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS), regulating Na/H2O metabolism, and reducing insulin resistance (IR) [25].

Sitagliptin: It can more effectively reduce blood pressure in patients with diabetes and hypertension, improve vascular endothelial function and oxidative stress response, and improve the freedom from cardiovascular events patient survival [25,27].

Table 1: Effects of commonly used hypoglycemic drugs on blood pressure


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This article was first published: Medical Endocrinology Channel

The author of this article: Yu Yijiang, Department of Endocrinology, Huaian Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Editor in charge: Yuan Xueqing, Zhang Li

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