6 types of food do not eat blindly! One-third of cancers are related to food

Data shows that 10,000 people are diagnosed with cancer every day in my country, an average of 7 people get cancer every minute, and 2.8 people die from cancer. number one cause of death.

Fortunately, there is a wealth of literature showing that despite high morbidity and mortality from cancer, at least one-third of adult cancer cases are caused by poor diet. It is preventable and controllable.

In particular, the following types of common but not easily recognized foods are associated with a high incidence of cancer.

No.1 fried, fried, grilled food

Studies show that frequent People who eat fried, roasted and fried foods have a much higher incidence of colorectal cancer, stomach cancer, liver cancer and other digestive tract tumors than those who do not eat such foods.

The reasons are as follows:

(1) Reduced protein utilization

After the food is fried, roasted and fried, the vitamins and amino acids are destroyed, and the protein is denatured, which seriously affects the intake of these nutrients.

(2) Hidden carcinogens

Carbohydrates in food (starch, sugar) or fat, and protein (amino acids or amines produced by the degradation of amino acids), in the process of frying, roasting, and frying, the Maillard reaction that makes food aroma and deep color occurs, the by-product of this reaction propylene Amides, benzopyrenes, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and heterocyclic amines have strong carcinogenic and gene mutagenic effects. This is the source of what is often said to be “fried, roasted, and fried to cause cancer”.

(3) Easily infected with parasites

Barbecued food is tender on the outside and tender on the inside. The meat is not fully cooked, and if the meat is unqualified, the eater may be infected with parasites, burying hidden dangers.

(4) Stimulate gastrointestinal damage mucosa

After grilling, add cumin, pepper , pepper and other condiments are very spicy and stimulating, which will greatly stimulate the peristalsis of the gastrointestinal tract and the secretion of digestive juice, damage the mucosa of the digestive tract, and affect the balance of the body.

(5) Beer + barbecue to accelerate the absorption of carcinogens

Drinking while eating barbecue , Alcohol will speed up the blood flow, dilate the blood vessels of the digestive tract, and dissolve the mucus protein on the surface of the mucosa of the digestive tract, so that carcinogens are easily absorbed by the human body.

No.2 nitrosamine foods

Nitrosamines are recognized as strong carcinogens, which can be caused by nitrosamines Salts and various amines are synthesized in the human body, which can trigger cancers such as liver cancer, gastric cancer, esophageal cancer, and intestinal cancer.

Common foods containing nitrosamines mainly include the following:

(1) Pickled vegetables

Vegetables are high in nitrates. It may be reduced to nitrite during pickling, which is a health hazard.

(2) Cured meats

Cured meats may also have more of nitrites and amines. Under certain conditions, the two can synthesize nitrosamines. High temperature is more likely to produce more nitrosamines and heterocyclic amines, another carcinogen.

(3) Dried seafood

High nitrosamines and cholesterol.

(4) Leftovers

Nitrite increases over time , It is easier to convert nitrates into nitrites by heating or repeated heating. Since these two types of salts are easily soluble in water, marinades (old soups) and hot pot soups contain more nitrites.

In addition, braised products cooked in marinade also contain high nitrite, including marinated eggs, roujiamo, etc. Repeated heating can cause mineral and tap water to develop nitrites, but pure water does not.

No.3 High temperature, spicy and stimulating food

Chinese people like to eat “hot” food, “eat it while it’s hot” “Drink while it’s hot” seems to be the habit of most people, but the highest temperature that the esophageal mucosa can withstand is 65 degrees, while the highest temperature that the gastric mucosa can withstand is 45 degrees.

Once this temperature is exceeded, it will cause burns to the mucous membrane of the digestive tractIn the long run, repeated stimulation will cause degeneration of esophageal mucosa epithelial cells or cause damage, ulceration, etc., and induce cancer.

The World Health Organization has identified food above 65 degrees as 1A carcinogens, and spicy and salty and other irritating foods will also increase irritation and damage the gastrointestinal mucosa. cause cells to become cancerous.

No.4 Three-High Food

Three-high food is an important factor in obesity, which has been extensively studied It has been proved to be related to the occurrence of various cancers, and will not be repeated here. Another study shows that long-term eating of high-fat, high-protein, low-fiber foods is one of the reasons for the induction of colon cancer.

A study in the journal Nature shows that a high-fat diet alters the microbiome in the gut, which can stimulate the growth of intestinal tumors. In addition, eating too much sugar will lead to a large amount of insulin secretion, which will damage the function of pancreatic islets, thereby increasing the risk of diabetes. Epidemiological data show that diabetes is closely related to pancreatic cancer.

Generally speaking, if you eat more than 50 grams of sweets a day, you may have potential hidden dangers of pancreatic cancer.

No.5 phytoestrogen foods

Multiple epidemiological studies have shown that in In Asia, the incidence of breast cancer, endometrial cancer, ovarian cancer, thyroid cancer, prostate cancer and colon cancer is significantly lower than that in Western countries, which may be related to the content of soy and phytoestrogens in the diet.

The use of phytoestrogens may be detrimental in postmenopausal and prepubertal populations in high-risk populations or patients with hormone-dependent tumors, and their biological activity may depend on phytoestrogens The type of hormone, dose, time of use, and the state of endogenous estrogen are related.

No.6 Processed meat

Processed meat refers to commercially available salted, pickled meat , smoking, fermentation and other methods to improve the flavor and prolong the shelf life of meat products.

Includes not only processed red meat products, but also poultry, offal or other meat by-products such as bacon, ham (sausage), hot dogs, enemas, bacon, bacon, smoked Meat, corned beef, jerky, canned meat, meat sauce, salted fish, dried shrimp, dried shrimp, and pink meat displayed in restaurants and roadside barbecues are closely related to colorectal cancer, gastric cancer, and pancreatic cancer.

Meat contains many components such as heme iron, nitrosamines (N-nitroso compounds), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, heterocyclic amines, etc., which may occur naturally Known or suspected carcinogens in meat, or from processing or cooking, but exactly what makes processed and red meat at risk is not fully understood.

Of several environmental factors, diet may have the greatest impact on cancer. I hope everyone can pay attention to their own eating health in life.

Disclaimer: The copyright of this article is owned by the official account of Helian Health. Please do not reproduce without authorization.

Author: Fu Yin


1.2017 “Status and Trend of Cancer in China” .

2. Research progress of anti-tumor mechanism of phytoestrogens by Wei Huabo, Ma Hairong et al.< /span>