6 kinds of breakfast are not recommended to be served on the table often. For health, please be merciful

Introduction: Spring is the plan of the year, and morning is the plan of the day. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Therefore, I haven’t developed the good habit of eating breakfast in the morning. If I don’t eat breakfast for a long time, the damage to the body is very large. You can’t eat breakfast casually. Eat less.

What are the dangers of skipping breakfast?

1, hypoglycemia

Skipping breakfast is prone to hypoglycemia.When the brain cannot supply energy in time, there will be sweating, tremors, palpitations, dizziness, and fatigue , lack of concentration and other symptoms, this is the performance of low blood sugar, prolonged low blood sugar is easy to cause damage to brain cells, which is not conducive to physical health.

2, anemia

After a night of rest and adjustment, the blood sugar level in the body is generally low.With the long-term absence of breakfast, Failure to replenish sugar to the body in time will cause symptoms such as dizziness and cold sweats.These are all signs of anemia, and even severe shock may occur.

3. Apathetic, unresponsive

Breakfast is the erection of a day’s physical activity. If you don’t eat breakfast for a long time, you cannot provide the body with the necessary blood sugar, and the brain is slack.It will cause symptoms such as lethargy and fatigue, not only reduce the efficiency of work and study, but also lack the vitality of the brain.

4. Malnutrition, weakened immunity

Most of the nutrients needed by the human body are supplied through three meals a day. It is difficult to skip breakfast from lunch and dinner for a long time. Abstaining from breakfast for a long time will not only cause serious nutritional deficiencies in the human body, but also weaken the immunity and cause constipation.

6 kinds of breakfast not recommended, eggs or already on the list? For the sake of health, please show mercy

1, instant noodles span>

Instant noodles are a common instant food in life, and different instant noodles tastes emerge in an endless stream, whether it is braised beef noodles, pickled cabbage noodles, tomato noodles , or seafood noodles, are very delicious and very popular.

Although instant noodles are delicious, they go through the process of frying during the production process. It will increase the oil content of the instant noodles itself.The nutritional value of instant noodles is too simple. If you often eat instant noodles as breakfast, it will not only affect your health, but also affect the nutrition of internal organs. Absorption of substances, over time may even cause symptoms of malnutrition, causing damage to gastrointestinal health.

2. Pickled pickles

People often take pickles On the dining table, small celery is mainly made of pickled vegetables.A lot of salt needs to be added during the pickling process. Although it is delicious, it is not good for health.

Pickled pickles need to be marinated in lots of salt,< strong>Not only high salt content, but also easy to produce nitrite, easy to cause adverse effects on gastrointestinal function, also The gastric mucosa causes damage, which induces the onset of gastrointestinal diseases.

3, overnight meals

Many people in life are based on the principle of diligence and thrift. If the meals from the previous night are not finished, they will be stored in the refrigerator. Wait until the second day to reheat before eating. Although there is nothing wrong with eating the overnight meal, bacteria and harmful substances have been produced during the storage process.

From a health perspective, it must be timely for those leftovers that cannot be eaten Dispose of, do not damage the body for the sake of saving.

4, youtiao< /span>

Youtiao is a special delicacy in my country. People often eat fritters with soy milk for breakfast. The two together are especially delicious.

Although fritters are crispy and refreshing, this type of food is, after all, high temperature Fried foods, Alum or other harmful substances are added during the production process , will cause serious damage to human health. abnormal blood lipids.

5. “Bloody Egg”

Eggs are a common dinner table food that is rich inprotein and micronutrients strong>, can not only enhance satiety, but also supplement the nutrients needed for life activities, eating more eggs can Effectively avoid the problem of malnutrition.

Many young people prefer candy eggs, because of sugar The heart egg has a runny yolk, which is delicious, but it is an undercooked egg that contains bacteria and parasites, which is not healthy from a health standpoint. It is recommended that everyone eat candied eggs regularly.Uncooked eggs contain Salmonella bacteria, which can cause adverse effects on health.

6, bread cookies and other snacks< /strong>

Many young people in life like to simply eat bread or biscuits to satisfy their hunger after waking up,< strong>Although these foods can enhance satiety, they do not conform to the dietary principles of breakfast. The nutrients in these foods are particularly low, and some preservatives and additives are also added during the production process , frequent eating is not only prone to symptoms of malnutrition, but also has adverse effects on gastrointestinal function.

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