5758 new cases of asymptomatic infections were added in one day. Are they still infectious? Zhang Boli answers questions

5758 new cases of asymptomatic infections were added in one day. Are they still infectious? Academician Zhang Boli answers questions. According to the official website of the National Health Commission on March 29, from 0 to 24:00 on March 28, 31 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps reported 1,293 new confirmed cases. Among them, there are 65 imported cases, including 24 cases from asymptomatic infections to confirmed cases; 1,228 local cases, including 48 cases from asymptomatic infections to confirmed cases. No new deaths were reported. No new suspected cases were reported.

The report said that 31 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps reported There were 5,758 new asymptomatic infections, including 100 imported from abroad and 5,658 from China; 72 confirmed cases on the same day (24 imported from abroad); 910 cases of medical observation were released on the same day (125 imported from abroad); still under medical observation There were 43,425 asymptomatic infections (1,309 imported from abroad).

What is worth paying attention to is whether asymptomatic infection is still contagious and how Regarding the issue of prevention, Zhang Boli, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, said in an interview with the media on March 28, “In the early stage of this round of the epidemic, after some asymptomatic infections were diagnosed, there have been cases where all the close contacts around them showed positive nucleic acid.” Zhang Boli When analyzing the epidemic situation in Jilin, it is said that asymptomatic infections are easy to cause the hidden spread of the virus, and many people have been infected when they are discovered.

Zhang Boli pointed out that although asymptomatic infected people have no clinical symptoms, they can detect the nucleic acid with virus in their body through nucleic acid detection, which has A certain viral load is equally contagious. Zhang Boli said that it is necessary to carry out rapid and strict traceability of the flow adjustment. The key is to be quick, early detection and early isolation.

“The epidemic caused by this round of Omikron has been spreading for a while, In addition, there are multiple routes of infection, so the work of epidemiology is difficult and complicated, and it needs to be more rigorous and careful. Not only should we pay attention to the close contact, sub-close contact, and general contacts of the cases, but also consider whether there is a transmission chain in the early stage of the case, and try to find asymptomatic infections. “Zhang Boli said that only by finding all asymptomatic infected persons in the shortest time and completely blocking community transmission can we achieve social zero as soon as possible.