50% of adults in the world are afflicted by this disease, even “Batman” can’t stand it!

chu chu… chu chu… chu chu… When the blood vessels in your head twitch violently, and a strange flash of light suddenly appears in front of you, you have no time to react, but you already know something is wrong: “It’s time for a headache in the next second. “.

I don’t know where I offended it. I usually go to the hospital for check-ups and find nothing wrong, but migraines always come to find fault when they disagree. It reminds you constantly like a mantra: Is life painful now? Let me tell you something more painful…

It’s a horrible feeling.

When walking, my head hurts; I bend over to pick up something, and when I stand up, my eyes may go black with pain; Drink it up.

Slightly comforting, you’re not alone in the pain. According to the official statistics of the World Health Organization, the prevalence rate of adults who have experienced headache at least once in the world is about 50%. Of these individuals, 30% or more report migraine headaches [1].

Image source: Zhanku Hailuo

Headache, also known as angioneurotic headache, is the most common disease of the nervous system. It is more common in women than in men. Women often have menstrual attacks and gradually heal themselves after menopause. Neither ordinary people nor big stars are immune. “Batman” Ben Affleck is said to have been hospitalized for severe migraine headaches due to chronic sleep deprivation.

Having a migraine is bad enough, but you have no good way to get it, but to relieve it with painkillers.

If someone “kindly” wants to relieve you with the following methods during a migraine attack, be sure to refuse TA.

Misunderstanding 1:

When you have a migraine, even a touch like a light head massage can make the headache worse. Just let the patient rest, and don’t touch it anywhere!

Myth 2:

When a migraine occurs, symptoms such as photophobia, phonophobia, sweating, etc. may be accompanied. People next to them feel pain when they speak, and the sound of music, TV, and light may It can aggravate the patient’s headache and, in severe cases, vomiting. At this time, the patient is best not to do anything, just stay in the small dark room quietly.

Myth 3:

There is currently no cure for migraine, but some drugs can be used to relieve the symptoms and reduce thePain relief, or prevent headaches from recurring. Be sure to take medication as prescribed, and do not abuse painkillers. However, those folk remedies should not be tried casually. In short, don’t take medicine when you are not sick, and don’t take medicine indiscriminately when you are sick!

It is important to note that migraine can be easily confused with other conditions:

Diseases such as brain tumors, encephalitis, colds, trigeminal neuralgia, glaucoma, and refractive errors can all cause headaches.

Therefore, when a headache occurs, the doctor will ask the doctor carefully, and do auxiliary examinations such as head CT and MRI to rule out intracranial organic diseases.

The exact cause of migraine is unknown, and there is currently no good cure.

Hereditary factors, poor eating habits, endocrine factors, mental stress and other psychological factors may cause migraine, most of which may be a combination of multiple factors.

If you have a migraine attack, don’t force it. It is recommended to take a good rest and take some pain medication to relieve it. But be sure to follow the doctor’s advice, don’t buy painkillers indiscriminately, and don’t increase the amount of drugs without authorization.

If migraine attacks are frequent and seriously affect life and work, it is best to seek medical attention immediately. You can discuss with your doctor before choosing a drug. The doctor will determine the treatment plan based on the severity of the headache, accompanying symptoms, and previous medication.

Image source: Zhanku Hailuo

At the same time, it is important to find and avoid your own headache triggers. Keeping a headache diary is a good way to keep a headache diary with you when you see a doctor to help the doctor make a diagnosis. You can record it like this:

1. The time of each headache attack;

2. The degree of pain of each headache is graded according to a, b, c; (a=slight; b=severe but not affecting life function; c=severe to affect life function, unable to perform daily tasks at least part of the day)

3. Diet before the headache;

4. Movement and weather changes before the headache;

5. Whether you were mentally tense or stressed before the headache occurred.

Many people experience irritability during a migraine attack. The more anxious you are, the worse the headache will be. At this time, let yourself relax and regulate your emotions is the best medicine.

Finally, say a few words that my mother has nagged countless times: quit smoking and drinking, regular work and rest, light diet, moderate exercise.

Furthermore, avoid foods such as MSG, cheese, chocolate, pickled products (such as pickles), as well as coffee, wine, and strong tea.

Reviewer: Huang Shichang|Deputy Chief Physician, Department of Neurology, Peking University First Hospital


[1]WHO official website https:https://www.who.int/zh/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/headache-disorders

*The content of this article is for the popularization of health knowledge. It cannot be used as a specific diagnosis and treatment recommendation, nor can it replace the face-to-face consultation of a licensed physician. It is for reference only.

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