5 stages of liver disease development, beware of becoming liver cancer!

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Doctor of Hepatology >:87011111

The liver is known as the most “silent” organ, because the liver itself does not have pain nerves. Once the pain symptoms appear, it often develops to the advanced stage of liver cancer, which brings huge pain and economic burden to patients and their families.

As the so-called “Rome was not built in a day”, from normal liver to liver cancer, there is also a process of gradual onset and deterioration. For liver disease, “early detection and early treatment” is always the most critical prerequisite for clinical treatment of liver disease. Only by discovering liver abnormalities in time and having an accurate and clear understanding of the symptoms and causes of liver lesions at each stage can we achieve timely detection and targeted treatment, maximize the health level and prognosis of patients with liver disease, and prevent them from suddenly turning into liver cancer. Brings a physical and psychological double blow to patients and families.

How does liver disease develop?

chronichepatitis B viruscarriers

This stage is characterized by the patient’s liver function Everything is normal and the body has no obvious adverse symptoms, but the hepatitis B virus test will show the result of big three positives or small three positives. The transmission of hepatitis B virus generally includes cross-infection of tableware within the family, sexual transmission, and mother-to-child transmission. Such patients should carry out drug treatment and anti-inflammatory and antiviral immune regulation according to the test results, and at the same time maintain a positive and optimistic attitude to avoid emotional fluctuations caused by the disease. Active and effective treatment often does not affect the normal study and life of patients;


Patients with liver disease who have developed to this stage often have symptoms of discomfort, and the liver function test results are mildly abnormal, and the hepatitis B virus index test is obviously positive. At this stage, patients must strictly follow the doctor’s orders for regular review and regular and quantitative use of drugs, and they need to maintain a calm state of mind in daily life, avoid emotional agitation, prohibit smoking and alcohol in diet, stay away from moldy food, and eat as little greasy and indigestible food as possible;< /p>


Once developed to this stage, the patient’s liver function has suffered irreversible damage. The specific symptoms are: fatigue, nausea and vomiting, abdominal distension, anorexia. If the patient’s liver function damage is severe, jaundice, yellowing of skin and mucous membranes, and yellow urine will also occur. With the gradual deterioration of the condition, gastrointestinal bleeding and hepatic encephalopathy will appear one after another. At this time, the pathological examination will show debris-like necrosis, which usually develops into liver cirrhosis. At this time, choosing the right treatment method is particularly important. Hebei Red Cross Foundation Hospital is good at integrating traditional Chinese and Western medicine, learning from each other’s strengths and complementing one’s shortcomings, and the original “integration of traditional Chinese and Western medicine three-differential diagnosis and treatment method” has long been well received by the majority of liver disease patients;

chronic Severehepatitis

As the most critical stage of hepatitis, its fatality rate is high. Patients may experience progressive deepening of urine color, progressive yellowing of skin and sclera, fatigue, loss of appetite, and frequent syncope. At this time, the patient’s liver has undergone extensive necrosis. If left unchecked, it will lead to liver and kidney failure, directly threatening the patient’s life;

Liver cirrhosis and liver cancer

When liver disease patients suffer from Without effective treatment or repeated episodes of the disease, it may eventually progress to liver cirrhosis or liver cancer. However, most patients belong to static cirrhosis, that is, the liver function of the patients is stable and normal and there is no obvious external adverse symptoms. The prognosis of the patients is good, and the physical and mental state is good. A small number of patients become active cirrhosis due to various reasons. At this time, the patient’s physical condition is very poor, and the corresponding complications may occur at the same time, and the results of various liver function tests are abnormal. At this time, timely treatment is required. A very small number of patients will unfortunately deteriorate into liver cancer. At this time, the patient’s liver has been eroded by cancer cells. Serious complications such as gastrointestinal bleeding and hepatic ascites may occur, and the patient’s life will be directly threatened. This stage should be Conservative treatment measures should be taken as far as possible to relieve the pain of patients and improve their quality of life as much as possible.


Liver disease is not Small problems, the majority of netizens should pay enough attention to them. At the same time, as long as early detection, active treatment , Keep a positive attitude, liver disease can also be effectively controlled. The Hebei Red Cross Foundation Hospital wishes everyone to stay healthy and free from liver disease.

Hebei Red Cross Foundation Hospital

Hebei Red Cross Foundation Shijiazhuang Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine,Business Units, City Key Liver Disease Specialized Hospital, and designated medical institutions for municipal medical insurance and inter-provincial hospital direct settlement. It is a caring unit that focuses on providing health consultation and diagnosis and treatment services for patients with various types of hepatobiliary diseases. It is a liver disease diagnosis and treatment institution that has carried out experiential diagnosis and treatment services. Our hospital advocates mutual learning and complementation between Chinese and Western medicine, and is the first to put forward the concept of “disease differentiation, syndrome differentiation, and quantity differentiation ” Three Differentiations and Treatment Principles, and on the basis of the integration of traditional Chinese and Western medicine, a unique “Traditional Chinese Medicine Three Differentiation and Treatment of Liver Methods” has been developed for a long time. Since then, remarkable achievements have been made in the clinical treatment of various liver diseases.

The hospital has a highly educated, senior and experienced professional clinical and nursing team, with a group of excellent It is a modern medical institution integrating research, teaching, clinical, prevention, and rehabilitationwith the advantages of multi-specialty diagnosis and treatment. span> Since the establishment of the hospital, the hospital has been cared for and guided by leaders at all levels at the national, provincial and municipal levels. It has developed rapidly and won many awards: won in 2017< span>Chinese Red Cross Society Fraternity Medal; Hebei Red Cross Foundation “2013 Advanced Unit for Relief of Poor and Severe Liver Disease Patients”; China Love Public Welfare Network. Director Unit of Love Alliance; Shijiazhuang Federation of Trade Unions ” Worker Pioneer” unit; Hebei Science and Technology Commission “Hebei High-tech Enterprise”; National Bio-Industry Base Gene Chip Public Test Center; Shijiazhuang Medical College Teaching Hospital; Shijiazhuang Municipal Key Hepatology Specialty; URL: http://www.qhyy.org/xgxd/


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