5 people were put on file, 2 people were detained! Village clinics and clinics must be vigilant about this

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Source| Cyberland-Basic Physician Commune


5 ​​village doctors were placed on file, 2 village doctors were arrested Criminal detention

April 24, River The Public Security Bureau of Nanhe District, Xingtai City, Northern Province issued a notice: 5 ​​village doctors were convicted by the local police as a crime for receiving patients with new crowns in violation of regulations, and have now filed a case for investigation. The specific process is as follows:

It also happened in Hebei Province, where two village doctors in Tangshan City were directly detained. On April 22, the Public Security Bureau of Qian’an City, Tangshan, Hebei Province issued a police report: During the diagnosis and treatment of two village doctors, failed to report according to the relevant requirements of epidemic prevention and control. He was detained by the local public security bureau for the crime of obstructing the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases.

Zhejiang Province Ma Liangguo, deputy director of the Pinghu Municipal Health Supervision Institute, told the grassroots physician commune, according toin accordance with Article 18 of the “Regulations on the Management of Rural Doctors”, “Chinese People’s According to Article 17 of the Law of the Republic of China on Physicians, if rural doctors and practicing doctors are subject to criminal punishment, the registration of rural doctors and doctors’ practice certificates will be cancelled.

In addition, in accordance with Article 14 of the Regulations on the Administration of the Practice of Rural Doctors, and Article 16 of the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Physicians Article 12 If the execution of the punishment is less than two years, the registration shall not be granted.

This means that once a rural doctor or a practicing doctor is criminally punished, within two years after the execution of the sentence, the No longer qualified to practice as a doctor.


A large number of village clinics and clinics were punished and closed due to poor epidemic prevention

< span>Coincidentally, in Zaozhuang City, Shandong Province, due to the severe situation of the epidemic, law enforcement agencies conducted a comprehensive investigation of the city. A large number of village clinics and clinics were punished and even closed down for rectification due to poor epidemic prevention.

According to statistics, from March 24 to April 19, a total of 24 units in the city were ordered to suspend business for rectification.

(click the image below to enlarge)

The suspension of clinics can be as short as 3 days or as long as 10 days. Although the suspension of business is not long for rectification, the epidemic has already had an impact on the village doctors. After the closure, the revenue of the clinic is more difficult.

Ma Liangguo believes that medical and health institutions should give serious attention to the patient’s condition.See. Because those who do not take prevention and control measures and do not implement relevant policies on epidemic prevention in place, especially those with serious circumstances, will have their “Medical Institution Practicing License” revoked. In addition, there is always the risk of being notified of criticism, warnings, fines, and business closures.


Be vigilant at the grassroots level, these things are the most prone to mistakes

Ma Liangguo reminded, refusing to implement hygiene In accordance with the prevention and control measures put forward by the Law on the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases, the epidemic prevention agencies think that they can escape law enforcement by luck. Epidemic situations come and go, and loopholes always exist. Once the spread of the new coronavirus is caused or there is a serious danger of spreading, it will also be convicted and punished for the crime of obstructing the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases in accordance with the provisions of Article 330 of the Criminal Law.

Judging from the national inspection, there is no grassroots fever clinic (consulting room) Medical institutions that violate the responsibility system for the first diagnosis and admit patients with the top ten new crown-related symptoms such as fever without authorization have the most serious consequences, or will be closed for rectification, or their practice licenses will be revoked. If it causes the spread of the virus, it may also constitute the crime of obstructing the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases.

Many times, it is not refusal to implement epidemic prevention, but it is just careless and not implemented properly. These most error-prone places are specially sorted out by the Primary Physician Commune:

Error-prone point 1: basic pre-examination and triage 3 requirements

1. Location requirements

At the conspicuous position of the gate of the institution and the outpatient and emergency department, it is clearly marked, well ventilated, and has the conditions of disinfection and isolation. Inlet and outlet are separated, double channel, separated by isolation barrier (belt) etc.

2. Material Requirements

Fever patients must be equipped with:①masks, ②body temperature detectors (non-contact), ③disinfectants, ④mercury thermometers, ⑤hand hygiene facilities, ⑥medical waste buckets, ⑦Registration form of basic information of suspicious patients.

3. Protection Requirements

Medical staff wear work clothes and surgical masks, and perform hand hygiene immediately before and after each contact with patients. Work caps, medical surgical gloves, and isolation gowns can be selected according to the actual working conditions.

Video source: People’s Good Doctor

Error-prone point 2: 5 operating requirements for general outpatient clinics strong>

1. Guide the patient to keep the 1-meter line and not gather in line.

2. Instruct patients to wear masks properly.

3. Use a non-contact thermometer to measure body temperature. If the patient’s body temperature is >37.3°C, it can be re-measured twice.

4. Check the patient’s health code and scan the location code (for special patients such as the elderly who do not know how to use or do not have a smartphone, a “” No health code channel”, medical staff help them to do health declaration or health verification, and do manual registration).

5. Ask the patient whether he has fever, dry cough, fatigue, loss of taste and smell, nasal congestion, runny nose, sore throat, conjunctivitis, myalgia Clinical symptoms related to COVID-19 such as diarrhea.

Error-prone point 3: 7 operating requirements for fever clinic (sentinel)

1. Medical staff check the patient’s health code and scan the site code (for special patients such as the elderly who cannot use or do not have a smartphone, help them do health declaration or health verification).

2. The medical staff uses a mercury thermometer to re-measure the body temperature and record the highest body temperature measured twice.

3. The medical staff asks and registers the patient’s name, gender, ID number, mobile phone number, residential address, emergency contact person and contact information and other basic information.

4. Nucleic acid sampling should be carried out by medical staff in a standardized manner.

5. According to the “Pre-examination and triage operation table for primary medical and health institutions”, medical staff should ask in detail about the epidemiological history, contact history, whether For employees in high-risk positions, etc., the patient signs and confirms, and keeps it on file.

6. Doctors ask patients about clinical manifestations, including fever and respiratory symptoms, onset time, and differential diagnosis symptoms.

7. Before the nucleic acid test result is issued, the patient must be observed in the fever clinic/sentinel, and it is strictly forbidden to go out or walk in the institution.

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