5 kinds of commonly used medicines that should not be taken for a long time, will destroy the body’s immunity, many people do not know

With the development of society and the intensification of aging problems, many elderly people may experience various problems due to the deterioration of physical functions. Such as three high, chronic pain and other diseases. After the emergence of these chronic diseases, people need long-term medication to control, and even some diseases require life-long medication. However, many elderly people are reluctant to spend time in hospital for treatment, thinking that it is enough to buy some medicines at the pharmacy to control their condition.

But in fact, this is a very wrong behavior, because some drugs cannot be used for a long time. Abuse, if it is taken for a long time without the advice of a doctor, it is likely to damage the body’s immune system and cause certain damage to our body.

These 5 commonly used drugs in life may damage the body’s immunity, so be careful to use them

1. Antibiotics

Antibiotics mostly work by inhibiting the growth of bacteria. Therefore, when there are no pathogenic bacteria in the body, antibiotics still perform their own therapeutic principle of inhibiting the growth of bacteria, and there are countless bacteria in the human body, which are an important part of the internal environment of the human body.

If antibiotics carry out “antibacterial treatment” regardless of friends and enemies, it will undoubtedly be disastrous for normal people. This is because once the balance of the body’s internal environment is disrupted, it increases the risk of external pathogens. At the same time, it is also possible that some beneficial bacteria are inhibited, resulting in changes in the functions of certain organs, thereby impairing their own human body functions and greatly reducing our immunity.

2. Compound Licorice Tablets

Long-term use of Compound Licorice Tablets It may also reduce the body’s immunity, since the main ingredient of this medicine is glycyrrhizic acid, which is used to relieve cough. However, if taken for a long time, the drug will be converted into glycyrrhetic acid by intestinal bacteria after entering the body, and glycyrrhetic acid will inhibit 11-beta. The activity of HSD2 increases cortisol levels in the body. Hypokalemia can easily occur when cortisol exceeds 100 times aldosterone levels. Potassium can maintain cell metabolism and regulate the body’s acid-base balance. Once the body lacks potassium for a long time, the pH value of the body will be unbalanced, and then symptoms such as bloating and vomiting will occur, resulting in the occurrence of problems such as decreased immunity.

3. Glucocorticoids

Glucocorticoids Such drugs have a wide range of pharmacological effects, but the side effects are also very prominent. It’s a real “double-edged sword”. In fact, glucocorticoids cannot be taken long-term. Strictly speaking, they cannot be taken in large doses for long periods of time. Some rheumatic immune diseases require long-term glucocorticoids, but maintenance doses are required. Because glucocorticoids have strong anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effects, some patients will use them improperly for a long time, which will eventually lead to side effects such as Cushing’s syndrome, gastrointestinal bleeding, and severe osteoporosis.

4. Short-acting antihypertensive drugs

Here, We also need to mention short-term antihypertensive drugs, which are essential for hypertensive patients. Short-term antihypertensive drugs can quickly exert their effects and efficacy, but they can only be used as emergency drugs, not long-term use. Some middle-aged and elderly hypertensive patients always take short-term antihypertensive drugs, but these drugs can only be used in critical situations with elevated blood pressure, cannot be taken continuously, and will cause a great burden to the body.

Patients with high blood pressure should pay attention to the adjustment of daily life and rest, and continue to take some mild antihypertensive drugs according to the doctor’s advice. The ingredients of short-acting antihypertensive drugs are violent and, if used regularly, can also cause irreversible damage to the body. While rapid blood pressure can ensure life safety and health, we cannot rely on it.

5. Analgesics

Most people choose Painkillers are meant to relieve pain. Ibuprofen is a well-known pain reliever. When many people feel lower back pain, toothache, stomach pain and headache, the first thing that comes to mind is painkillers. Painkillers do provide short-term pain relief, but they also come with many negative effects.

Long-term use may damage human immune cells, resulting in decreased immunity. This medicine can indeed have a good effect at critical moments, but we must pay attention to the method of use, follow the doctor’s advice, and do not abuse it, otherwise it will have an irreversible effect on the body. After all, painkillers are effective for a short period of time, and it is impossible to find the source of the disease and eradicate it. Therefore, when there is physical pain, it is recommended to go to the hospital for examination in time, and take medicine according to the doctor’s order.

The immune system is the guarantee of our health. The function of the immune system is to identify and remove antigenic foreign bodies and play an immune defense. , immune stabilization, immune surveillance and so on. Dysfunction or deficiency in any aspect of immune tissue and immune cells can lead to immune diseases of various systems.

Long-term drug abuse can not only damage the body’s own immune system, but it can also delay disease and, in severe cases, can be life-threatening. Therefore, it is necessary to strictly follow the doctor’s advice, in addition, it is recommendedRegular check-ups and timely adjustment of drug types or doses can reduce the risk of adverse reactions.