5 Benefits or ‘Unsolicited’ of Taking One Folic Acid a Day for Women After Age 45, Know Ahead

When it comes to folic acid, many people think of women who are trying to conceive and become pregnant. Folic acid has a good effect on preventing fetal malformations. Many women will Eat folic acid, and a lot of folic acid is provided by the hospital for free.

In fact, not only pregnant women can supplement folic acid, but female friends after the age of 40 can also supplement folic acid in moderation. The benefits are very obvious.


What happens if you lack folic acid in your body?

Folic acid is what we usually call vitamin B9, a water-soluble vitamin that is found in green leaves. The content is very high. In the United States, in order to supplement folic acid for Chinese people, folic acid is usually added to the daily consumption of flour to reduce or alleviate some diseases.

Folic acid is a one-carbon unit of carrier in purines, pyrimidines, choline and certain amino acids plays an important role in the synthesis. Therefore, lack of folic acid will cause protein and nucleic acid synthesis obstacles, which has a greater impact on rapidly dividing cells, and can lead to various symptoms such as macrocytic anemia.

If folic acid is deficient in the first trimester, may Congenital neural tube defects in the fetus.

Folic acid is a water-soluble vitamin with limited reserves in the body (about 5-10 mg), so it is easy to be deficient, normal After 3 weeks of folic acid-deficient diet in adults, the serum folate level will be significantly reduced, and if it continues, various blood cell changes will appear one after another, and symptoms of anemia will appear after 4 months.


A daily folic acid pill for women after age 45, 5 benefits or “unsolicited”, know ahead of time

< p data-track="11">—relieves premature ovarian failure

< span>After women reach the age of 45, the function of the uterus and ovaries will gradually decline with the reduction of hormone secretion. If estrogen decreases, it will affect the function of the immune system, reduce the metabolic capacity of various organs and tissues, and prone to symptoms such as back pain and osteoporosis.

If you want to prevent premature ovarian failure and slow down the rate of aging, it is recommended to take folic acid for a period of time, which may be beneficial.

—Slows skin aging< /p>

After female friends enter the age of 45, their physical fitness will gradually decline, and skin aging will gradually accelerate aging. It is an essential thing, but we We must take correct measures to face aging, so as to prevent ourselves from becoming a “yellow-faced woman”.

Appropriately supplement some folic acid substances for middle-aged female friends, which will help nourish facial skin, < strong>Cells bring anti-oxidative ability, delay skin aging speed, promote hair follicles and hair texture remission, and rank in the forefront among peers.

—Preventing Depression

There are many reasons for the onset of depression, and studies have shown that there is a certain relationship between depression and folic acid deficiency in women.

In a multiracial study of 2948 15- to 39-year-olds in the United States, major depressive disorder Patients had significantly lower folate concentrations than people who had never suffered from depression.

In another controlled study of 2791 adults aged 20 and older, People with higher folate concentrations had lower rates of depression, and the association was mainly seen in women, with no clear association in men .

—improving sleep quality

Many people have poor sleep quality after they reach the age of 45. Not only do they have difficulty falling asleep every night, but they are also very easy to wake up in the morning. Many middle-aged people They are all troubled by sleep problems.

In order to solve the sleep problems of middle-aged people, if you take one tablet of folic acid every day after the age of 45, span>The trace substances in folic acid can soothe the nerves and help sleep, which improves the sleep problems of many female friends.

—protecting blood vessels

As people grow older, blood vessels will gradually become more and more fragile. After reaching middle-aged and old age, it is necessary to prevent cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. , is also a very important thing, especially if some lipid substances are deposited in the blood vessels, it is easy to cause thrombosis, which will lead to cerebral infarction.

After the age of 45, if you can supplement your body with folic acid in an appropriate amount, Not only can it accelerate the conversion of cysteine ​​in the body, but it is also very helpful in preventing vascular diseases.


A bottle of folic acid that costs a few hundred dollars is different from a bottle of folic acid that costs a few dollars?

The folic acid that you receive for free is managed as a drug, while the hundreds of dollars of supplements in the pharmacy are Manage according to health care products. Strictly speaking, the management requirements of drugs are stricter than those of health products, and the safety is more guaranteed. The distribution channel of medicine is simpler than that of health care products. After packaging, publicity and circulation, the price of health care products in the hands of consumers has virtually increased many times.

As for the cost difference between the two, it is actually moreThe cost of branding, advertising, vitamins and other complex nutrients, the wise should ignore them.

Besides, the same ingredients are all folic acid, there are free ones you can get, why go to the pharmacy to buy hundreds of dollars what about?