45-year-old woman diagnosed with thyroid cancer, doctor: “1 egg 3 dishes less touch”, or to protect thyroid cancer


The thyroid gland is located in the neck of the human body. Its shape looks like a butterfly, and its main function is to control the secretion of “thyroid hormone”.

In the past, everyone’s cognition of thyroid diseases was stuck in hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, goiter, etc. But in fact, the thyroid is also an organ that may become cancerous. #Xiafang Health Guide#

Thyroid cancer is currently among all types of cancer. The type of cancer with the highest survival and cure rates. The cure rate of early clinical thyroid cancer in my country can reach more than 85%.

Clinical medical data show that thyroid cancer mostly occurs in young and middle-aged people, with an average age of onset between 30 and 50 years old Moreover, thyroid cancer is a kind of “female over male” cancer. The cancer rate of women is significantly higher than that of men, and it can even reach 4 to 5 times as much. Relevant scholars say that it is related to the secretion of estrogen span>

If thyroid cancer is allowed to develop, it can infiltrate into surrounding organs and tissues, including lungs, lymph nodes, bones, etc., so thyroid cancer is also Early detection and early treatment are needed. If the following two abnormalities appear in the neck, it is very likely that thyroid cancer is coming, and the warning signal sent by Jingjing is very likely.

There is cancer in the body, the neck is prophet, if the neck has these characteristics, beware of thyroid cancer!

—sudden thickening of the neck

In the early stage of thyroid cancer, different degrees of goiter can occur, and its location is just in the neck. When the goiter occurs, the patient’s neck will gradually become thicker.

However, since other types of thyroid disease can also cause an enlarged goiter, further diagnosis is required. Don’t jump to conclusions, it is recommended to go to multiple hospitals for examination and compare the results.

—Neck Lump

Clinically, many patients with thyroid disease are diagnosed with thyroid cancer after accidental discovery of a neck mass. This mass is mostly asymmetrical and has irregular edges, which is incompatible with the The surrounding boundary is not clear, and it can move up and down with the patient’s swallowing movement, and will gradually grow with the development of the disease, and the volume will become larger.

Thyroid cancer is a type of thyroid cancer that is malignant Feel free, but also suffer from the great pain caused by the thyroid gland. At this time, you should know the knowledge of thyroid cancer and the treatment measures of thyroid cancer in time.

Thyroid cancer related knowledge, it is recommended to learn as soon as possible

I. Pathology and typing

Thyroid cancer is a malignant tumor originating from the thyroid tissue.

①Papillary carcinoma

②Follicular carcinoma

③Undifferentiated carcinoma

④Medullary pain

II. Clinical examination and diagnosis

On physical examination:

The thyroid gland is poorly motile when swallowing.

Lab and Diagnostic Imaging:< /p>

①Examination of thyroid function: Abnormal changes in serum T3, T4 and TSH are rarely seen in patients with thyroid cancer.

②thyroid imaging examination: 1311, 99mTc thyroid scintigraphy, B-ultrasound, CT, etc., but these methods cannot determine the nature of the tumor.

③Fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAB): high sensitivity and specificity, immunohistochemistry can be used to assist the diagnosis at the same time.< /span>

Case sharing – 45-year-old woman diagnosed with thyroid cancer

Sister Zhang is a 45-year-old thyroid cancer patient. She was approached by cancer at a young age. Suffering from cancer, she sighed every day and felt unhappy. Under the diagnosis of the doctor, she thought Sister Zhang’s thyroid cancer is closely related to her daily routine and diet.

After marriage, Sister Zhang is supported by her husband There is a small supermarket at the gate of the community. Every day, delivery personnel come to deliver goods, including fresh eggs. Ms. Zhang has been a person who loves eggs since she was a child, especially soft eggs. She eats three eggs almost every day. , five.

At the same time, Ms. Zhang was too lazy to cook by herself at noon, so she took it in the supermarket. Since the beginning of the year, kelp silk and garlic are coming soon, Ms. Zhang’s eating habits have not changed for more than ten years.

The doctor reminded Sister Zhang: Bad eating habits, daily routine and rest are closely related to the occurrence of thyroid cancer.

Reminder: “One egg and three dishes should be touched less”, or it may protect Jia Gong< /h1>

“1 egg”:

—Loose Eggs

eggs Nowadays, it is a must-have ingredient for every household, and eggs are also rated as “all-round nutrition” by an American magazine. There are various cooking methods, such as scrambled eggs, steamed eggs, fried eggs, soft-hearted eggs, etc., all of which are very delicious. Among them, soft-hearted eggs are very delicious. Popular with young people.

The soft-boiled egg is different from the hard-boiled egg in that it is not fully cooked, but cooked to half or half-cooked , the egg yolk is not completely solidified, it is in the shape of a liquid heart, and the mouthfeel is as smooth and delicious as cheese. Although the soft-hearted egg is loved by most people and has a good taste, because the soft-hearted egg is not completely cooked, there may be bacteria and microorganisms living in it.

Eating a large amount of soft-hearted eggs for a long time may induce abdominal pain, diarrhea and other gastrointestinal symptoms, so it is recommended that you eat eggs at ordinary times. Choose fully cooked eggs. After high temperature cooking, most viruses and microorganisms have been eliminated. Eating it at this time can reduce the probability of gastrointestinal damage and prevent the occurrence of digestive system diseases.

Undercooked soft eggs may contain salmonella, E. coli, parasites, and bacteria , Often eating will continue to stimulate the thyroid, which in turn induces thyroid cancer. Ms. Zhang is suffering from thyroid cancer, which has a lot to do with eating a lot of sugar-heart eggs for a long time.

“3 dishes”: p>

—Bamboo Shoots

Bamboo shoots have a very high cellulose content, which can promote gastrointestinal motility and help the excretion of garbage toxins. bump.

Bamboo shoots are a kind of hair products in traditional Chinese medicine. Excessive intake can cause goiter to enlarge and worsen , Harmful to health, it is recommended that you keep your mouth shut at ordinary times, or it may help thyroid nodules to dissipate as soon as possible, enhance thyroid function, and prevent the appearance of thyroid cancer.


For patients with thyroid nodules, it is not recommended to eat more seafood like seaweed. Seaweed is a high iodine food. I believe everyone knows that excessive intake of iodine may cause too little, yesThyroid damage is also the most powerful.

Excessive intake of iodine can lead to aggravation of thyroid nodules, affect the body’s normal hormone secretion, and lead to disease Deterioration, so please stay away from foods like seaweed as soon as possible.


Foods like broccoli are high-fiber foods, which can effectively promote the excretion of waste toxins in the body, reduce the burden and pressure of the body’s operation, have a certain weight loss effect, and can also enhance the body’s immune function , to prevent the invasion of external viruses and protect health.

But it is best for people with thyroid disease to avoid touching it because it contains substances that affect endocrine , Excessive intake will lead to endocrine disorders in the body, disrupt normal hormone secretion, lead to impaired thyroid function, induce nodules, and even thyroid lesions.

Extended reading—Eight kinds of people are prone to thyroid cancer

1. People with excessive or insufficient iodine intake.

2. People with a family history of thyroid cancer.

3. People who have received radiation therapy to the chest or neck in childhood.

4. People who are stressed and often stay up late.

5. Excessive intake of hormones.

6, Long-term smokers.

7. Long-term drinkers.

8. People who stay up late for a long time.
