42 new local confirmed cases and 4 asymptomatic infections in Beijing

There is a folk saying, “Eating beans in summer is better than eating meat”, so you can also pay attention to foods with beans, such as eyebrow beans, red beans, mung beans, lentils, edamame, soybeans, etc. Today, I will recommend a healthy soup recipe with soybeans.

recommended diet: Bitter gourd, soybean and scallops lean meat soup

Method: Boil the keel for later use, remove the flesh of the bitter gourd and cut into pieces, wash the soybean scallops and put them together with the above ingredients In a soup pot, add appropriate water, bring to a boil over high heat, turn to low heat, turn off the heat for about 45-60 minutes, and add appropriate salt to taste. Those with spleen and stomach deficiency can add Wuzhi Maotao (invigorating the spleen, invigorating qi and eliminating dampness).

Efficacy: clears heat and neutralizes the middle, clears the heart and nourishes the spleen.

The pharmacist has something to say

After the beginning of summer, many people will be irritable, emotionally fluctuating, and sleep quality will deteriorate. Liu Jiafen, an attending physician in the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Guangdong Maternal and Child Health Hospital, explained that from the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, the five internal organs corresponding to summer are the heart and spleen, so we should pay attention to nourishing the heart and strengthening the spleen. In terms of diet, you can eat more bitter foods, such as bitter gourd, lotus seeds, kale, etc. “Bitterness in summer is better than tonic.”

Text/Yangcheng Evening News reporter Xue Renzheng Zhang Hua

Correspondent Wang Wenyu Lin Huifang