40, 50 Women Look Over: Menopause and Hormone Replacement Therapy

The menstrual cycle is so messy, is it about to menopause?

I am in menopause, what should I do?

My period is gone, I want it to come, is there any way?

I have uterine fibroids, can I supplement hormones?

I have thyroid nodules, can I supplement hormones?

I heard that celebrities have more hormones and more cancers?

Can eating honey supplement hormones?

Is it too troublesome to have menstruation again with hormones?

Menopause is normal at this age.

I gained three or four pounds after taking hormone supplements, and I don’t want to take any more.

After taking hormone supplements for a month, I feel better, but I still have tinnitus and anxiety.

I started to supplement hormones a month ago, hot flashes and sweating are less, my spirit is better, and my husband and wife life is more harmonious.

10 years ago, I had an operation for stomach cancer. After menopause, my symptoms were severe, and my quality of life was much better after supplementing hormones.

worry and doubt about menopause

and hormone replacement therapy


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More knowledge, more health』

10 questions

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1. What is menopause?

menopause, famous, everyone knows (mostly because of the woman at this stage).

In medicine, menopause is a stage of perimenopause and postmenopause. Perimenopause is judged by changes in menstruation. To put it simply, menstrual irregularities more than 3 times in 10 months means that they have entered perimenopause, and menstruation has stopped for more than 1 year, which is menopause.

Is menopause normal? “Seven or seven days of guijie”, the emperor’s internal classics said that menstruation stopped coming at the age of 49. Now the average age of menopause for Chinese women is 49.5 years old, which is no different from the ancient times.

How long does it take from menstrual irregularity to complete menstrual cessation? The average is about 3 years, but there are great differences between people, some may suddenly menopause, and some may take 6 or 7 years. Many women40 Menstrual irregularities begin after age 40.

About 1% of women experience menopause before age 40, known as “premature ovarian insufficiency,” or “premature ovarian insufficiency.” .About 10% of women experience menopause before age 45, which is premenopausal.

2. >

The essence of menopause is ovarian aging. The result of ovarian aging is a decrease in estrogen, progesterone, and finally no more. Click to read: Menopause Story: Estrogen, the messenger of youth, Learn about the effect of estrogen on women.

Estrogen acts on almost all organs in the body. Once it is deficient, the body will have various symptoms. More than 100 menopausal and postmenopausal symptoms have been reported.

Some people summarize these symptoms as:

Irregular menstruation, hot flashes and sweating, palpitation and chest tightness, insomnia and early awakening, recurrent vaginitis and urethritis, stress urinary incontinence. . .

My husband knows:

Vaginal dryness, decreased libido, and difficulty in sex life. . .

Others can see:

Irritability, tantrums, anxiety and depression. . .

occurs quietly and gradually becomes serious:

hypertension, coronary heart disease, osteoporosis, fractures, senile dementia . . .

According to the survey, most women will have more or less menopausal symptoms, about half will have obvious troubles in work and life, and about 10% will be particularly serious. .

Menstrual disorder, hot flashes and sweating, poor sleep, emotional instability. . . You are in menopause!

3. Is it good to boil?

My symptoms are not severe. . .

The symptoms and duration of menopause vary greatly from person to person. , some last for a few years, some for more than 10 years, or even 20 years.

The harm of estrogen deficiency to the body is some violent, such as typical menopausal symptoms; some are gentle, such as cardiovascular, skeletal, vaginal effects on the urethra. . .

Estrogen has a protective effect on cardiovascular. Before the age of 50, the risk of cardiovascular disease in men is 2-3 times that of women. Between 50 and 60 years of age, the prevalence of women increases rapidly, and by the age of 70, it is similar to that of men.

Estrogen participates in bone metabolism, promotes intestinal calcium absorption, and inhibits bone destruction and loss. Bone loss can reach 10% in the first year after menopause, and about 5% per year thereafter. After the age of 60, the risk of fractures in women greatly increases.

During menopause, you care about the symptoms that make you uncomfortable, and as a doctor, I care about your blood vessels, bones, and bones. The genitourinary tract is aging unconsciously.

The menopause is over? No!Menopause is not a disease, but it needs to be prevented

In the critical stage of menopause, if you manage it well, you can get fewer and later chronic diseases and geriatric diseases, and can improve our quality of life in old age.

4. How to deal with menopause?

5. When should I see a doctor?

Simply put, you should see a doctor if you have menstrual problems or menopause symptoms .

menstrual problems

Menopause is always going to be messy, so don’t worry about it, right?

This is half right. Menopause menstruation is bound to change. But leave it alone, it doesn’t work.

The general process of menstrual changes in menopause is: first menstruation is early, then menstrual disorder, and finally menstruation does not come. Of course some people don’t.

During this process, if two adjacent menstrual periods are advanced or delayed for more than 7 days, and occur more than 3 times within 10 months, it is perimenopausal. .

The manifestations of menstrual disorder include: the cycle length varies, sometimes more than ten days, sometimes dozens of days; Days; menstrual flow increases, about 10-20% of women will have heavy bleeding, and severe cases require curettage to stop bleeding.

Another consequence of menstrual disorders is an increased risk of atypical endometrial hyperplasia and even cancer. At this time, the ovaries do not ovulate, the progesterone decreases, but the estrogen is still there, the endometrium loses the protection of progesterone, and excessive growth occurs.

Therefore if the menstrual period changes, especially if the menstrual period is prolonged and the menstrual volume increases, you must see a doctor. Most of the time, your doctor can avoid these risks with simple medication.

Special reminder: vaginal bleeding after menopause, you must see a doctor immediately. This “second spring” is a must.

menopausal symptoms

can be divided into 4 categories:

The first category, systemic symptoms: including hot flashes and sweating, fatigue, insomnia, bone and joint muscle pain, depression and anxiety, etc. . .

The second category, local symptoms of the urogenital tract: vaginal dryness, pain during sex, recurrent vaginal urethra inflammation. . .

The third category, osteoporosis problems: risk factors for osteoporosis include: mothers and sisters with a history of osteoporosis or fractures, weight loss, smoking, excessive drinking, drinking Too much coffee, lack of physical activity, little exercise, nutritional imbalances in the diet, high salt diet, calcium and/or vitamin D deficiency, etc. Women with these conditions are advised to take the initiative to go to the hospital for a bone density measurement when menopause comes, which is helpful to evaluate the risk of osteoporosis in the future.

The fourth category, other symptoms. due to moreThere are various symptoms of menopause. Many women may go to many other departments in the hospital because they do not understand it, such as bone and joint muscle pain, go to orthopedics, immunology; fatigue, dizziness, go to internal medicine, traditional Chinese medicine; recurrent urinary tract infection go to urology , Nephrology; emotional disorders, memory loss, go to the neurology department; chest tightness, shortness of breath, chest pain, see the cardiology department. . . Looking at it all the way, the results are often “no serious illness” and “autonomic nerve dysfunction”, and symptomatic treatment, some temporary relief, and some symptoms remain.

If the above 4 types of situations occur, you must think of menopause and go to the gynecologist to have a look.

6. What should I do before seeing a doctor?

Please click to read: next year The doctor is dizzy. This article describes in detail what to bring when seeing a doctor, what preparations to make, how to effectively communicate with the doctor, and how to make the doctor’s treatment more effective. I believe it will be helpful to you.

7. What treatment will the doctor give me?

As I said earlier, the essence of menopause problems is that the ovaries are aging, and the estrogen and progesterone decrease. . Among them, the lack of progesterone will lead to menstrual disorder, heavy menstrual flow, and long menstrual periods, some of which may cause atypical endometrial hyperplasia and endometrial cancer, while the lack of estrogen will cause various symptoms throughout the body.

For menopause problems, doctors ask about symptoms and examinations to determine which stage of menopause you are in, what are the main problems, whether to use hormone therapy, Which treatment plan to use.

What is missing, what to make up for. Hormonal replacement therapy (HRT) is the most effective treatment for menopause problems.

In the early stage of perimenopause, when menstrual disorders are present, but estrogen levels are not low, progesterone is used to regulate menstruation and protect the endometrium.

Approaching menopause or after menopause, estrogen is low, and estrogen needs to be supplemented.

What is the need for hormone replacement therapy (HRT indication)? Under what circumstances can it not be used (HRT contraindications)? What is the need to strengthen follow-up monitoring? Please click to read: Menopause Story Do I need hormone supplements? I won’t go into details here.

Can I supplement hormones if I have uterine fibroids? There are many similar problems, such as: endometriosis, hypertension, diabetes, breast hyperplasia, thyroid nodules and so on. These are not contraindications to HRT and can be used, but require the participation and intensive monitoring of specialist physicians.

When did I start using HRT?

In the early stage of ovarian function decline, that is, early menopause, it should be used. The earlier it is used, the more benefits and lower risks. It is generally believed that HRT should be started before the age of 60 or within 10 years of menopause, which is called the “window period” in medicine.

What kind of medicine do you use?

This question cannot be explained clearly in a few sentences here, only the general principle:

Have a uterus , with estrogen + progesterone, progesterone is used to protect the endometrium. In the perimenopausal and early postmenopausal period, the menstrual cycle is usually used; when the menopause is longer and you are older, choose or switch to the non-menstrual solution.

If the uterus has been removed, only estrogen is used, no need to add progesterone.

Older, suffering from senile vaginitis, recurrent urinary tract sensationDyed, you can apply estrogen ointment topically.

Reminder: HRT should be administered under the supervision of a doctor, and must not be bought from a pharmacy by yourself.

How many doses?

The minimum effective dose is generally used. Young women with premature ovarian failure, or ovaries removed due to disease, or ovarian function decline caused by radiotherapy, the dose should be larger.

How long will it take? Or how long can it be used?

There is no strict restriction on the duration of medication. As long as the body feels good during the medication, and the results of regular physical examinations and assessments show that the benefits outweigh the risks, you can continue to use it.

Premature ovarian failure before the age of 40 or loss of ovarian function due to surgery or radiotherapy, and premature menopause before the age of 45, at least until the age of normal menopause, that is, 50 years old about.

Are there other treatments besides HRT?

For women who cannot use HRT (with contraindications), or are unwilling to accept HRT, TCM can be used for treatment.

Can soy milk and honey supplement estrogen?

Soybean contains isoflavones, which are plant hormones, which are different from estrogen in the human body and cannot play a role in the human body. Estrogen has the same function. Soybeans contain high-quality protein and high calcium. Eating soybeans and soy products is good for menopause health.

The main component of honey is sugar, accounting for more than 80% of the total, followed by water, and other amino acids, vitamins, etc. The content is less than 1%. There is no estrogen in honey.

Royal jelly contains trace amounts of sex hormones, but its content is too low to affect human physiology at all. Tests have shown that the content of estrogen and progesterone in beef and mutton is hundreds of times that of royal jelly.

Therefore, drinking soy milk, eating royal jelly and honey cannot effectively supplement the estrogen that women need in the body.

8. What are the benefits of using HRT?

What are the benefits of using HRT during menopause?

First, the symptoms of menopause usually resolve quickly. Usually 2 to 4 weeks after the drug is effective, the remission rate is above 80%. If the symptoms cannot be relieved with HRT, we also need to consider the possibility of other diseases.

Secondly, it is definitely beneficial to the urogenital tract. The wetness of the vagina is quickly improved after the medication, the atrophy of the vagina and urethra is delayed, and the quality of sexual life is improved.

Third, it is definitely beneficial to bones. It can improve bone density and reduce the probability of fractures in various parts. HRT is the first-line prevention method for osteoporosis. If osteoporosis is severe, other treatments are required.

Fourth, it is good for cardiovascular. It can delay the progression of atherosclerosis and reduce the risk of coronary heart disease and stroke.

In addition, it is good for skin, muscles and joints. . .

Of course, the meaning of being beneficial does not mean that certain diseases or problems will not occur after using HRT, nor that it can return to the state of youth, but rather There is no need to compare, the probability of being good is greater.

9. What are the risks of using HRT?

What are the risks of using HRT? A large number of research observations show that the application under the guidance of a doctorHRT, is generally safe.

will I gain weight? Won’t. Estrogen can regulate fat metabolism and maintain female body shape.

Can I get cancer? As long as HRT is used reasonably and protected by progesterone, the risk of endometrial cancer will certainly not increase or even decrease. The main risk of breast cancer is family history, obesity, inactivity, alcohol consumption, etc. The risk of breast cancer from HRT is related to the choice of progesterone, and natural progesterone such as dynorgesterone hardly increases the risk of breast cancer. HRT may reduce the risk of colorectal cancer.

Thrombotic risk? According to research statistics, with HRT, the risk of blood clots increases by less than 1 per 1,000 people.

Other side effects are rare enough to be of little concern.

Risks and benefits are both statistically derived from the population. For individuals, both benefits and risks after application are a matter of probability.

In fact, in addition to genetic factors, unhealthy lifestyles, such as high-sugar, high-salt and high-fat diet, inactivity, staying up late, bad mood, etc. Risk is greater.

Eating too much food will make you sick, and drinking too much water will also cause poisoning. If there is a magic medicine that is beneficial and harmless, where can it be found?

Please click to read: Menopause Story: Hormone Supplement, Will I Get Cancer?

10. What should I pay attention to when using HRT?

Follow the doctor’s advice, and the dosage and usage should not be discontinued or changed at will. , If you miss a dose, make up for it as soon as possible.

Before taking medication, it is necessary to comprehensively evaluate the indications, contraindications and systemic conditions to choose the most appropriate program. a checklist.

During the medication process, regular follow-up and reexamination are required to observe the medication effect, the presence or absence of side effects, and determine whether to adjust the regimen. If there are uterine fibroids, endometriosis, or other conditions, the number of re-examinations should be increased.

Those with high blood pressure, diabetes, breast disease, thyroid nodules and other medical and surgical conditions should go to the corresponding specialist for treatment and treatment at the same time.

Pay attention to changes in your body, such as abnormal vaginal bleeding, and seek medical attention in time.

Please click to read:HRT Clinic of Menopause Story, to learn more about the process of menopause HRT clinic.


Whether you like it or not, menopause is there.

Whether you care or not, the changes in your body are there.

Whether you have symptoms or not, here’s what you need to know.

After reading so much,

you must be tired,

or not very clear .

It doesn’t matter,

You just need to know the following 6 points,

Leave the rest to the doctor.

1. Menopause (perimenopause) is a stage in which women undergo dramatic physical and psychological changes, and it is necessary to seek medical help.

2. The low female hormone caused by ovarian aging is the root cause of various symptoms in perimenopause and postmenopause.

3. Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is the most effective way to solve perimenopausal and postmenopausal problems, the benefits far outweigh the disadvantages, and it is generally effective and safe.

4. The purpose of HRT is not to make women continue to menstruate (this is just an appearance), but to relieve menopausal symptoms, but also to delay the occurrence of senile degenerative diseases and progress, improving the quality of life of women in the second half of their lives.

5. HRT treatment is started in the early menopause (window period), comprehensive evaluation before treatment, natural medicine and individualized treatment plan, regular follow-up during treatment, can make treatment More benefits, less risk.

6.HRT is not all! Perimenopause and postmenopause require comprehensive management, including balanced diet, reasonable exercise, psychological balance, regular physical examination, and active treatment of chronic diseases.


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