4 ways to reduce creatinine “quickly and steadily”, delaying kidney function is more effective

The increase of creatinine means that the kidney function has begun to decline gradually. To what extent is the specific decline? It is necessary to further check the glomerular filtration rate, endogenous creatinine clearance rate and other indicators to evaluate.

The fibrosis and sclerosis of kidney cells, resulting in a decrease in the level of toxin metabolism, lead to an increase in serum creatinine. The direct cause of high, if you want to reduce serum creatinine, then you must first consider repairing damaged kidney function.

Can the damaged kidney function be repaired? The main function of the kidney is to make up the cells and tissues of the kidney, including glomerulus, renal tubule, renal capsule, renal interstitium, etc. If these cell units have been damaged, the fibrosis will exceed 80%, and the basic Hopeless to fix. However, if the damage does not exceed 30%, the kidney has just undergone an inflammatory reaction and the fibrosis process has not yet occurred, and there is still hope for the improvement of renal function.

In addition to correcting the kidney itself and fundamentally improving renal function, we must also pay attention to some factors that affect renal function. After all, the kidney will not be damaged for no reason, and none of the factors that affect the development of kidney disease are innocent.

Reducing creatinine also needs to start from these four aspects, which can basically keep stable and delay renal failure. !

  • Promptly correct immune inflammatory response

The renal function continued to decline, white blood cells, occult blood , urine protein and other indicators are still not completely improved, and edema, fatigue and other symptoms can not be completely relieved, indicating that the inflammatory reaction persists, as long as there is inflammation of the kidney damage has been occurring.

Whether it is to protect the remaining renal function or repair the damaged renal function, it is necessary to inhibit inflammation in order to stabilize the disease, and the sooner it can be controlled, the better.

The key to correcting the inflammatory response is to be anti-inflammatory. Anti-inflammatory drugs, hormone drugs and immunosuppressants are mainly used to suppress inflammation. At the same time, immune-enhancing drugs are used to strengthen the elimination of inflammation. Inflammation is controlled and renal function does not continue to decline, and creatinine can also be lowered and stabilized at the corresponding value for a long time.

    high blood pressure control

Nephropathy can cause metabolic disorders in the body, such as high blood pressure, high blood lipids, high blood sugar, etc., which will slow down blood circulation and cause glomerular basal Membrane permeability is enhanced, intraglomerular high pressure occurs, aggravates the ischemia and hypoxia of renal cells, and

accelerates the process of renal function sclerosis.

Therefore, people with kidneys who develop into the stage of renal insufficiency should pay special attention to the prevention and treatment of metabolic disease complications such as hypertension and hyperlipidemia. If you can prevent it, you can prevent it, but if you can’t prevent it, you can treat it in time. For patients who do not have the “three highs” metabolic diseases themselves, prevention should be the main priority, regular blood routine measurements should be taken, and a low-salt, low-fat and low-sugar diet should be adhered to, and weight should be strictly controlled to avoid obesity.

For kidney patients with a long history of hypertension, hyperlipidemia, diabetes, etc., it is still necessary to insist on taking drugs for blood pressure and lipid lowering. Commonly used antihypertensive drugs include Puli or sartan drugs, lipid-lowering drugs statins, and hypoglycemic drugs Liejing drugs, which also have the effect of reducing protein and delaying renal function sclerosis. Therefore, it is recommended that such kidney friends still insist on taking drugs, and at the same time cooperate with the management of diet, it is easier to control the stability of renal function.

  • correct electrolyte disturbance /p>

Electrolyte disorder occurs mainly after renal insufficiency, the glomerular filtration rate drops below 50, and the renal function is severely damaged. Electrolyte disorders are mainly manifested as metabolic abnormalities in serum potassium, serum phosphorus, serum calcium and other related indicators.

It will mainly cause three major complications, such as hyperkalemia, acidosis, and calcium and phosphorus metabolism disorders.

The key to prevention is to monitor relevant indicators: hyperkalemia needs to pay attention to the metabolism of serum potassium ions; acidosis should pay attention to the indicators of carbon dioxide, and analyze the carbon dioxide binding capacity; calcium and phosphorus metabolism disorders need to check serum calcium regularly (Ca) and serum phosphorus (P), as well as parathyroid hormone (iPTH) and other indicators, to prevent the occurrence of serious complications such as renal bone disease and hyperparathyroidism.

  • Diet Correction and Nutritional Supplement


What dietary principles should especially those with high creatinine pay attention to?

High-quality low-protein diet to avoid nutrient deficiencies, and at the same time eat less red meat, which contains hemoglobin Too much, eating too much will not only increase the burden on the kidneys, but also affect the increase in creatinine. Instead, eat more white meat. In addition, pay attention to a low-purine diet and control the stability of uric acid, which will also help to stabilize creatinine. At the same time, pay attention to supplementation, Such as iron, folic acid and erythropoietin, etc., to prevent anemia, and also help to stabilize creatinine.

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