4 kinds of vegetables are included in WHO’s “carcinogenic list”? Doctor: Only two are true

Recently, an article titled “Health Organization Exposure: 4 Vegetables Have Been Listed as Carcinogens, Remember to Persuade Family to Avoid Touching” has been widely circulated in the circle of friends. .

The article states that the four vegetables, baby cabbage, bracken, zucchini and fenugreek, are listed by the WHO It’s on the cancer list, and you can’t eat it in the future.

rumor screenshot

Is this true? After verification, it was found that:

First, the above-mentioned four vegetables are not included in the carcinogenic classification published by WHO , net posts in the name of seemingly authoritative organizations to attract attention.

Secondly, among these four vegetables, fenugreek and fern have indeed been proved to be toxic and carcinogenic. Be vigilant.


Rumor 1: Zucchini Carcinogenic, will it release carcinogens after stir frying?

Doctor: Rumors!

It is said that eating zucchini will cause cancer. After being fried at high temperature, it will release a strong carcinogen-acrylamide, which Is this claim credible?

This conclusion stems from a research report released by the Hong Kong Centre for Food Safety, which collected more than 100 food samples and found that 47% of the Carcinogenic acrylamide, it was found that the most acrylamide was released when zucchini was heated to high temperatures.

Actually, acrylamide is just a product of the Maillard reaction. The so-called Maillard reaction refers to the use of heat to accelerate the reaction without seasoning. And produce unique flavors, such as barbecue, fried onions and so on.

The International Agency for Research on Cancer has long rated acrylamide as a second-class carcinogen, but there is no sufficient scientific basis, genetic theory and clinical data yet. It can be demonstrated that the intake of acrylamide, related biochemical markers and carcinogenic risk, etc.

The zucchini itself is not carcinogenic, and it is not only zucchini that produces acrylamide, so it is recommended that you eat it normally.


rumour two: doll Vegetables cause cancer, just because they contain formaldehyde?

Doctor: Rumor!

The rumor that baby vegetables contain formaldehyde comes from a previous news article. The reporter investigated the baby vegetables sold in a market in Shandong and found that there was a phenomenon that illegal merchants soaked baby vegetables with formaldehyde.

Research shows that formaldehyde is an organic compound with a special pungent odor, which is irritating to eyes and nose. The International Agency for Research on Cancer under the World Health Organization has long listed formaldehyde as a carcinogen.

However, the fact that there are illegal businesses soaking baby vegetables with formaldehyde does not mean that all baby vegetables on the market are soaked in formaldehyde. Baby food itself is not carcinogenic. It should be noted whether illegal traders have used illegal additives.

For consumers, there are only two points to note:

First, vegetables purchased from regular supermarkets are edible; second, if you can’t smell the pungent odor on vegetables, even if the baby cabbage has been soaked in formaldehyde, its concentration and residual The amount will also be very low, and formaldehyde is easily soluble in water. After fully cleaning the baby cabbage, you don’t have to worry too much, you can eat it with confidence.


Rumor 3: Fern Vegetables, there is really a risk of cancer

The doctor said: true!

As early as the last century, Japan and South WalesEpidemiological studies in other regions have found that eating bracken has obvious links with esophageal cancer, gastric cancer and other upper gastrointestinal cancers.

This is because bracken contains a carcinogen – “proto-fernin”, once it enters the human body and undergoes several steps of metabolism, it will Forms an intermediate metabolite that can damage DNA molecules and induce cancer.

Although the bracken eaten in daily life is made with a lot of water, after high temperature cooking, the original bracken glycosides of the bracken species will suffer. damage, thereby reducing carcinogenicity.

The traditional Chinese process of making bracken requires several times of blanching. Damaged, can greatly reduce the carcinogenicity of bracken.

If you really like to eat bracken, you need to blanch the bracken with boiling water several times before eating, cook until cooked, and try to use as little as possible. Eat cold bracken, and don’t eat it as a staple food.


Rumor Four: Red Fengcai also increases the risk of liver cancer

The doctor said: It’s true!

As a traditional wild vegetable in my country, many people must be familiar with it. Due to the bright red color after cooking, it is mistaken for the effect of nourishing and nourishing blood, so it is also called blood-skinned vegetable.

In fact, red phoenix is ​​indeed toxic to the human body, and it is not suitable for long-term consumption in large quantities.

Relevant studies have shown that red phoenix contains a class of alkaloids called pyrrolizidine alkaloids” (referred to as PA) , like aristolochic acid, it belongs to a class of substances. At present, there are more than 660 kinds of compounds known to human beings. Some of these compounds have potential individuality

Clinical animal experiments show that it does have certain carcinogenicity. If you eat a large amount of red phoenix for a long time, it may damage the liver. In severe cases, it may induce liver cancer.

Experts recommend: In principle, red phoenix should be avoided, because although high temperature can damage phoenix Some of the pyrrolizidine alkaloids in the alkaloids, but they cannot be completely removed.

If you must eat, you must choose blanched water The cooking method is to stir-fry after high heat, and the amount of each serving should not be too much.

Some friends may say that I have eaten for so many years and I am still in good health.

Actually canceration is a comprehensive process, not after eating these vegetables, it will definitely become cancerous. just one of the risk factors. But for the health of the body, it is necessary to try to control one’s desire for speech and tongue. After all, cancer is a disease that is difficult to treat.


To reduce the risk of cancer, we must start from small steps

1. Do not smoke. Avoiding Secondhand Smoke

Smoking is a major risk factor for cancer and can be prevented by changing your behavior, the key is to recognize The dangers of smoking, act early.

Smokers should quit smoking, non-smokers should try to avoid second-hand and third-hand smoke, and actively support and promote tobacco control. Legislation to make all household public spaces a smoke-free clean space.

2. Moderate drinking

Drinking alcohol increases the risk of cancer, which is closely related to the amount of alcohol consumed.

For individuals, due to differences in genetic background and living environment, the risks of drinking alcohol are different. For the purpose of cancer prevention, It is best to do a drop of alcohol as soon as possible.

Everyone should also know their family history of cancer, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, and weigh the pros and cons of drinking in combination with other risk factors.

3. Control your weight,Keep exercising

The propaganda slogan for a healthy lifestyle for all in my country is: keep your mouth shut, stretch your legs, and balance both eating and movement. In addition to maintaining healthy eating habits, you should also exercise and control your weight to reduce the risk of cancer.

Adhere to moderate-intensity physical exercise for more than 30 minutes every day, and find the sports you are interested in, such as brisk walking, jogging, swimming, cycling, etc. , persevere.


Healthy Life Tips ——What are the seasonal vegetables in each season?

Seasonal vegetables refer to vegetables that are cultivated in the open field and have undergone relatively sufficient growth under natural conditions. Vegetables are generally divided into three categories: heat-loving, cold-loving and cold-tolerant.

Spring vegetables: Cabbage, lettuce, chrysanthemum, broccoli, purple cabbage, rape, radish, spinach, etc. Such cold-loving vegetables.

Summer vegetables: Tomato, eggplant, green pepper, green beans, cowpea, cucumber, bitter gourd, water spinach, loofah And so on such heat-loving vegetables.

Fall vegetables: Chinese cabbage, daikon, cabbage, cauliflower, potatoes, lettuce, carrots, celery, beets , spinach, coriander, onion, green onion and other cold-loving vegetables.

Winter vegetables: Hardy vegetables such as broad beans, peas, canola.

Choose more seasonal vegetables when eating vegetables. According to the determination and analysis of nutrient content, the nutritional value of seasonal vegetables is higher than that of off-season vegetables.

Any food that wants to have an effect and harm must reach a “dose”. When talking about hazards such as cancer, please pay attention to the amount of consumption and eating habits , these are accumulated little by little in daily life. To stay away from cancer, eat healthy in the right way.
