4 kinds of spring vegetables, do not blanch before eating, it will hurt the kidneys and stomach! For the health of your family, don’t save this step if you are lazy

Eat spring vegetables in spring, and now is the season when a lot of spring vegetables are on the market.

Spring vegetables are delicious and nutritious. But you know what? There is one step you must pay attention to when eating spring vegetables. If this step is missing, it will not only lack nutrients, but also damage the kidneys!

Come and have a look~

One less step in cooking, hurts the kidneys

Many vegetables contain large amounts of oxalic acid, which can enter the bloodstream It circulates to various parts of the body, combines with calcium to form calcium oxalate, and precipitates in the body, causing various diseases such as kidney stones.

And it keeps precipitating, causing low blood calcium, resulting in calcium deficiency.

Oxalic acid is soluble in water, and most of the oxalic acid can be removed by simple blanching, but the effect of direct frying is not ideal.

The program “Healthy Church” used spinach in a field experiment. The spinach after being blanched in water is mixed with calcium solvent, and the precipitate is obviously less than that of the spinach that is directly fried in oil.

Among the common vegetables, Most green leafy vegetables, as well as bitter gourd, bamboo shoots, water spinach, etc. have a higher content of oxalic acid with a slightly bitter taste.

Director Chen ranked common vegetables with high oxalate content

Amaranth has the highest oxalic acid content, reaching 1142mg

followed by spinach, rape, Leek, garlic sprouts

A high intake of oxalic acid in the short term is likely to cause acute kidney injury.

But oxalic acid is soluble in water, Blank these ingredients in water before eating to remove most of the oxalic acid.

Which spring vegetables should be blanched before eating in spring?

How to deal with it?

Come and see~


4 kinds of spring vegetables, blanch before eating< /p>

1. Purslane

Portulaca oleracea is known as the “long-lived vegetable”

also Considered a natural anti-inflammatory drug

Applied externally to reduce swelling and taken orally to reduce inflammation

It is a good medicine recommended by doctors

Compendium of Materia Medica records it

longevity and eyesight, clearing heat and detoxifying p>

But purslane also contains oxalic acid p>

And it tastes a little sour

Chef brings a coup

Blank the purslane and let it cool

Add oyster sauce, sugar to neutralize sourness

< /img>

2. Spinach

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that spinach has the effect of detoxifying, clearing blood vessels, and benefiting the stomach and intestines.


Many people throw away the spinach root when choosing vegetables. There are few nutrients in the leaves, but also rich in iron, beta carotene, vitamin C and other nutrients.

But spinach also contains oxalic acid, so it needs to be blanched before eating.

The cooking time for spinach Short:

in spinach Nutrients such as folic acid and vitamin C are sensitive to heat. Whether it is blanching or subsequent cooking, it is best to blanch/fry quickly over high heat to avoid a large loss of nutrients.

3. Daylily

Daylily also contains some oxalic acid.

And fresh day lilies also contain colchicine , After gastrointestinal absorption, it may form toxic dicolchicine, and eating too much will cause abdominal pain, diarrhea and other poisoning symptoms.

Fresh daylily is fresh and tender, clearing the mind

But it contains colchicine, which is slightly poisonous

Poisoning symptoms such as abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, nausea, etc. may appear after improper handling and consumption


So not recommended to eat raw

So you need to remove the stamens before eating

Boiled and then soaked in cold water

Dried daylily is steamed and dried at high temperature during the production process

colchicine is removed a lot, relatively Safer

It is recommended to soak dried daylily in advance when cooking

to dissolve the remaining material

4, Toon

< p data-track="107">April is about to come and the Chinese toon will be on the market in large quantities.

Blank toon in boiling water before cooking or eating Boil for about 1 minute.

In addition, the nitrite content of these fresh vegetables

increases with storage time

The same is true of Chinese toon, you’d better buy it now

This is not only fresh, but also Healthier

Eat spring vegetables in spring

But don’t forget to blanch before eating

And spring vegetables should be fresh

Buy now and eat more nutritious