3 old traditional Chinese medicine prescriptions, a large number of clinical verification, unique curative effect

Learn 3 lessons from Mr. Guo Zhenqing today.


Danshen Biejia Drink

Stomach pain due to heat and blood stasis, Clinical symptoms often show the following points:

< strong>Irritated, the tongue coating is slightly yellow and slightly greasy, and the coating can be thin or thick, but the tip of the tongue is red, there are petechiae or ecchymosis on the side of the tongue, or the veins under the tongue are purple and dark, and tuberosity; in addition to the symptoms of stomach pain, there are also symptoms of Symptoms of liver qi discomfort, such as rib and flank distention, uh gas, etc.; stomach pain for a long time.

After the above main symptoms , you can use the modified Danshen Biejia Decoction for treatment:

Formula composition: gardenia, galangal, Cyperus officinalis, salvia, white peony root, citrus aurantium, myrrh, turtle shell, peach kernel, Jiazhu, Bupleurum. Shuijianbi.

Addition and Subtraction: If the pain is severe, add Yanhusuo and Jinlingzi; if the chest and abdomen are bloated and stuffy, add sandalwood, bergamot, and Jiangxiang; if the mouth is bitter and the moss is yellow, add Coptis chinensis.

When using this option,A thick and greasy tongue coating and no coating are not very suitable, and if the tongue body is fat and pale, it is also not suitable.


Gong Ding San

cold-damp stomachache,clinical The diagnostic points above are:

thick tongue coating Greasy, white or light gray in color; positive tongue color, neutral or clear salivation in the mouth; persistent stomach pain and chills.

If you see this main symptom, you can use Gong Ding San.

Formula composition: Gonglixiang, Wuyu , Cumin, Guangmuxiang, Guangui, Amomum, Galangal, as fine powder, swallow with white drink, 2~3 times a day, 3~6 grams each time.

Cooperation: For those with exogenous wind-cold, aversion to cold and no sweating, a pungent and warming surface-resolving agent, such as Jing Fangbaidu Powder, can be used to decoct and swallow this powder; Cold, loose stools, pale and tender tongue, use Astragalus Jianzhong Decoction, decoction and swallow this powder; as for the mixed cold and heat, decoction with heat-clearing and dehumidifying formula, swallowing this powder, the effect is also quite good.

thirsty, red tongue with fur Yellow, no moss, etc., are not suitable to use this powder.


Solution Yu Shuxin Soup

Depressed emotions always come from the heart, and the hidden feelings are not extended, which is the heart disease, which is most likely to spread to the liver and spleen. Sadness will lead to trance, sadness and good crying, and lack of extension from time to time. Injury to the liver and spleen will cause the narrowness and discomfort in the abdomen.

Jieyu Shuxin Decoction mainly treats depression and heartbreak , liver-qi stagnation is not the scope of treatment..

The main points of clinical manifestations of using this prescription are:

span>There are obvious causes of mental stimulation; it is manifested as a mental symptom of not extending the meaning; the pulse is stringy, or tight and several, the tip of the tongue is red, and there is tongue coating.

Formula composition: incense Attached, Fushen, Zhigancao, Baishao, Chuanxiong, Trichosanthes, Oujie, Scutellaria, Corydalis, wick.

After soaking in cold water for half an hour, fry. Take it three times a day on an empty stomach.

Addition and Subtraction:

If you are upset and have a bitter mouth, add Coptis chinensis and Qingdai; if you have a full stomach, add Magnolia officinalis and Citrus aurantium; the tongue is purple Dark, stinging pain in the chest and ribs, add peach kernel and safflower; if the tongue coating is white and greasy, and if there is any obstruction in the throat, add Pinellia, Gualou, Nanxing, and swallow with cinnamon charcoal;

Sadness and crying, with little tongue coating, add wheat and jujube; For those who cannot eat well, add malt, hawthorn, and Divine Comedy; for those who suffer from insomnia, add nocturnal vine, acacia bark, and amber.

This prescription has good clinical effect on anxiety and depression.

Example of medical records:

Tong XX, female, 45 years old, has always been narrow-minded, and was overly distressed after a quarrel.

“Spiritual Pivot·Oral Questions” says: “Sadness and sorrow make the heart move, and the heart moves the five internal organs. All six organs are shaken. ”

Anger and depression injure the liver and spleen and cause chest pain Swelling and stuffiness in the flank, stalks in the throat, unscented grains, difficult to digest with food, depressed and heartbroken, trance, night dreams, sadness and crying, lack of extension from time to time, white and greasy tongue coating, dark tongue, thin pulse.

Medical records for a month, not long ago To cure, instruct him to be happy and self-disciplined, relax and recuperate, use Jieyu Shuxin Decoction plus wheat and jujube, after four doses, all symptoms will heal.

Because of the large amount of leucorrhea and the clearing of the discharge, the follow-up was followed up three months after finishing two doses of Fu Qingzhudai decoction, and the disease did not recur.


Liu XX, male, 48 years old, was punished for being framed, Anger and depression are difficult to express, resulting in a trance, dementia, wry smile for no reason, long exhalation and short sigh, pain in the chest and flank, all symptoms are the same as before.

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During my consultation, the tip of the tongue was red, the coating was thin and yellowish, and the pulse was fast. My spirit improved significantly, and I continued to take a few doses and returned to normal.

Square definition:

Xiangfu, Chuanxiong, and Yanhu in the prescription are all medicinals for activating qi and blood and relieving pain.Among them, Yanhu is mainly used to treat various pains, while Chuanxiong and Xiangfu are the main medicines for promoting qi and relieving depression. The three medicines are all open and can move, and they are the moving medicines that can walk and walk.

Baishao nourishes yin, nourishes blood and softens liver, and can relieve pain. It is compatible with Chuanxiong and Xiangfu, and it is firm and soft. When combined with Scutellaria baicalensis, it can clear blood. Hot knots, together with licorice, will turn sour and sweet into yin.

Depresses the heart, in addition to causing the Qi machine to rise and fall When going in and out of rebellion, the heart and yin are often at a loss due to the injury of the spirit. Why? It is difficult to sleep soundly at night, when the spirit is not guarded, and when the spirit is not at peace, the essence will be exhausted and the loss will be caused. Therefore, it is forbidden to use pure medicine to relieve depression and exhaust gas.

I often think, like dim lights Lighting the lamp, pure use of strong medicine only picks up the wick without refueling, and promotes its early extinction. Only using soft medicine is to refuel without picking up the wick, and there is oil but not light. Only by refueling and picking up the wick can it maintain its lasting light.

Tianhuafen clears heat and promotes fluid, and can help white peony root, astragalus, The wick clears the heart and reduces fire, and diureses soothe the nerves. Why use antipyretics? This is because depression can transform heat. The faster and more intense the anger, the faster the heat will be transformed. If there is no heat and diuresis, there will be no way out for the heart heat. dry.

As for using “cool” The lotus root joint of blood nourishing blood, benefiting water and penetrating the meridians” has another meaning of preventing blood from flowing. It is natural to use calming liver and calming spirits.

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