3 new cases were confirmed in Beijing, in Fengtai, Dongcheng and Chaoyang

On March 19, the 294th press conference on the prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic in Beijing was held.

At the meeting, Pang Xinghuo, deputy director of the Beijing Center for Disease Control and Prevention and member of the National New Coronary Virus Pneumonia Expert Group, said that from 16:00 on March 17 to 16:00 on March 19, new local new coronary pneumonia virus infections in Beijing There are 3 cases, all of which are confirmed cases; 1 case each in Fengtai District, Dongcheng District and Chaoyang District.

Infected Person 61: Currently living in Building 1, Phase III, Beijing Tou Yintai Vanke West Washington House, Huaxiang Street, Fengtai District. On March 16, he returned to Beijing from another province. On the same day, he was tested for nucleic acid as a close contact of an asymptomatic infected person from another province. The result was positive and he was transferred to a designated hospital. The results of comprehensive epidemiological history, clinical manifestations, laboratory tests and imaging examinations were carried out. , was diagnosed as a confirmed case on March 17, and the clinical classification was mild.

Infected Person 62: Currently living in Yard No. 3, Dongzhimen Neibei Street, Dongzhimen Street, Dongcheng District, and is an employee of Dongzhimen Dongzhimen, Yanxiaoxi Crossing the Bridge Rice Line, No. 117, Dongzhimen South Street. On March 17, the infected person participated in the nucleic acid test of key populations at risk points organized by the local subdistrict. The result was positive on March 18, and he was transferred to a designated hospital. Comprehensive epidemiological history, clinical manifestations, laboratory tests and imaging examinations were carried out. As a result, a confirmed case was diagnosed on the same day, and the clinical classification was mild.

Infected Person 63: Currently living in Building 4, Yard 35, Shimen Xinju, Nanmofang Township, Chaoyang District. On March 15, he was quarantined as a close contact of infected persons 44 and 45, during which two nucleic acid test results were negative. On March 18, the nucleic acid test result was reported to be positive, and it was transferred to a designated hospital. Based on the results of epidemiological history, clinical manifestations, laboratory tests, and imaging examinations, a confirmed case was diagnosed on March 19, and the clinical type was ordinary.

At present, epidemiological investigations and close contact tracing have been carried out on the above cases, the risk points have been investigated, and various risk personnel have been classified and controlled; the traceability of newly infected persons is in progress. Expand sequentially.

Pang Xinghuo said that after repeated inquiries, infected person 62 worked as a probationary employee at Yulexuan Roast Duck Restaurant from March 12 to 14, and lived with the three confirmed cases in the store. The owner of Yulexuan Roast Duck Restaurant did not fully report all the people who had worked in the store, nor did the temporary staff scan the code in the store as required. After the outbreak occurred in Yulexuan Roast Duck Restaurant and the track of the case was announced to the public, the infected person did not take the initiative to report it, which greatly increased the risk of the spread of the epidemic.

To prevent and control the epidemic,

Everyone is responsible!

The report must be reported!

From: Beijing Youth Daily

Source: Qianlong.com