3 kinds of medicines have been banned in many places, but they are the standing medicines in many families. Let’s see if your family is still using them?

In life, symptoms such as colds and coughs are very common. It is precisely because these symptoms are very common that many people disagree and feel that there is no need to go to the hospital for a diagnosis.

When sick, most people choose to go to a small clinic or go to a pharmacy to buy medicines for oral treatment. However, when people treat themselves with medicines, often because they don’t understand the properties of the medicines, they still don’t know when the medicines are inappropriate or wrong, which will inevitably cause damage to the body. .

So, what should we pay attention to when we use daily medication?

1. When self-medicating, there are these three situations, doctor: hurry to the emergency room!

According to research, 90% of people will have the wrong habit of taking medicine. Most of the occurrence of taking the wrong medicine is based on common diseases such as colds and fever. When these diseases occur, many people choose to take their own medicines, but the medicines should not be taken indiscriminately, the wrong medicines are used or the medicines are overdose. There may be serious consequences.

Have the following three situations happened to you?

1. Mix cold medicines and eat more.

Cold medicines on the market There are many, and cold medicines all share ingredients like acetaminophen. In order to make the cold get better as soon as possible, many patients will mix a variety of cold medicines, this behavior will cause the ammonia content in the body to increase, causing liver disease encephalopathy. More seriously, taking too much cold medicine can cause damage to organs such as the liver and kidneys, and even coma and death in severe cases.

2. Overdose of the same drug

Many patients, when sick, want to It is very dangerous to not take the medicine according to the doctor’s order, thinking that the effect of increasing the dose will be better. For example, when they have a fever, some people will eat a lot of ibuprofen to achieve the purpose of quickly reducing the fever.

We need to know that fever is actually a response of the body to fight against diseases. It is caused by the increase of heat generated by the body due to infection or other reasons. Antipyretics can only help relieve the symptoms of fever, and cannot fundamentally cure the disease.

And after the drug enters our body, it takes at least 45 minutes to work, so we don’t feel the effect for a short time. Excessive intake of ibuprofen may cause digestive tract discomfort, impaired liver function, and even other rare diseases, causing serious damage to the body.

3. Drinking too much water

When people take medicine, especially when When taking traditional Chinese medicine, because the taste is too bitter, drink a lot of water after taking the medicine. This is also highly undesirable, people taking too much water will dilute the drug, weakening the efficacy, prolonging the course of the disease, and not conducive to recovery.

How soon after taking the medicine can people drink water? How much water should I drink? What are the requirements for water in the process of taking medicine?

Second, taking medicine with water is very particular, you must know these!

Due to their medicinal properties, various medicines also have many restrictions in the process of taking them. Taking it in the wrong way will not only fail to achieve the efficacy of the drug, but may also bring about serious adverse reactions. Let’s introduce it in detail.

1. First, let’s understand the drugs that require a lot of water

We can come into contact every day The most common antibacterials are sulfonamides and quinolones, eg, levofloxacin. Their metabolites have low solubility in the body, so you need to drink more water during taking the medicine, so that the medicine can be fully dissolved into the water, so that the body can better absorb it. In addition, tetracyclines among antibiotics have strong irritation to the digestive tract and can damage the mucosa of the digestive tract. Therefore, people should protect their intestines by drinking plenty of water while taking them.

In addition, taking the common antipyretic You also need to drink plenty of water when taking pain relievers, such as ibuprofen and aspirin that we often take.

The main component of them is organic acid, which can be initially dissolved in our esophagus, and the acid produced by the dissolution will cause damage to the esophageal mucosa. Therefore, drink plenty of water when taking the medicine to avoid affecting the function of the esophagus.

In addition, the use of antipyretic analgesics can cause the patient to sweat profusely, and drinking a lot of water can cause the body to lose The water is replenished in time to avoid dehydration.

2. The following medicines cannot be taken with water, or only require a small amount of water.

The first is our common medicine for treating stomach problems. Such as sucralfate and aluminum hydroxide gel.

These stomach medicines form a protective film in the stomach after you take them, so don’t drink them for an hour after taking them Water to prevent the protective film formed from being washed away by water.

There are also other medications that need to be sublingual, such as nitroglycerin, which stays in our mouths It will be absorbed by the sublingual vein and then enter the bloodstream to exert its medicinal effect. Therefore, in order for the drug to be better absorbed, it is not advisable to drink water within 30 minutes after taking it. For the same reason, various lozenges on the market are do not drink water within 30 minutes of taking them.

So what water should we drink when we take medicine?

Generally speaking, warm water is the best. At this time, everyone will ask questions, some medicines taste in the mouth Unbearable, can I use tea, juice, milk instead of warm water?

Doctor’s advice: it’s best not to touch!

Tea contains more substances that are easy to interact with proteins, alkaloids, and metal ions in medicines. Efficacy.

In addition, fruit juice contains vitamin C, which a large number of studies have shown that vitamin C is not conducive to the absorption of drugs in the small intestine. Milk contains a lot of calcium, which can affect the efficacy of some antibacterial drugs, such as tetracycline, in the body. Therefore, unless it is stated in the drug insert that it can be taken with milk or cow’s milk, usually it is recommended to take it with warm water as much as possible.

Do you still use these three eliminated drugs at home?

With the further development of scientific research, more and more drugs have entered people’s field of vision, and in the process, many drugs will be gradually eliminated. The following three drugs have been eliminated from the market, so let’s see if you have them in your home.

1, morphine

as a treatment of the gastrointestinal tract As a western medicine for diseases, motidine can effectively improve the problems of abdominal distention, indigestion, nausea and vomiting in patients. And morphine is effective and works quickly, so many people will feel that long-term use of this drug will not cause any intestinal problems.

However, medicine is poisonous, as long as it is medicine, it will have certain toxicity. Experts say: Motidine should not be taken as a digestive supplement. Because of its obvious medicinal effect, there were many buyers of morphine in the past few years, and many people would think that this is a must-have drug at home.

But in recent years, morphoprene has been banned in foreign countries because studies have found that patients taking When morphine is used, it will bring very serious adverse reactions.

Morphine is also called clinically Domperidone. It is a receptor antagonist of dopamine. Long-term use will not only bring a burden to the human body, but also reduce the body’s self-regulation ability, will make the peristaltic ability of the gastrointestinal tract worse, and affect the individual’s immunity.

And according to foreign news reports, patients died of sudden cardiac arrest due to taking morphine. Therefore, if there is still morphine medicine at home, it must be cleaned up in time.

2. Analox film

Analox film is also prohibited in the United States One of the drugs, Analgin was known as the Internet celebrity version of antipyretic in the past few years, and it is found in almost every household. Such a high popularity rate is attributed to its very strong analgesic and fever-relieving effects, and can clear heat and detoxify, so it is very popular among the masses.

In addition, Analgin tablets can also solve a certain degree of gastrointestinal diseases such as gastrointestinal smooth muscle spasm, and can also help improve the Rheumatic.

However, according to experiments conducted by scientists such as drug analysis, it was found that after taking Analgin, some patients with fever will experience redness, swelling and local pain.

And laboratory tests found that long-term use of Analgin tablets will slowly reduce human neutrophils, reduce immune function, and even cause anemia Symptoms. In addition, there are reports that some hospitals have also found cases of shock deaths in patients using Analgin tablets.

Analgin tablets were therefore ordered by the Food and Drug Administration to prohibit the circulation in the market and the use of patients in hospitals.

3. Chaihu injection

The main component of Chaihu injection is Chaihu injection. Hu, it has a strong function of clearing away heat and detoxifying. Mainly used to treat dysentery, influenza and other diseases. It is worth noting that Bupleurum injection is very effective, but improper use will also bring a series of adverse reactions.

The first is the allergic reaction it brings. It has been reported in many places that patients will experience symptoms such as blood pressure drop, palpitation, skin itching and other symptoms after taking Bupleurum injection.

In addition, some patients have fever, local pain, and even diarrhea, dry mouth, nausea, vomiting, difficulty breathing, suffocation and other adverse reactions.

And more seriously, it can also cause damage to the nervous system. According to relevant reports, when Chaihu injection was put into use in the hospital, patients would experience confusion, numbness of limbs, and convulsions. In addition, scientists’ research found that some people had serious adverse reactions after injecting Chaihu injection, and even died from anaphylactic shock.

For children, due to their weak constitution, the consequences of improper use of Bupleurum injection will be more serious, even Very serious life hazard to newborns.

Therefore, out of consideration for children’s health, the State Food and Drug Administration has issued a statement that the instructions on Bupleurum injection must indicate that children are prohibited< /strong>, so if you have children at home, you must check to see if there is Bupleurum injection at home, and children should not be allowed to take it.


Everyone lives only once, it is right to take care of your body s Choice. When we have a disease, we should actively go to the hospital to seek the help of a doctor, follow the doctor’s advice, cooperate with the treatment, and avoid taking medicine indiscriminately, increasing the dosage, and taking medicine at will.

At the same time, we want to maintain a healthy body in our daily life, in addition to choosing the right medicine, regular exercise and an optimistic mood. Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, drink more water, and eat less greasy meat. Do the above points in order to have a healthy body.