3 garbage classification points exchange stations built in Tianshan District, Urumqi

Pomegranate Cloud/Xinjiang Daily News (reported by reporter Ren Chunxiang) “If you throw garbage and sort it well, you will earn points, which can be exchanged for daily necessities, which are environmentally friendly and affordable.” At the sorting and delivery point, 72-year-old Zhang Fengyun, with the help of the waste sorting instructor, sorted and dropped waste such as waste paper boxes, and then exchanged the points of the past few days for a large bottle of drinks at the waste sorting point exchange station.

April 8, at the garbage classification and delivery point of the second building in the autonomous region, the garbage classification instructor helped resident Zhang Fengyun scan the code to open the delivery window , after throwing garbage, she can get corresponding points. Pomegranate Cloud/Photo by Ren Chunxiang, reporter from Xinjiang Daily

The reporter learned from the Tianshan District Urban Administration Bureau (Urban Management Administrative Law Enforcement Bureau) of Urumqi that this year Tianshan District adopted a market-oriented operation method, introduced third-party enterprises, and Five new garbage classification points exchange stations have been built, and three have been built and put into trial operation.

One of them is the garbage classification points exchange station in the second building of the autonomous region. The reporter saw in the family home that there are 3 garbage classification rooms and a point exchange station in the hospital. The residents of the community can open the drop-in window by scanning the code with their mobile phones. After the garbage is classified into the corresponding window, the background will give corresponding points according to the weight of the garbage. Points can be exchanged for life items.

On April 8, at the garbage sorting and delivery point of the second building of the autonomous region, several residents skillfully scanned the code to open the delivery window and put in Rubbish. Pomegranate Cloud/Photo by Xinjiang Daily reporter Ren Chunxiang

Cumulus, a resident of the community, skillfully scanned the code and opened the drop-in window to put garbage. She told reporters that she would sort garbage in advance at home, and her little granddaughter who went to kindergarten also had awareness of waste sorting. “The operation of the garbage disposal point is relatively simple, and the points can be exchanged for food and daily necessities such as milk, washing powder, etc. I think it is very good.” Cumulus said.

April 8, the garbage sorting and points exchange station of the Second Construction Family Yard of the Autonomous Region has been put into trial operation. There are more than 70 kinds of points in the exchange station. Everyday items can be exchanged. Pomegranate Cloud/Xinjiang Daily reporter Ren Chunxiang photo

Shen Tengyun, general manager of Xinjiang Lanlian Ecological Technology Co., Ltd., said that the point exchange station adopts the management method of one person, one code, which is encouraging residents to actively participate in garbage sorting. The exchange station has prepared more than 70 kinds of daily necessities to provide residents with convenient services. “Since the trial operation, the residents of the community have been enthusiastic to participate. At present, 80% of the residents in the community have registered.”

Meng Qingchao, Chief of the Classification Section of the Tianshan District Urban Administration (Urban Management Administrative Law Enforcement Bureau) It is said that 1,117 residential communities in Tianshan District have achieved full coverage of garbage sorting facilities. In addition to the second-built family homes in the autonomous region, the newly built garbage sorting points exchange stations this year include Jinxin Hongfu Community and Zhengyuan Community in Cuiquan Road Area. In addition, there are 2 more sites being selected and planned to be completed and used in mid-May.

April 8, at the garbage sorting point exchange station of the Second Construction Family Yard in the autonomous region, residents can exchange points for daily necessities. Pomegranate Cloud/Photo by Xinjiang Daily reporter Ren Chunxiang

“There are many old communities in Tianshan District. We optimize the site selection according to the actual situation and set up garbage sorting rooms, sorting garbage booths, four-category garbage cans, etc. The facilities are convenient for residents to put in. The upgraded garbage sorting room is equipped with a weighing system and can be connected to the big data platform for garbage classification, so that we can understand the distribution of various domestic garbage, and it is also convenient for accurate scheduling in the background, and adjust the cleaning of garbage removal vehicles at any time. frequency.” Meng Qingchao said.

This year, Urumqi City will continue to carry out extensive education and guidance on waste classification, and guide residents to actively participate through community publicity, on-site guidance, sorting, and placement supervision, so as to provide accurate guidance and accurate classification of waste. , laying a solid foundation for accurate delivery.