21 hospitals in Zhejiang have passed the accreditation of tertiary traditional Chinese medicine hospitals. Which hospitals are on the list?

According to the “Measures for the Evaluation of Hospitals in Zhejiang Province” and evaluated by the Zhejiang Provincial Committee of TCM Medical Institutions Evaluation Experts, recently, the Zhejiang Provincial Health and Health Commission announced the list of the first batch of third-level TCM hospitals in the fourth cycle, and identified 11 TCM hospitals as three First-class TCM hospitals, 3 are third-class integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine hospitals, 2 are third-class A-class TCM orthopaedic hospitals, 3 are third-class B-class TCM hospitals, and 2 are third-class B-class TCM orthopedics hospitals Hospital, valid for 5 years.

How is Zhejiang Provincial Hospital evaluated? Take a brief look~

According to the “Measures for Hospital Evaluation in Zhejiang Province” formulated by the Zhejiang Provincial Health and Health Commission in 2019, the hospital evaluation includes the evaluation of various types of hospitals at all levels. The hospital evaluation takes 5 years as a review cycle. Implement dynamic management.

The hospital grades in Zhejiang Province are divided into three grades and four grades, namely grade three grade A, grade three grade B, grade two grade A, grade two grade B, and grade one hospital, among which grade one hospital is not classified. Second-rate.

The members of the jury are selected and appointed by the health administrative department on the basis of recommendations from hospitals, medical management service guidance institutions, industry (association) associations, medical insurance agencies, and social assessment agencies. Appointed every 5 years. Incumbent civil servants in the administrative management department shall not serve or part-time on the jury.

(Original title “These 21 hospitals in Zhejiang have recently passed the accreditation of tertiary TCM hospitals”. Edited by Ding Shan)