2022 “new age standard for the elderly” announced, no more than this age, congratulations, you are still young

The Seventh National Census Communiqué: Among the national population, the population aged 60 and above is 264,018,766, accounting for 18.70%, of which the population aged 65 and above is 190,635,280 , accounting for 13.50%.

Compared with the sixth national census in 2010, the proportion of the population aged 60 and over increased by 5.44 percentage point, the proportion of the population aged 65 and above increased by 4.63 percentage points.

Except Tibet, the proportion of the population aged 65 and over in the other 30 provinces exceeded 7%. The proportion of the elderly population aged 65 and over in 12 provinces exceeds 14%. #Xiafang Health Guide#

With the rapid development of society and economy, people’s living standards have improved , both in terms of life and diet have been greatly improved, the average life expectancy has been extended, the number of elderly people over 60 years old in my country is increasing day by day, and China has officially entered an aging society.

Some people retire at 55, thinking they are truly old at 60, already old, But he still maintains a young and energetic state at this age, and he is not convinced of the old in his heart, so how old is it to be called an old man?


2022 “new age standard for the elderly” announced, no more than this age, congratulations, you are still young p>

To judge whether a person is old or young, many people first look at their appearance without knowing their age. The appearance will obviously age. Most of the elderly have wrinkles on their faces and gray hair. Some people are affected by underlying diseases and have inconvenience in their legs and feet.

For ancient people, if the life expectancy can reach 70 years old, it is already a long-lived old man, but in today’s world The average life expectancy is rising in every country, and living to the age of 70 has become a common thing.

Age refers to the length of time a person lives from the time of birth to the time of calculation, usually expressed in years. It is a natural sign with a biological basis. In the past, people in their 50s were considered old people, especially after the age of 55.

However, with the improvement of living standards, the increase in life expectancy, the aging speed is getting slower and slower, and the Modern people pay attention to health care, and some people are in their 60s and still look like middle-aged people in their 40s.

previously generally broken down by age:

  • Baby (birth to 1 year old)
  • Toddlers (1-4 years old)
  • Children (5-11)< /span>
  • Youth (12~18)
  • Youth (19~45)
  • Middle age 45~59 )
  • Old age (60~)

The World Health Organization of the United Nations has recently conducted a measurement of global human fitness and average life expectancy, and has made new regulations for the classification of age groups. For 5 age groups, namely:

Under 44 – Youth

Age 45 to 59 – Middle Age

60 to 74 years old – young seniors

75 to 89 years old – seniors

90 years and older – long-lived seniors

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Most people care about their age, after all, everyone If you want to stay young forever, age is just a number for those with a good mentality, and it does not represent their actual psychological age.

If you want to age slowly, you must pay attention to the maintenance of your body in peacetime. Even at the age of 70, he can have a healthy and vigorous physique, and he looks very young and attractive, which makes his peers envious.


People over 60 years old and want to live a long and healthy life, remember these 3 sentences

< p data-track="30">The first sentence: [Waking up too violently hurts blood vessels, I would rather be slow by three points than grab a second] span>

Many young people get up in the morning, brush their teeth, wash their faces, and go to work. For young people, it may be An ordinary thing, but it is very dangerous for the elderly over 60 years old.

As soon as I wake up in the morning, the organs and tissues in the human body are still in a sleep state, and they have not fully woken up. When you get up, your blood pressure and heart rate change instantly, resulting in insufficient blood supply and oxygen supply to the brain, causing symptoms such as dizziness, nausea and vomiting, which is not conducive to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular health.

It is best for the elderly to get up in the morning and follow the instructions”Rather slow three points rather than grab one “Second” health principle, after waking up, lie down on the bed for three minutes, then slowly get up, sit on the edge of the bed for three minutes and sit quietly, put your feet on the edge of the bed, and then slowly get down The bed moves the body.

Sentence 2: [Wandering your stomach hurts your stomach, chewing slowly, and prolonging your life] strong>

The pace of life is accelerating, and modern people eat very fast in order to save time. Some people can solve the problem in five or six minutes. One lunch, and then continue to devote yourself fully to work.

However, for older adults after age 60, digestive and swallowing functions are It is not as good as before. If you eat too fast at this time, on the one hand, it will affect the normal digestion of food, on the other hand, it will cause damage to the esophagus, increase the burden and pressure on the stomach, and also bring too much burden to the heart. .

Therefore, it is the healthiest way to eat that you must chew and swallow slowly. Properly extend the meal time to leave enough time for oral chewing, and the duration of three meals a day is preferably about 20 minutes.

Sentence 3: [Force defecation can easily induce blood vessel rupture, try to avoid] span>

The passage of time, increasing age, coupled with the accumulation of poor diet and living habits, almost all The blood vessels of the elderly have a certain degree of sclerosis, and they are prone to cerebral blood vessel rupture.

If you try to defecate again, it will cause the intra-abdominal pressure and blood pressure to continue to rise, and increase the chance of cerebral hemorrhage , The burden on the heart increases, and it is easy to induce cerebral infarction and myocardial infarction.

The elderly must avoid too much force when going to the toilet, and should concentrate on defecation instead of distracting attention from newspapers, magazines, etc. force. It is best to control the defecation time within three to five minutes, not too long, otherwise it will be detrimental to your health.

Eat more fresh vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and enough meals in your daily diet Fiber, more water, prevent constipation.


Extended – Since ancient times, the long-lived With these 18 characteristics, how many do you account for?

1, strong body

2. Exuberant spirit

3. Good ears and sight< /span>

4. Strong teeth

5. Loud voice

6. Strong memory< /span>

7. Moisturizing beard and hair

< span>8. The waist and legs are flexible

9. The second stool is smooth

10, pulse and relaxation

11. Big ass

12. Many moles p>

13, thick thighs

14. Fast wound healing

15. Nails are rosy and no edges

16. Get up less at night and sleep well

17. Less angry, good attitude

18. Exercise diligently and not be lazy

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After the age of 60, you must develop good living and eating habits, Helps to improve physical fitness, helps reduce the risk of chronic diseases, and also helps to prolong life and enjoy family happiness.