“20 years ago, I forgot the sample of the first SARS patient in Shenzhen in the refrigerator”

First published on | Shenzhen Health Commission< /strong>

Writing | Zheng Jianyang, Chief Reporter of Shenzhen Business Daily

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“Brother, think of a way, Dad is dying!”


Old Zhang at work Suddenly I received a call from my sister, and I was stunned.

Two weeks ago, my 80-year-old father suddenly became dizzy and feverish. I can’t get up. The old man has always been in good health, and he rarely catches a cold. How did the “cold” get so serious this time?

The old man had been lying at home for two weeks, but he still did not get better, his breathing became more and more difficult, and he couldn’t breathe.

Going to the nearby social health center, the doctor panicked after checking: “Uncle, go to the hospital quickly.”


At this time, he has respiratory failure, no energy, and he can’t even walk. It seems that he is one step away from death.

Image source: Internet

“Where can I find a doctor to save him? ?” Lao Zhang was furious.

I transferred to another district hospital to try my luck first. The director of the department waved his hand when he saw it: “Don’t come to me…”

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“You should go to this doctor! Maybe only she knows what happened to your father.”

Which she?

“Director Fu of the Municipal People’s Hospital.”


The director Fu mentioned is a well-known “Iron Lady” in Shenzhen’s medical field, and the director of the Department of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine of Shenzhen People’s Hospital Fu Yingyun.

In the ward, Fu Yingyun also frowned. “There is a large area of ​​inflammation on the CT scan of the lungs, the infection indicators that can be checked in the blood are not high, and the anti-infective treatment for several consecutive days is not effective. What’s going on?”

“My dad went to the doctor because he was completely exhausted and couldn’t walk.” The Zhang brothers and sisters pieced together the key points of his father’s illness. “By the way, he also has a rash on his body.”

Fu Yingyun pondered: “muscle weakness, rash, high muscle enzymes, ineffective anti-infection…”

The doctor is not a god, Dealing with diseases is not a “cool drama” that can be seen on TV and cured by medicine. Many rare diseases are cunningly hidden behind common symptoms. Doctors can only carefully look for loopholes from clues, and their brains run fast to search for the “case library” they have seen for decades.

Myositis!” Fu Yingyun was startled, and those two things appeared in his mind Word, this disease is rare but menacing, and the mortality rate was high in the past. “Check the serum MDA5 antibody.”

The result was as she expected, MDA5antibody was positive Dermatomyositis!

This is an immune disease that causes a rash that quickly leads to interstitial lung disease and respiratory failure.

Immune disease is the disorder of the immune system, which launches self-attack on the human body, we often say rheumatismdampness is one of them.

Image source: Tencent Medical Dictionary The wolf in the immune disease, then this disease (MDA5 antibody positive dermatomyositis) is the tiger. Often, before the doctor is distracted, it has already taken people’s breath and killed them. .

Fu Yingyun immediately overturned the original simple anti-infection plan and treated the immune system. The way was right, the old man’s respiratory failure gradually improved, his whole body began to regain strength, and he began to walk on the ground.

The rare “real culprit” is found out at a glance, which seems to be an accident of “a flash of light”, but it is actually an inevitable result of accumulation.

In the Department of Respiratory Medicine, Fu Yingyun has been in contact with various patients with respiratory failure for a long time, and fought wits and courage with the hidden “bulls, ghosts and snakes”. Her brain is a walking “difficult and critically ill library”.

She played against many of the “ruthless characters” she saw for the first time in Shenzhen.


At the end of the Lunar New Year in 2002, Fu Yingyun received a transfer call: “We have a patient here, and the condition is very bad, and I need to transfer you to your place immediately. At that time, only the respiratory department of Shenzhen Municipal People’s Hospital opened an intensive care unit, and whenever there were difficult patients, they were sent here.

But the situation was unexpected: the patient had persistent high fever, respiratory failure, and lung infection, which deteriorated rapidly.

Fu Yingyun remembered that the students in Guangzhou these days talked about a type of “atypical pneumonia”. “Could it be this disease?”

Image source: Tencent Medical Dictionary p>

On the twenty-eighth day of the Chinese New Year, Fu Yingyun drew blood for the patient and planned to send it to a laboratory in Guangzhou for testing, but the laboratory was already preparing for the Spring Festival holiday and would no longer accept new samples. She can only store the blood samples in the refrigerator of the department.

After the Spring Festival, there are more and more patients in the respiratory intensive care unit, and the routes of infection are very similar.

Some of the whole family became ill. One person went to the hospital in Guangzhou to visit his father. He developed a fever not long after returning to Shenzhen, and soon the whole family also had fever and difficulty breathing.

The patient who was transferred before the Spring Festival, his colleague also sent to rescue because of the same symptoms.

Soon, the “SARS” epidemic broke out, and “human-to-human transmission” was confirmed. Shenzhen quickly established a “SARS” treatment expert group. Under the leadership of Dean Chen Shengwen and Vice Dean Qiu Chen at that time, Fu Yingyun, as a member of the expert group, led colleagues from the Department of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine to Donghu Hospital(the predecessor of Shenzhen Third People’s Hospital) span>Reinforcement, participating in the consultation and rescue of critically ill patients.

On April 16, 2003, WHO announced that the virus had been found, SARS virus.

After the antibody detection method came out, Fu Yingyun immediately remembered the blood in the refrigerator.I took it out for a test, and sure enough, the antibody was positive.

“It turns out that this is the first SARS case in Shenzhen!”

Fortunately Yes, the department has been implementing strict normalization protection, and this patient did not cause nosocomial infection.

(data map)

Fu Yingyun was stationed in Donghu Hospital for half a year. , until the last SARS patient recovered and was discharged from the hospital.

3 years later, she’s back here to deal with another nasty disease.

p>One Sunday in June 2006, a hasty phone call came:

“Director Fu, there is a very strange patient, come and see Look.”

The patient was admitted to their ward with pneumonia on Saturday, and was still walking on admission, and couldn’t breathe that night gas, and coughed up blood and water repeatedly the next day.

At that time, H5N1 cases had been found sporadically across the country, and some had similar symptoms.

“Could it be H5N1?” She thought suddenly.

Experienced the baptism of the SARS epidemic immediately If it is, report the situation to the superior and the disease control department on the same day.

At around 11:00 pm that night, Fu Yingyun received an emergency notification from his superiors and immediately transferred the patient to Donghu Hospital. It turned out that the patient had just been diagnosed as the first H5N1 case in Shenzhen.

Fu Yingyun was soon dispatched to Donghu Hospital with the task of “holding the patient”.

The condition is changing rapidly, and there is no advanced ECMO(artificial heart-lung machine, which can temporarily replace the human heart and lungs), Fu Yingyun only It can rely on the “earth” method to continuously adjust the parameters of the ventilator, and deal with the situation as soon as it occurs, and antibody therapy is also used.

This is three months.

Across the country, there are not many severe H5N1 patients who can survive, but Fu Yingyun holds on.

In 2020, Fu Yingyun participated in the COVID-19 outbreak consultation as a member of the COVID-19 expert group. The daughter who is studying in the United States asked her during a video chat: “Mom, you don’t have to go to the Third City Hospital to help you this time?”

Three months, half a year…with respiratory infection Fu Yingyun is sick, and whenever there is an epidemic, her family is used to the days when she is away from home.

“This time I don’t need to be there for the diagnosis of suspected patients.” /p>

As soon as he finished speaking, on February 22, 2020, Fu Yingyun received an urgent notice and brought his luggage to replace Feng Yongwen, director of the ICU of the Second City Hospital who was on leave, and entered the Third People’s Republic of Shenzhen City. Hospital.

This time, she stayed for 88 days.

On May 21, 2020, the patients diagnosed with the new crown in Shenzhen were “cleared” for the first time, and the last patient was discharged.< /p>

▲The cute little brother said embarrassedly when he was discharged from the hospital: “I dragged Shenzhen down~”

This is a 29-year-old “chubby guy” with a BMI of over 220 pounds and a BMI of 36 (over 28 is considered obese).

In the early morning of April 27th, she was admitted to Shenzhen Third People’s Hospital. She had a fever for 3 days before admission, and had a history of diabetes and suspected hypertension.

After being admitted to the hospital, he continued to have a fever, with a maximum temperature of 40°C, and soon developed into a critical condition. He was put on a non-invasive ventilator on May 4.


“I was so burned that I doubted my life. “

In order to save him, Fu Yingyun also almost “doubted life”.

As a new crown pneumonia in Shenzhen The leader of the expert group for the centralized treatment of severe and critically ill patients, she shoulders 3 important responsibilities:

  • to prevent ordinary patients Severe disease

  • Prevent critically ill patients from becoming critically ill

  • Prevent critically ill patients from dying

So far, 461 confirmed patients have been treated in Shenzhen. A lot of treatment experience has been used on this little brother, including “plasma therapy”.

But the little brother’s high fever continued, and antiviral drugs did not work. Breathing will speed up and blood oxygen saturation will drop. One night, his oxygenation index was only over 80. Logically, as long as it is lower than 200, he must be intubated. The patient is fat and diabetic. Once the trachea is intubated, Here comes the complication.

At that time, Shenzhen was resuming work and production, and it was also the “May Day” “During the holiday, if the younger brother can’t carry it, the people are likely to panic.

Several difficulties make Fu Yingyun “Alexander”.

“Intubation or not intubation? What should I do with this? “When he was most anxious, Fu Yingyun kept asking himself these questions. While telling the doctor in charge of the bed to “watch” the patient’s condition at all times, he called the experts to meet again.

At the meeting, everyone proposed to change the treatment plan, use the second plan in difficult times, and introduce traditional Chinese medicine. At 8 o’clock in the evening, the patient took traditional Chinese medicine. Fever-reducing drugs, the high fever subsided after 3:00 in the morning, and the next day, as the body temperature dropped, the breathing gradually became stable, the anti-viral drugs also worked, and finally recovered and was discharged from the hospital.


Recalling the 88 days of fighting in the third hospital, Fu Yingyun described it as “pressing the gourd and floating the scoop”.

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“The symptoms of the patients just changed, and the symptoms reappeared. For a while, we were really tired and anxious. ”

In a group photo with Academician Zhong Nanshan, Fu Yingyun smiled brightly.

It was 1997, she went to Guangzhou She studied at the Institute of Respiratory Diseases under the tutelage of Zhong Nanshan. This experience made her progress rapidly. After returning to Shenzhen, she set up the first RICU(Respiratory Intensive Care Unit) in Shenzhen.

But behind the photo is an unforgettable “hard life”. During her studies in Guangzhou, her husband, who is also a doctor, was also killed She was dispatched to Equatorial Guinea to help her. She could only entrust her daughter to her mother’s care. Every time she returned to her mother’s house, she came and went in a hurry. Her daughter went to Guangzhou for further study.

Once she came home from studying abroad and found that her daughter was studying while watching TV. As a mother, she was full of heartache and regret at that moment.< /p>

Daughter’s rebellion during adolescence made the “Iron Lady” of the respiratory department even more emotional: “It is more difficult to manage my daughter than to treat critically ill patients. “She once wanted to “send” her grandfather out to “stalk” her daughter to prevent her from going astray.

“Men may be able to focus on their careers, but women will think about their children. Department directors are like this. They need to grow their careers while taking care of their families, and make double efforts to gain social recognition. ”

Fortunately, her obsession with her patients and her career is intangible. As the best role model for her daughter, her daughter gradually became more and more sensible.

At the end of February 2020, my daughter made a video call from the United States and learned that her mother was going to wear armor again. After the battle, he said calmly:

“You still have to go to the third hospital in the end! Don’t worry about me, I have already bought the mask, come on! ”


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