20-year-old girl with congenital cataract ushered in clear vision

“I’ve never felt so clear before. If I want to take a two-month break, I will take the driver’s license test.” 20-year-old Xiaowen (pseudonym) shared her joy with the surgeon on the second day after surgery. Recently, Xiaowen received femtosecond + astigmatic trifocal intraocular lens cataract surgery at Chongqing Nanping Aier Eye Hospital, becoming the first patient in the hospital to have an astigmatic trifocal intraocular lens implanted.

According to relevant surveys, 41.8% of cataract patients have corneal astigmatism greater than 100 degrees. When cataract patients choose multifocal intraocular lens implantation, the astigmatism greater than 100 degrees needs to be corrected at the same time. Previously, the bifocal intraocular lens with astigmatism correction function could only achieve near and far vision, and could not achieve full clear vision.

Surgery scene. Photo courtesy of Chongqing Nanping Aier Eye Hospital

“Xiaowen is a patient with congenital cataract. Fortunately, her cataract did not completely block the entry of light, and the fundus is in good condition, but her cornea has large corneal astigmatism.” Chongqing Nanping Aier Zhang Xiaocheng, director of the Cataract Department of the Eye Hospital, said that for a long time, Xiaowen’s cataracts have not been found. Recently, she felt that her eyesight was getting worse and worse. She went to the optical shop to get glasses and found that she could not improve her vision by wearing glasses. Obviously, this is not myopia, until she came to the hospital for an examination. It was found to be congenital cataract.

Different from common senile cataract patients, Xiaowen is only 20 years old. “Surgery is the only effective treatment method. Without surgery, cataracts will eventually lead to blindness, which will seriously affect normal work and life.” Zhang Xiaocheng said.

Through this operation, under the condition of ensuring the needs of nearsightedness and farsightedness, the visual effect of the middle distance (60cm) is optimized, which can help the patient to solve the problem of distance vision (such as walking, traveling), fancy (such as eating) , looking at the computer, doing housework) and looking around (such as reading, reading newspapers, looking at mobile phones, etc.).

During the review on the first day after the operation, Zhang Xiaocheng showed Xiaowen some small words at a normal distance with her mobile phone. She said it was very clear, and she did not need to hold the mobile phone in front of her eyes to see it as before. “Before the operation, my left eye was 0.6 and my right eye was 0.4, and I always see things hazy.” One week after the operation, Xiaowen’s visual acuity in both eyes has reached 1.2. (Li Danni)