2 people in Beijing were arrested for forging nurses’ licenses to collect nucleic acids

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Collection of nucleic acid by forging a nurse’s license,

2 arrested in Beijing

According to the official Weibo of the Changping Branch of the Beijing Public Security Bureau on May 22, recently, the Changping police reported to a nucleic acid testing agency that: during the inspection process of the nucleic acid collection business, it was found that someone with Fake Nurse Practitioner License. After investigation, the suspects He Moumou (male, 35 years old) and Yin Moumou (male, 36 years old) were applying for work related to nucleic acid collection, and fraudulently obtained qualifications for nucleic acid sampling by forging and purchasing false nurse practitioner certificates.

On May 21, when the two people participated in the sampling work at a nucleic acid testing site in Shisanling Town, Changping District, the inspection staff of the testing institution discovered that their qualifications were fraudulent, and were later arrested by Changping police. . At present, He Moumou and Yin Moumou have been taken criminal compulsory measures by Changping Public Security Bureau according to law, and the case is under further work. (Beijing Public Security Bureau Changping Branch)

One nucleic acid testing site in Beijing

Penalty for using expired sample preservation solution

According to the website of the Beijing Municipal Administration for Market Regulation, the sample preservation solution being used at a nucleic acid testing site in Beijing has exceeded the shelf life. The parties were ordered to correct their illegal acts, and a fine of 50,000 yuan was imposed, and the illegal property was confiscated. (Beijing Daily)

Guangdong’s first tertiary dermatology hospital inaugurated

The Dermatology Hospital of Southern Medical University recently held the unveiling ceremony of the “Third Class A Hospital”, which is the first Class III Class A dermatology hospital in Guangdong Province. Dean Yang Bin said that the hospital will explore a new model of multi-campus development, strengthen the construction of specialized diseases, and gradually build a three-level development pattern of “specialty-sub-specialty-specialized disease” healthy competition and dislocation development, with obvious advantages in dermatology. The general hospital is moving forward. (Xinhua News Agency)

One province is clear:

Residents of the province sample nucleic acid every other day

On May 21, the Henan Provincial Epidemic Prevention and Control Headquarters issued a notice to clarify the guidance for the normalized nucleic acid testing service in Henan Province, requiring residents and other personnel in Henan to in principle every 48 At least one nucleic acid sampling should be completed every hour (sampling every one day). If the sampling is not completed within the specified time, a pop-up reminder or a yellow code will be given when scanning the site code, and they are not allowed to enter public places or take public transportation.

In addition, the notice clarifies the time point, Zhengzhou City will take the lead and carry out normalized nucleic acid testing work by the end of May, and other provinces and cities should establish and improve normalized nucleic acid testing work by the end of June. mechanism. (Dahe Network)

The National Health and Medical Commission’s position: not one size fits all

On May 23, at the press conference of the Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism of the State Council, Mi Feng, spokesperson of the National Health Commission and deputy director of the Publicity Department, said: To improve the classification and treatment system, Establish a gradient admission and two-way referral mechanism, plan and prepare designated hospitals, makeshift hospitals, and centralized isolation points in advance to avoid running on medical resources. Efforts must be made to control the epidemic without affecting the basic medical care and life of the masses, and implement various prevention and control measures in accordance with laws and regulations, instead of simplifying and one-size-fits-all. We must focus on the elderly, and orderly promote the homology and sequential booster immunization of the new coronavirus vaccine. (CCTV News)

Hong Kong opens fourth dose of Covid-19 vaccine

According to a report on the Hong Kong Economic Journal website on May 21, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government announced on the same day that people aged 18 to 59 who have not been infected and who have a higher risk of exposure or personal needs, regardless of Before the vaccination of Sinovac or Fubitai vaccine, the fourth dose of the vaccine can be selected from now on. According to the report, in response to expert advice, the fourth dose must be given at least 6 months after the third dose. (Reference News Network)

Sichuan Guang’an Linshui County achieves social cleanup

On May 23, Guang’an City, Sichuan held a press conference on epidemic prevention and control to report the latest situation of epidemic prevention and control.

Guang’an Deputy Mayor Wang Ying introduced that from 0:00 to 24:00 on May 22, 2 new local confirmed cases were reported in Guang’an City, both of which were previously reported asymptomatic infections and transferred to the diagnosis. ; 29 new cases of local asymptomatic infections (all in Linshui County) were found in the management and control. The newly confirmed cases of asymptomatic infections in Linshui County, Guang’an City have been found within the scope of control for 4 consecutive days, and the social aspect has been cleared. (People’s Daily Health Client)

Man detained for assaulting medical staff

Recently, Taozhu Police Station of Zhuji City Public Security Bureau, Shaoxing City, Zhejiang Province received the report from Zhuji City People’s Hospital, saying that someone in the outpatient department refused to obey the hospital’s epidemic prevention requirements and beat medical staff. Police Feng Yu quickly rushed Dispose of on site. After investigation, the man Jiang wanted to enter the doctor’s office to see if there was anyone after taking the number. Because it was during the epidemic, the hospital stipulated that one person is one consultation room, so the nurse did not allow Jiang to enter the office. After being refused entry, Jiang was emotional, kept pushing the nurse, and strangled the nurse’s neck with his hands, only to stop after being dissuaded by the doctor. Jiang’s behavior seriously disrupted the order of the hospital and had a bad influence. At present, Jiang has been sentenced to administrative detention by Zhuji Public Security Bureau in accordance with the law for beating medical staff. (Shaoxing Public Security)

Source: Comprehensive compilation by the medical community

Editor in charge: Zheng Huaju

Proofreading: Zang Hengjia