2 new cases of asymptomatic infections in Linyi City (asymptomatic infections 3-4)

“I can’t put into words what a day it was and I will remember it for the rest of my life.  … , fans, sponsors, people who hate me, and everyone who helped me achieve this goal.” This is the 31-year-old Icelandic strongman Haverbo Juliers after breaking the deadlift world record with a weight of 501 kg A passage written by Hafthor Julius Bjornsson on social software.

Perhaps more people are familiar with this strong man, who played the magic mountain in “Game of Thrones”. Magic Mountain is 2.06 meters tall and weighs about 206 kilograms. This deadlift is equivalent to pulling up three times his body weight. Such achievements are inseparable from the nutritional support behind him. The daily calorie intake level of Magic Mountain has reached a level of about 8000~10000 kcal, which is equivalent to the sum of normal people’s dietary calorie intake for 4~5 days. Today’s article takes a look at the nutritional analysis behind Magic Mountain’s daily diet, and what we can learn from such a diet.

“Magic Mountain” Diet Introduction

The excellent sports performance is inseparable from the support of diet, the previous physical state of Magic Mountain It’s not perfect. When the weight is about 195 kg, the blood sugar and blood pressure indicators are not very good, and there are problems such as metabolic syndrome. Later, through the adjustment of nutrition, not only the indicators became healthier, but the lean body mass also increased by about 10 kilograms, reaching a level of about 206 kilograms. This physical condition also laid the foundation for hitting the deadlift world record. Because a competition like Hercules is based on absolute strength, it does not limit weight, but at the same time, it is also looking for a balance point. When the body composition is not ideal, too much weight becomes a burden.

Moshan’s daily diet is about 8000~10000 calories, of which about 2.2g per kilogram of body weight Protein and fat are about 1.0g per kilogram of body weight, and the rest of the calories are all allocated to carbohydrates. This means that the intake of carbohydrates will reach the level of more than 5000 kcal per day. This shows how important carbs are for top athletes. But Magic Mountain’s carbohydrate diet is based on refined carbohydrates, such as rice, potatoes and carrots, which is significantly different from our daily health promotion of whole grains and whole grains. Protein is mainly based on red meat and eggs, and fat is not deliberately consumed. Vegetables and fruits will choose spinach, peppers, tomatoes, berries and other fruits. At the same time, fruit juice and coconut water are also regularly consumed, which is also different from our daily recommended diet. Here in Magic Mountain, all diets are actually for the purpose of competition, not the health that we usually understand is the first goal.

The nutritional analysis behind the 10,000-calorie diet

In order to achieve different goals, the nutrition design is also different. Let’s take a look at the nutritional analysis behind the 10,000-calorie diet of Magic Mountain.

First, digestive system and metabolic level

When you eat food When it is less, it may be more about nutritional matching and dietary structure. But when the amount of food becomes huge, another important factor to consider is the problem of digestibility. We usually advocate eating whole grains and whole grains because of their low glycemic index, rich fiber and satiety. The advantages of these foods turned into disadvantages for Magic Mountain. One is that the carbohydrate content in complex carbohydrates is relatively low. For the same weight and amount of carbohydrates, you need to eat more to achieve the same caloric intake. Calories are very important for maintaining lean body mass. Second, because whole grains and whole grains are rich in fiber, when too much fiber is consumed, the digestive system cannot function smoothly, but instead, problems such as flatulence and indigestion will occur. It’s also a powerful strain on the body. Therefore, rice with high carbohydrate content and easy absorption and digestion has become the best choice. The daily intake of beverages such as fruit juice is also to make the digestive system easier and absorb energy quickly.

From the perspective of the selection and quantity of protein intake, it is quite satisfactory, and it also meets the requirements for exercise status. Among the vegetables, broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus, etc., which are particularly loved and recommended by our fitness crowd, are not selected, because these vegetables may prevent the absorption of trace element iodine. Because the abnormal iodine can affect thyroid function and metabolism. The speed of the body’s metabolism is extremely important for people who weigh more than 200 kilograms. Therefore, the choice of ingredients also varies from person to person, depending on your physical condition and current goals.

Second, muscle maintenance

Eating so much food in a day is difficult for ordinary people to accomplish, but for Magic Mountain, it is a task that must be done. Why is it a task? Because the calories reach If not, the body will slow down the metabolic level, and the muscle will be lost. For a lean body mass ratio like the Magic Mountain, if the nutrition and calories in one meal are not enough, the body weight will then change greatly, and the change of 3~5 kg is all It is very possible.Muscle is a luxury, it is hard to grow, and you need to maintain it every day. Adequate carbohydrates can not only provide a caloric environment for building muscles, but also inhibit the breakdown of muscle protein. Magic Mountain They also consume a large amount of casein before going to bed and add a meal in the middle of the night. The goal is to prevent the occurrence of muscle catabolism to the greatest extent. Generally speaking, players with a high proportion of lean body mass will gain muscle. The marginal effect is decreasing, and it is more meaningful to not lose muscle. At the same time, if the diet is slightly insufficient, the training state will decrease, and maintaining a certain body fat rate is also to maximize muscle storage. efficiency, and the stability of hormone levels in the body.It can be said that carbohydrates and protein play a decisive role in the whole process.

Third, goal orientation< /strong>

The energy systems used in the Hercules competition are all phosphate system and anaerobic glycolysis system. It is characterized by fast energy supply but short duration. The deadlift record of Magic Mountain is also a single-explosive force and the use of the phosphate system to complete the exercise. This means that the ATP (human body energy reserve) in the muscle Source) the more the better, the stronger the ability of nerves to instantly recruit muscle fibers, the faster the better.Therefore, the creatine phosphate and glycogen reserves in the energy supply system are the key, and the magic mountain needs absolute power maintain and improve. Therefore, a large intake of daily carbohydrates and protein (especially red meat) also provides a material source for energy reserves and instantaneous burst output. Of course, if you consume a lot of calories, your body must also be able to digest and absorb this part of the calories, otherwise it will become a burden on the body because the calories are stored as fat. Being able to eat and practice is the minimum requirement for the Hercules project.

Inspiration for daily fitness

It is obvious that the nutritious diet of Magic Mountain is not in line with our daily public, but we can also learn some knowledge from it.

First, carbs matter

Whether muscle gain and fat loss, cardiorespiratory training or sports performance , the level of glycogen reserves is highly likely to be closely related to your final grades. In particular, we must pay attention to the intake of carbohydrates, which is familiar to our people to increase muscle and reduce fat. Controlling carbohydrates is half the battle. When losing fat, the intake of carbohydrates should not be too low, at least 40~45% of the calorie level of the whole day. Too low intake of carbohydrates will affect the exercise consumption, and secondly, it will not be able to maintain lean body mass. Losing muscle mass can make it harder and harder to lose fat, enter a plateau prematurely, and cause other physical problems. When building muscle, carbohydrates should account for more than 50%, and its importance is no less than protein. Carbohydrates can provide a thermal environment for muscle growth and can inhibit the breakdown of muscle protein. When the glycogen level in the body is sufficient, more exercise consumption and muscle building can be carried out, which is inseparable from sufficient carbohydrate intake.

Second, the more muscle the better the relative metabolism

Muscle is the human body The second heart, the more muscle mass, the stronger the body’s metabolic capacity will be, and the muscle will help improve insulin sensitivity, thereby improving blood sugar levels. Simply put, the ratio of lean body mass increases, which can help you consume more excess calories, so you can eat more of the food you want without gaining weight. At the same time, the increase in muscle mass also reduces the occurrence of many joint diseases in the body, and plays an important role in maintaining joint health and body balance. More benefits of muscle training include adjusting hormone levels, improving the blood supply capacity of the heart, and moderate exercise, which is also conducive to improving the immune system and enhancing human resistance. Of course, the most obvious change is that the figure is more sculpted and more linear.

Third, nutritional design varies by goal

From the nutritional design of Magic Mountain , nutrition also varies by goal. Therefore, everyone’s goals are different, and the nutrition design will not be the same. Even if it is the same goal, the nutrition planning will be different. Therefore, in the process of achieving personal goals, it is necessary to adjust the nutritional level in a timely manner according to one’s own physical state and the progress of achieving the goals. Especially in the process of losing fat, it is necessary to adjust the proportion of the three major nutrients in time with the weight change, body feedback, fatigue level and the level of body hormones. According to the state of the body, the intake of cheat meals and the body’s health can also be adjusted. Take a complete rest and so on. Nutrition varies from person to person and is adjusted for scenarios. Don’t follow through on a plan, or even use someone else’s nutrition plan to serve your own goals, this is not a reliable approach.


Magic Mountain says: The easiest part is the training, the hardest part is the diet. Actually the same is true throughout our entire process of building muscle and losing fat. We must pay attention to nutrition and pay attention to diet, practice three points, and eat seven points. Once you focus on your diet, you will achieve your goals faster. On the contrary, the goal can also be achieved, but it may be tiring in the process, and the effort is not proportional to the gain. In the end, again, the more you know about sports science, the better you can achieve your goals. The harder, the more fortunate. Come on, everyone. Let’s encourage each other.