18-year-old beauty model does not drink water to cause cerebral infarction? In these 6 cases, the doctor advises you to drink more water

If you are thirsty, drink water.

This ideal must be known to everyone. From childhood to adulthood, adults have always taught us to drink more water, and drink some water when you have nothing to do.

However, there are still many people who neglect or do not understand such a truth.

Watch out! 18-year-old beautiful model does not drink water and causes cerebral infarction

Recently, Huashan Hospital affiliated to Fudan University admitted an 18-year-old cerebral infarction patient.

This patient, a model, had not been drinking for a period of time due to weight control prior to going on stage, resulting in blood concentration.

Added to the overloaded body movement, the model eventually developed a large cerebral infarction and needed ventilator support until the end stage.

Without dripping water, a person can barely survive for 3 days

As the saying goes: Water is the source of life, and the metabolism of the human body needs the help of water. If you don’t drink water for a long time, the skin will first lose its luster and elasticity.

At the same time the concentration of bilirubin metabolites gradually increases, the urine will gradually become more and more yellow, and even urinary stones .

With the lack of water in the human body, the water in the cells will flow out of the cells to replenish the water in the blood. When the blood does not have any ability to transport red blood cells to various organs in the body, a series of Abnormal function.

If there is no water, the water in the brain will flow out of the cells, and the brain function cannot be carried out, and headache, coma, and confusion will appear. …even death.

Therefore, people can barely survive for 3 days without water, and rarely more than 5 days under extreme conditions.

What situations do you need to rehydrate in a timely manner

One. When the body feels thirsty

Once the body responds to thirst, it means that the kidneys are already in a state of dehydration. Although water is replenished in time to quench thirst, it has actually caused damage to the kidneys.

When a person feels thirsty, the brain has already received the signal that the organs lack water, and then transmits it to the sensory center through the brain, so that the feeling of thirst appears.

The brain sends a thirst signal, which means that the body is in a state of short-term water shortage. If you wait for a long time to drink water after being thirsty, it will easily damage the kidney’s ability to detoxify and excrete.

Second, when drinking strong tea

The strong tea contains alkaline substances, which can easily accelerate the metabolism in the body. Drinking too much strong tea will cause excessive metabolites to accumulate in the kidneys, which will damage kidney function for a long time. It can also cause kidney failure.

Of course, it is not impossible to drink strong tea. Friends who like to drink tea can continue to drink tea, but pay attention to the combination of tea and water. You cannot just drink tea and ignore the intake of normal boiled water.

Third, when you have a cold and a fever

When a person is in a fever state, the body temperature is too high, which easily consumes body fluid and accelerates the flow of water in the body.

For people with fever, they should pay attention to drinking more water and make up for the water lost by the body in time, so as not to cause excessive water loss to cause the body to lack water and cause symptoms of electrolyte imbalance such as general weakness. help plusSpeed ​​up the circulation of the human urinary system, thereby reducing fever to a certain extent.

4. Patients with kidney stones

Kidney stones are urinary tract diseases. The formation of stones is mostly caused by drinking less water every day. Patients with kidney stones should ensure sufficient water intake every day.

In addition, drinking plenty of water and exercising is beneficial and harmless for stone patients. It not only helps the body to replenish water, but also promotes the stone to be excreted as soon as possible.

5. People who are prone to sweating should drink more water

Sweat is made up of body fluids, and frequent sweating also consumes part of the body’s water.

People who are prone to sweating lose water faster than normal people, and they need to replenish more. It is recommended that friends who like to sweat can carry a water cup with them, and drink saliva when they find they are sweating, so as to prevent the body from causing discomfort due to excessive sweating.

Of course, each of us has a different body weight, diet, and activity level, so you can drink water according to your own feelings.

If you feel “full”, your body is “not thirsty,” so stop and stop drinking.

All in all, except for certain kidney disease and heart failure patients, who need to limit their water intake as prescribed by a doctor.

Drinking water is really simple for most healthy people—Drink as much as you want.