179 free nucleic acid testing sites in Kunming continue to be extended until June 30

On June 13, the Kunming Epidemic Prevention and Control Headquarters issued the “Notice on Extending the Working Hours of Free Nucleic Acid Testing”, clarifying that each county (city) district, development (vacation) in Kunming City The number of free nucleic acid testing points in the district will not be reduced, and the free testing time will be extended to June 30.

Kunming Epidemic Prevention and Control Headquarters has set up free nucleic acid in the city since April 1 Since the testing point was established, this is the fifth time that it has decided to postpone the establishment of a free testing point. The purpose is to make every effort to prevent and control the epidemic in Kunming. At present, there are 179 fixed free nucleic acid testing points in the city. Citizens can open the “Map of Free Nucleic Acid Testing Points in Kunming” to check the specific points.

Among them, the old hospital district of Dongchuan District People’s Hospital (fever clinic), Ngawang Town Health Center, Hongdi Town Health Center, Hongdi Town Health Center Huagou Branch, Anning First People’s Hospital Jinfang District Fever Clinic, Lianran District Fever Clinic, Fumin County People’s Hospital (Yongding Street), Xundian Eight points, including the fever clinic of the First People’s Hospital of the County, continue to provide 24-hour free nucleic acid testing. The daily detection time of other points is uniformly 9:00-12:00, 13:00-17:00.

Kunming follows the principle of “willingness to inspect and inspect all”, and the 5th extension is set The free nucleic acid detection point of the company has played a positive role in timely detection, prevention of the spread of the epidemic, and reduction of the impact of the new coronavirus on the entire society. However, it is also necessary to remind again that for low-risk groups and long-term home groups, frequent nucleic acid testing is not necessary to avoid wasting public resources.

[Source: Urban Barcode]

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