1700 people were killed by heat! Europeans don’t install air conditioners when they are too hot, why?

Recently, the continuous heat wave in China has been constantly brushing the screen, and the terrifying heat stroke has taken one life after another, making people terrified to watch.

However, our country is not only hit by heat waves in the world, Europe is also scorching hot, and it’s worse than we are. Up to now, the number of people who died of heat in Spain and Portugal has exceeded 1,700…

According to the news released by the Spanish Carlos III Institute, it is only from July 10th to July 17th. , 678 people died of heat in the country. Portugal is even worse. The director of the country’s health bureau introduced that from July 7 to July 18, the number of people who died of heat in Portugal reached 1,063! Moreover, the statistics of this number may not be complete, and considering that the heat wave will continue to rage in the future, it is difficult to imagine how many people will be killed by heat in Europe this year.

In addition to these two countries, France, Germany, Countries such as the Netherlands and Belgium also suffered from rare heat waves, setting new records. Especially in the UK, the news that the runway at Luton Airport in the London area has even been damaged in the heat, so that flights have been suspended, is really incredible.

What is strange is that even if the “hot” and “heating”, Europeans do not seem to install air conditioners in their homes, but use more primitive means to cool themselves, such as taking a bath , fanning or even undressing – not at home, some people even run naked to work, some women are so hot that they are shirtless in public… Even so, they don’t need air conditioning, which is why?

First of all, many European countries are in relatively high latitudes. The temperature is not too high all year round, and the hottest season is only for such a short period of time. The Vikings prefer to rely on their righteousness to resist the heat.

In addition, European Protestants look down on countries like the United States that rely heavily on air conditioners, and feel that this cooling method with the help of machines is useless. A Cambridge University professor named Gwyn Prins even 30 years ago blamed Americans’ reliance on air conditioning as the “most widespread and least noticed epidemic” in the country.

In addition, European houses are also very characteristic, that is Insulation is very good. Many houses are made of bricks, and there is a cool breeze from the cellar. If you master the skills of ventilation and shading, you can still get a much lower temperature at home than outdoors. But the problem is that the weather outside this year is particularly hot, and the indoor reuse skills are not much lower, not to mention that many people die from the heat outdoors.

What’s even more exaggerated is that air conditioners in Europe are surprisingly expensive. An ordinary air conditioner costs 600 euros, and the installation fee is even more astonishing, generally 1400~1500 euros. Adding the two together is about 2,000 euros, or 15,600 yuan. Not to mention the Chinese people look scared. Even in high-income Germany, most people need at least half a month’s salary or even a month’s salary to install an air conditioner…< /p>

It should be noted here that in southern Europe, such as Greece In countries with relatively low latitudes, air conditioners are also more popular. After all, it is much hotter than high-latitude areas, and people have long accepted the reality.

In addition, even in Germany and other countries, many people have already compromised with reality – the spiritual world has been warmed by God, and the body still wants to cool down. As early as 2018, the sales of air conditioners in Germany soared by 15%, and air conditioner installers began to be busy. Many air conditioner sellers remind customers to buy as soon as possible, and it will be too late. There are also countries such as France, which have installed a large number of air conditioners in public places, initially realizing “collective cooling”.

Let’s not laugh at Europeans too, because in many Europeans According to the concept of air conditioning, it has a huge damage to the earth’s environment. In addition to wasting a lot of electricity on the air conditioner and further exacerbating the greenhouse effect, they are also concerned about the environmental impact of refrigerants. Therefore, they are carrying the heat wave year after year with a fearless spirit…