15 countries around the world have reported confirmed cases of monkeypox WHO: more monkeypox cases may be found in the future

The BBC reported on the 22nd local time that Israel, Switzerland and Austria have also reported confirmed cases of monkeypox in the past two days, and the number of countries reporting confirmed cases in this round has increased to 15.

Reports say one confirmed case each in Israel and Switzerland has a history of foreign travel. Israel is investigating other suspected cases. Austrian health authorities confirmed on the 22nd that a male patient was infected with monkeypox, and the patient was reported to have developed a fever and skin lesions. In addition, the Argentine health department said on the 22nd that a suspected case of monkeypox was found. The case has a recent travel history to Spain, and the health department is further confirming it.

In addition, several countries that have identified cases of monkeypox have recently reported new confirmed or suspected cases. The Florida health department said it was investigating a suspected case after two confirmed cases in the United States. The British health department said on the 22nd that more confirmed cases of monkeypox are being found in the UK every day. Spain’s Madrid Region Public Health Minister Escudero said on the 22nd that so far, there have been 30 confirmed cases of monkeypox in the region, and another 40 suspected cases are still being confirmed.

The World Health Organization warned on the 21st that, given that cases have been found in many countries where the monkeypox virus is not endemic, more cases may be found in these and other countries in the future.