123 people have been discharged from hospital, and 845 people have been treated in Fangcang! The latest news from Langfang is here!

This afternoon, Langfang City held the eighth press conference on the prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic. Zhang Chunyan, deputy head of the Langfang City New Coronary Pneumonia Epidemic Prevention and Control Work Leading Group and deputy mayor of the municipal government, introduced that as of 12 noon today, A total of 123 people are eligible for discharge, and self-health monitoring is carried out after discharge.

123 people discharged from hospital

As of 12 noon today, a total of 123 people in Langfang are eligible for discharge. Conditions, self-health monitoring after discharge. More than 3,000 couriers, sanitation and other personnel who had three consecutive rounds of negative nucleic acid tests were released from work.

New cases

From 0:00 to 24:00 on March 18, 2 new confirmed cases in Langfang City, both in Anci District; 260 asymptomatic infections, It is mainly concentrated in Geyu Town, Donggugang Town in Anci District and Yangfengang Town in Bazhou City adjacent to it. The vital signs of patients admitted to designated hospitals in the city are stable.

845 people have been treated in Fangcang shelter hospitals

Langfang City, in accordance with the “Four Concentrations” principle of concentrating patients, concentrating experts, concentrating resources, and concentrating treatment, implements “one-person” in designated medical institutions. One policy”, scientific diagnosis and treatment. Fangcang shelter hospitals have treated 845 people with mild and asymptomatic infections. Currently, all patients in the city are in stable condition.

Anti-epidemic measures

In terms of traditional Chinese medicine treatment and prevention, we insist on paying equal attention to both traditional Chinese and Western medicine, adopting one person, one side, and individualized and precise treatment. Based on the characteristics of the region and seasonal climate, Langfang City has researched and formulated the “Langfang City New Coronary Virus Pneumonia TCM Prevention Guidelines” to provide effective medical support for people in key areas and isolation points.

Comprehensively strengthen the prevention and control of nosocomial infections during the epidemic. Under the careful guidance of the provincial hospital infection prevention and control experts, various medical institutions at all levels in the city strictly implement the various work requirements for hospital infection prevention and control, standardize the establishment of pre-examination and triage points, and implement three-level pre-examination and triage; standardize the setting of fever Outpatient clinics, strictly abide by the standard work procedures such as fully enclosed medical treatment, setting up three districts and two channels, and all diagnosis and treatment activities can be completed independently in the fever clinic. At the same time, the closed-loop management of the whole process is implemented to resolutely avoid the occurrence of nosocomial and cross-infection.

Strengthen care for patients. For hospitalized children and the elderly, actively carry out psychological counseling, strengthen nutritious diet, and strengthen humanistic care. Forces from all walks of life actively provide care and care, and provide 500 coats, 600 warm babies, 1,200 quilts, 5,000 heated foods, as well as books, picture albums, etc. Do our best to provide a comfortable medical environment for patients to ensure a speedy recovery.

We will do our best to ensure material security. The city has identified 10 vegetable supply guarantee bases, 29 raw milk production enterprises, 43 designated slaughtering enterprises, and 68 egg production enterprises to fully guarantee the supply of living materials to the people of the city. At the same time, more than 3,000 couriers, sanitation and other personnel who have been negative for three consecutive rounds of nucleic acid tests have been released to work to better ensure the operation of the city.

From: Ji Shi client

Source: Hebei Traffic Broadcasting