12 years of the League of Legends S game, a breakdown of the championship teams in those years

League of Legends (LOL) is developed by the United States Riot Games in 2009 and developed by the Chinese mainland by span>Tencent GamesAgency-operated Hero BattleMOBAcompetitive online game.

League of Legends Three World Championships:

League of Legends Midseason Championship, League of Legends World Championship, League of Legends All-Star Game

World Championship:< /strong>The highest honor, highest gold content, highest competitive level, highest profile in the LOL competition

Mid-Season Championship : The champion team of each division’s spring playoffs will be invited to participate

< span>All-Star Game:The players are all star players voted by the audience of each division. In addition to the star team’s main game, there are also other games such as clone mode, unlimited firepower, double Entertainment modes such as co-playing, SOLO competitions, etc., are the annual feast for every LoL enthusiast.

As of April 1, 2022, the previous champions of League of Legends s are:

S1 season: FNC;

Top laner Shushei, jungler Cyanide, mid laner Xpeke (S game Mvp), ADC Lamia, support Mellsan.

The champion skins are :

Keg Demacian Prince Death Singer Heroic Bombardier Stormfury

S2 season: Taipei Assassination Star;

Top single Stanley, jungler Lilballz, mid single TOYZ (S game Mvp), ADC MiSTakE, support Colalin.

Champion Skin:

Eye of Twilight Zaun Madman Clockwork Demon Explorer Yeti Knight

S3 Season: SKTT1;

In September 2013, Los Angeles, the United States ushered in the LOL Season 3 World Finals. The final was the royal team representing China and SKT from South Korea!

Top single Impact, jungler Bengi, mid single Faker (S game Mvp), ADC Piglet, support PoohMandu

Champion Skin:

Weapon Master Blind Monk Shadow Stream Lord Night Hunter Rising of Thorns p>

S4 season: SSW;

Top single Looper, jungler Dandy, mid single Pawn, ADC Imp, support Mata (S Mvp)

In the S4 world finals, SSW has almost perfect posture to win the S4 world finals championship, strong individual ability and dominant overall team execution The power has brought shock and madness to the audience of League of Legends all over the world, and it deserves to be the only one in the world.

Champion Skin:

Alchemist Pride Stalker Shadow of the Blade and Plague Primal Lock Warden

S5 Season: SKT;

Top single Marin (S game Mvp), jungler Bengi, mid single Faker/Easyhoon, ADC Bang, support Wolf

Champion Skin:

Desert Butcher Spider Queen Wandering Mage/Desert Emperor Spear of Vengeance Tauren Chief

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S6 season: SKT

Top single Duke, jungler Bengi, Blank, mid laner Faker (S game Mvp), ADC Bang, Auxiliary Wolf

Champion Skin:

Time Spike Guest Berserker/Biochemical Demon Man Dark Head Drama Commander Tide Shark Princess

S7 season: SSG;

Top laner CuVee, jungler Ambition/Haru, mid laner Crown, ADC Ruler (FMVP), support CoreJJ


Champion Skin:

Lost Tooth Prince Demacia/Explorer Rock Sparrow Reverse Feather Plumage

S6 finals, SKT defeated SSG to win the championship, and in this S7 finals, SSG successfully completed their revenge. It was also the first time that Brother Li was beaten and cried.

S8 season: IG;

Top single The Shy/Duke, jungler Ning, mid single Rookie, ADC Jackeylove, support Baolan

Champion skin:

Women Sword Princess/Blade Dancer Qinggangying Magic Feather, Daughter of the Void

(FMVP Ning)

S9 season: FPX;

Top laner Gimgoon, jungler Tian, ​​mid laner Doinb, ADC Lwx, support Crisp ( Substitute: jungler Xinyi, because he didn’t play in the World Championship, he didn’t have the championship skin)

Champion Skin:

Blaze of the Sea, Blind Monk, Lava Behemoth, Night Hunter, Soullock Warden

(FMVP Tian)

S10 Season: DWG.

Top Nuguri, Jungle Canyon, Mid ShowMaker, ADC Ghost, Support BeryL

Champion Skin:

Rageheart Wild Huntress Card Master The Goddess of Dawn

(FMVP Canyon)

S11 season: EDG.

Top laner Flandre, jungler jiejie, mid laner Scout, ADC Viper, support Meiko

Champion Skins:

Outlaw, Ruined King, Twilight Spirits, The Fading Moon, Magic Cat

(FMVP Scout)

As of now, among all the championship teams, who do you think is the strongest? ! ! !

I give Samsung White! ! However, the gold content of EDG winning the championship is very high! At least it is the champion with the highest gold content in recent years!

What’s your choice?