12-year-old girl diagnosed with breast tumor after eating fried food often! Can the disease turn into cancer?

According to media reports, recently, a 12-year-old girl in Jiangsu was diagnosed with breast tumor. After surgical treatment, a fibroadenoma about 9 cm long and 4.5 cm wide was removed from her chest.

In fact, this disease is actually not uncommon in adolescent girls, and most patients are related to the level of estrogen in the body.

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According to doctor consultation, the original name was Girls like to eat high-calorie fried foods every day, which may be the reason for the increase in estrogen in the body.

Considering that adolescence is in a period of rapid physical development, it is recommended that parents pay attention to their children’s dietary structure and reduce high-sugar and high-fat foods as much as possible.

What kind of disease is breast tumor?

Although the name has a “tumor” in it, it sounds a bit scary.

However, the canceration rate of this disease is not high. According to the “Chinese Expert Consensus on Diagnosis and Treatment of Breast Fibroadenoma”: The canceration rate of breast fibroadenoma is about 0.12% to 0.30%.

This disease often occurs in adolescent and even premenopausal women, mainly in adolescent women. The peak age of onset is 15 to 25 years old. Postmenopausal women rarely develop new fibroadenomas.

Why are breast tumors more prevalent in adolescent women?

Mainly because these diseases are related to the exuberant secretion of sex hormones.

As women enter puberty, with the continuous increase of hormones in the body, under the long-term stimulation of estrogen, the glandular epithelial tissue and fibrous tissue in the local area of ​​the breast will grow excessively, resulting in structural A disorder occurs, causing an imbalance between breast tissue and hormonal stimulation, leading to the development of fibroadenomas.

Why does eating barbecue and fried foods cause breast tumors?

The answer is very simple, mainly because these foods are high-fat, high-sugar, and high-calorie foods. Long-term intake of such foods will inevitably lead to excess energy intake and promote obesity.

Once the body gets fat, hormones will be unbalanced, especially estrogen is the most likely to increase, which will naturally lead to the occurrence of breast tumors.

Mammary tumor patients should say goodbye to the high-fat diet in the past. Meat foods such as beef, mutton, and pork will have a certain impact on the body, induce breast cancer, and cause higher saturation. Fat will form a large amount of estrogen-like and prostaglandin-like substances in the body. Patients should be mainly light, so these foods are to be refused.

Also, eating royal jelly is not recommended.

Although from the data, the content of sex hormones in royal jelly is not high, and it will not be harmful to human health, but if you suffer from breast disease, you will not be able to use the jelly, such as propolis, royal jelly, pollen, etc. It is a kind of health care product, it needs to be consumed with caution after consultation with a doctor.

To prevent breast cancer, what can we eat more?

First, brown rice

When losing weight, many people choose brown rice, which has the effect of lowering cholesterol and strengthening the brain. Therefore, it is beneficial for people with high blood lipids to eat more, and the lignans in brown rice also have the effect of preventing breast cancer.

Second, fish and milk

If necessary, breast cancer patients need surgery. After surgery, wound healing and radiotherapy and chemotherapy During treatment, a large amount of protein is required, so the intake of protein should be increased.

In the recovery process, eat more protein-rich foods such as fish, milk, and eggs, especially plant-based protein.

Third, soybeans

some people Will ask: won’t soybeans stimulate the growth of breast tissue? Wouldn’t eating more soybeans also promote the occurrence of mammary gland tumors?

In fact, soybeans can protect mammary glands, mainly because of the soy isoflavones contained in soybeans, which are phytoestrogens. A hormone that is not quite the same as estrogen in humans.

A large number of clinical studies have found that phytoestrogens can bidirectionally regulate estrogen levels in women.

For example, when the estrogen in the body is insufficient, phytoestrogens can play a role in supplementing estrogen; when the estrogen level in the body is too high, the phytoestrogens will have a protective and inhibitory effect, preventing the body from producing excessive estrogen. more estrogen.

All in all, once you suffer from breast fibroids, women don’t need to be too nervous, especially women around 20 years old. If you find anything abnormal, it is recommended to consult a doctor in time, and consider whether surgery is needed according to the condition.