12-year-old girl contracted gynecological disease, fallopian tube was cut! Mother blamed herself and cried: I killed the child

Speaking of gynecological diseases, everyone subconsciously thinks that it is a matter of adult women. But what you don’t know is that children can also get gynecological diseases!

Some of the adult women we encounter with chronic illnesses and infertility often have the seeds of their troubles at an early age. Even more distressing, these scourges could have been avoided!

12-year-old girl contracted gynecological disease and had her fallopian tubes cut!

A month ago, 12-year-old Pingping developed abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting. The family thought she had a bad stomach, so they took her to the community clinic to prescribe some medicine.

I have taken a lot of medicines, but the symptoms have not been relieved, but are still getting worse. Only then did her family pay attention and took her to a large tertiary hospital in Hangzhou for a comprehensive examination.

The ultrasound and MRI results surprised everyone: The little girl had hydrosalpinx and pelvic inflammatory disease and had to be hospitalized.

A good boy, how could he have gynecological diseases at such a young age? The family can’t believe this fact!

After consultation and checking the little girl’s living habits, the doctor finally found out the cause of her illness: sometimes when she was in a hurry to go out in the morning, her mother would give Pingping her panties to wear.

And Pingping’s mother had cervicitis herself, and she didn’t pay much attention to it at the time, so there was no standardized treatment at all, and she didn’t go to review it later.

Pingping’s mother’s habit has laid the groundwork for her child’s tragedy today.

In addition, Pingping has a long menstrual period and does not pay attention to hygiene during menstruation, which aggravates her condition. Due to the deteriorating condition, in desperation, the doctor had to make a painful decision: to remove Pingping’s fallopian tube.

Things have happened, and we are powerless to change anything. In addition to sympathy, I would also like to remind everyone: No matter how close the relationship is, you must not share intimate clothing!

Of course, this is a wake-up call for everyone!

More than 60% of gynecological diseases are related to underwear!

Through the above case, we must understand the fact that even a minor, even without a boyfriend, will suffer from gynecological diseases! Gynecological diseases really have nothing to do with age, but with hygiene!

Studies by microbiologists from all over the world have confirmed that an average pair of dirty underwear contains 0.1 gram of feces, and the excrement contains pathogenic bacteria such as Salmonella and Escherichia coli.

If you still can’t feel the “power” of a pair of dirty underwear, take a look at the table below:

And women are more susceptible to germs because of the structure of the reproductive tract. According to “Life Times”, more than 60% of gynecological diseases are related to unclean underwear!

It may be said that it is still difficult to attract everyone’s attention, so here is another 2018 news.

According to “Look at the News”, a 23-year-old girl does not change her underwear for a month or a few weeks for a long time. She didn’t remember to come to the hospital for a checkup until her stomach felt bloated, her lower body felt a burning sensation, and she even had something flowing.

Examination results are: condyloma acuminatum and vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia, which are precancerous lesions of vulvar cancer.

Look! This is the consequence of not paying attention to hygiene!

Although it is not the canceration directly caused by the hygiene of the underwear, but not paying attention to the hygiene of the underwear leads to a decline in her immunity, which means that she is more likely to be infected with various viruses than the average person, and then there are gynecological diseases, venereal diseases, Even cancer!

Really, it’s useless no matter how bright the surface is. I won’t go into details here about the diseases that can cause if you don’t pay attention to hygiene for a long time. Just look at a few pictures.Feel it…

How often is the best time to wash panties?

If you have a lot of time and a lot of underwear, it doesn’t matter if you wash it 10 times a day.

However, from a cost-effective point of view, what must be done is to change and wash once a day. If it is summer, or other times when you are prone to sweating, you can also change and wash it twice a day.

How often is the best time to change your underwear?

Some people say that the underwear should be changed every three months, and some people say that the underwear should be changed every six months. Who should I listen to?

In fact, the criterion is not time, but whether it is colored and deformed.

If the panties are colored and cannot be washed off; or they are deformed and have no elasticity; or if the moisture absorption and breathability are poor, it means that the panties really need replaced.

Especially for women, the protein components in leucorrhea can easily become a breeding ground for bacteria, making them more susceptible to gynecological inflammation.

So usually prepare a few more pairs of underwear, so be prepared. When it rains, you don’t have to worry about running out of underwear~

Is hand-washing panties really cleaner than machine washing?

In most people’s subconscious, hand washing is better than machine washing. Hand washing is indeed easier to clean, but there are also some disadvantages, such as the use of detergents that are not rinsed well, or not wrung out thoroughly, which can cause mold to multiply.

While machine washing may not look so clean, the human body itself has certain barriers, and because of these barriers, the chance of infection is not so great. As long as you don’t use a public washing machine, or you don’t wash particularly dirty clothes in the washing machine, it’s not a big problem.

Even if there are bacteria in the washing machine, these bacteria are usually accessible to us, and there are not so many pathogenic bacteria.

Of course, if someone in the family has skin diseases and other diseases that can be transmitted through mucous membranes, underwear should be washed separately.

Can panties and socks be washed together?

In fact, underwear and socks can be washed together, but the following conditions must be met before washing.

Has its own special washing machine; Underwear can be dried in time; Good health and strong enough immunity; No skin diseases, no foot diseases such as beriberi, and no genitalia Discomfort and abnormality.