102 years old and still smart! This old man summed up the secret of longevity

102 years old, no chronic diseases; bright ears and eyesight, no magnifying glass for reading newspapers; good teeth, can eat a bowl full of meals…

In Chenhuapu Community, Xiapu Street, Beilun District, I know old man Wang Houde Yes, I can’t help but give a thumbs up. Recently, the fact that the elderly are accompanied by their family members to complete the new crown vaccination has become a good talk.

“Dad, it’s time to eat!” At 10:30 am on March 25th, when the reporter came to the old man Wang Houde’s house, the eldest daughter-in-law Zhang Xindi had just brought out the lunch from the kitchen.

The old man who was leaning against the bed watching TV listened, slowly propped himself up, and pushed the walker to the table. Zhang Xindi tried to help, but was gently pushed away. “That’s what he is, he thinks he can do it without the help of others!” There was a hint of resentment in the words.

The lunch prepared by Zhang Xindi is brine shrimp, roasted kohlrabi with green onions, and the main food is sweet potato porridge boiled in the morning. In order to make it easier for the old man to eat, she peeled off the shell of the shrimp in advance and served it with a dish of soy sauce.

Three meals a day, on time. Reporter Chen Ye/Photo

The elderly have a “ceremonial sense” of eating. Although they have inconvenient legs and feet, they are not willing to eat in bed. After his family helped him put on his bib, he sat at the table by himself and chewed slowly.

The elderly have a good appetite, but they can also restrain themselves. At the end of the table, only a few shrimps and a small piece of kohlrabi were left. Ask him: “Do you still want to eat?” He waved his hand and said, “I’m almost full, I can’t eat any more.”

< p>After eating, the old man has to wash his face. Reporter Chen Ye/Photo

The reporter saw that the side of the bed was full of food, including milk and bread, all sent by the seven children. “My dad eats three meals a day on a regular basis. He will have breakfast at 6 in the morning, lunch at 10:30 in the morning, and dinner at 3:00 in the afternoon.” On the same day, Wang Zhizhong, the eldest son, was also there. home. He told reporters that he prepared so much food because he was afraid that if the old man was hungry, he could fill his stomach.

Having a centenarian at home and in good health is considered a blessing in the eyes of the children. All 7 children live in Beilun, and since the year before last, everyone has arranged a “duty list”, and each person takes turns to take care of them every day. Comes at 6:00 in the morning and leaves at 4:00 in the afternoon, responsible for the elderly’s three meals a day and other daily needs.

Old man Wang Houde usually has few hobbies. He likes watching TV, but his favorite is reading newspapers. When the weather is fine, he will push the small table to a well-lit location or read the newspaper in the yard.

The elderly have the habit of reading newspapers every day. Reporter Chen Ye/Photo

Without deaf ears, good appetite, and able to read newspapers, at 102 years old, with such a body, it is rare for others to see. What is even more rare is that the elderly have almost never been sick and have no chronic diseases.

But the family said that the most powerful thing is not this. Wang Houde is a 64-year-old party member. When he was 100 years old, he would walk to the community by himself and attend party member meetings. If it hadn’t been for a fall the year before, it wouldn’t be a problem to walk now. “He likes to watch the news and learn about national affairs. When his legs are good, he must attend the party members’ meeting.” For the old man’s “stubbornness”, his family had to rely on him.

Of course, when I was 100 years old, I could walk to the community for a meeting. That’s all in the past. Not long ago, Mr. Wang Houde did an even more “powerful” thing, that is, he went to the community with his family. Scheduled vaccination sessions to complete the new crown vaccination. At that time, the family worried that he was too old and had concerns, but the old man felt that he was an old party member and had to actively cooperate with the epidemic prevention and control work.

When leaving, the old man waved to the reporter. Reporter Chen Ye/Photo

“Abo, what do you think is the secret to your longevity?”

“Three meals a day should be regular, and you should eat when you order; you can’t eat too much. If you’re too full, you can’t be hungry.” The old man Wang Houde summed up this sentence in a serious manner, which made everyone in the room burst into laughter.

Source: Ningbo Evening News