10,000 steps a day, how much can you consume? If you want to lose weight while walking, master these 3 tips

As the meatless season is gradually approaching, more and more people are catching up on the road of losing weight.

Either do all kinds of fat-reducing meals, or do all kinds of exercise, just thinking about spitting out all the fat you ate last winter.

But compared to sweaty running, skipping rope, and doing exercises, in fact, walking can actually also play a role in losing weight.

If you don’t have time to run, you don’t have time to go to the gym, but at least you can “walk around” every day.

However, some people are very concerned about the number of steps and always look at the statistics on their mobile phones. It seems that the more steps you take, the more sense of accomplishment.

But the problem is, don’t rush to send a circle of friends first, the more steps you take, it doesn’t actually mean that the burning power will be higher.

How many calories can I burn by taking 10,000 steps a day?

In response to this problem, a foreign research scholar conducted a test. By investigating 12 boys and 18 women, he first walked 1,000 steps at a speed of 3.2 km/h, and then walked at a speed of 3.2 km/h. 1000 steps at a speed of 6.4 km/h.

By walking twice, calculate the calories burned by the lock, and then multiply by 10 to estimate the calories burned by 10,000 steps.

The results show that the group that walked slowly consumed an average of 183 calories, while the group that walked fast consumed an average of 336 calories, a difference of 153 calories.

Of course, these data will only be analyzed from an ideal angle. In actual situations, most people have not reached the moderate intensity level during the 10,000-step slow walk.

Therefore, as recommended by the American College of Sports Medicine, to achieve moderate-intensity results, young people should be able to walk 2 kilometers in 20 minutes, while middle-aged and elderly people can walk 2 kilometers in 25 minutes. Minutes away.

Mastering these techniques will help you lose weight while walking?

In fact, in addition to the need to increase your pace, to actually exercise while walking, you need to master these skills:

1. Walking posture is important

If you want to lose weight by walking, you must ensure the correct walking posture.

First of all, don’t stoop down, and don’t play with mobile phones while walking, otherwise it will destroy the sense of balance of the body, and when you bow your head, it will increase the pressure on the cervical spine, thus reducing the effect of walking .

The second is hold your chest up, tighten your abs, and clamp your hips, so that the muscles are in a tense state, and finally the waist, abdomen, and legs can be stimulated Muscles make the lines more perfect.

The last point is to use the crotch to lift the thigh as much as possible when walking, so as to exercise the thigh muscles and increase the exercise heart rate when walking, making the body feel hot.

2. Walk-and-run works best

Related studies have found that a combination of high-intensity and low-intensity workouts can burn fat faster than continuous cardio.

The specific method is to first walk for about 4 minutes after warming up, then run fast for one minute, stop and walk for 4 minutes, alternately, and last for about half an hour. This method It’s called variable interval training.

3. Choose comfortable shoes

If you want to achieve the effect of fitness by walking, oneBe sure to choose shoes that are soft and lightweight.

In this way, the reaction force from the ground can be buffered, thereby protecting the Achilles tendon. And walking in comfortable shoes doesn’t feel tiring, so you’ll unwittingly speed up your walk and ultimately burn fat faster.

Of course, in addition to the above three points that need everyone’s attention, when walking, the steps should be as large as possible. When the steps are large, all parts of the body can be exercised.

After reading it, does it feel very simple?

Yes, a healthy life is really that healthy, and even if you don’t exercise, changing the way you walk can slowly improve your health.

With gasoline so expensive, if your home is not too close to the company, why not consider walking instead of cycling?

Low carbon and environmental protection, and can exercise to lose weight. The most important thing is that it saves a lot of money. After all, gasoline really can’t be added!

This is killing two birds with one stone, literally killing three birds with one stone!