10 Bad Habits That Steal Your “Immunity”

We all know that immunity is very important to our human body, especially in the current period of the new coronavirus epidemic, it is particularly important to have a strong immunity, but in life, you may weaken your immune system unknowingly, such as bad eating habits.

10 Bad Habits Steal Your Immunity, Are You Hitting It?

1. Stress is high

When you’re constantly dealing with stress, your brain increases cortisol production. According to the American Cancer Society, people who are constantly under stress are more likely to catch the common cold and contract viruses.

Second, vitamin D deficiency

Immunologists at the Feinstein Institute for Medical Research in New York found that people with low vitamin D levels are prone to affect immunity, and increase their risk of developing autoimmune diseases. Adults should consume 600 IU of vitamin D per day, and those over the age of 70 should consume 800 IU.

Third, do not like to drink water

As people get older, people are more prone to dehydration, This puts the immune system under stress. Dehydration limits the secretion of antimicrobial proteins in saliva, which does not do a good job of preventing infection.

In addition, water transports nutrients and oxygen into cells, flushes bacteria out of the bladder, normalizes blood pressure, and performs several other functions.

So it is recommended to drink 1500 to 1700 ml of water per day. If you lose more water, you need to increase the water consumption appropriately.

4. Too much sugar

Too much sugar will inevitably cause inflammation, which reduces immunity by weakening the function of white blood cells. The American Heart Association recommends no more than 36 grams of added sugar per day for men and 24 grams for women.

5. Alcoholism

Intensive care physicians at the University of Maryland School of Medicine found that just one night of alcohol abuse is enough to severely damage the immune system.

6. Lack of exercise

Lack of exercise can also impair the body’s ability to fight infection.

7. Excessive exercise

is called overtraining syndrome. Exercising continuously without giving your body a chance to rest not only hinders the achievement of fitness goals, but also impairs the function of the immune system.

VIII. Excess weight

Obesity seriously affects immune function, preventing white blood cells from producing antibodies against inflammation.

Nine, sleep well

When people sleep, the body goes through several processes to Repairing and recharging the body, one of which is ensuring the proper functioning of the immune system. During sleep, the body produces native proteins called cytokines and replenishes various antibodies. Poor sleep can also make you love sick.

Here, it is suggested that those who cannot sleep well should actively adjust and improve the quality of sleep. Usually, you may use Sour jujube seeds, Poria, lily, lotus seeds, wolfberry, licorice to make sour jujube Lily lily tea, brewed with boiling water for five minutes, can improve insomnia and improve sleep quality.

10. Don’t like to wash hands or wash them cleanly

The most basic advice to prevent disease is to diligently Wash your hands, but too many people fail to do so. Either they touch doorknobs, cell phones, toilets and other things that are too dirty to wash their hands. Then they rub their eyes, pick their nose, touch their faces, or they wash their hands but wash their hands. Not long enough, not thorough enough, not clean enough.

These will expose you to a wide variety of disease-causing bacteria and viruses, from the common cold to norovirus to strep and grapes Bacterial infections, etc.

Please remember the seven-step handwashing method, wash enough for 20 seconds, get rid of these ten problems, your immunity may be improved.