1 imported case of re-positive positive case appeared in Liangshan Prefecture, trajectory information released, low contagiousness

This article is reproduced from [Chuanguan News];

Chuanguan News reporter He Qinhua

The reporter learned from the Liangshan Prefecture Emergency Headquarters Office for Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia Epidemic on February 25, There is 1 imported case of Fuyang from abroad in Liangshan Prefecture.

The Fuyang case, male, 34 years old, was diagnosed with new coronary pneumonia in Laos on November 11, 2021. He was cured and discharged on December 4, and returned to Xishuangbanna Prefecture, Yunnan Province by quarantine bus on December 16. Centralized isolation for 21 days, during which 10 nucleic acid tests were negative.

On January 6, 2022, I went to Kunming City, and there was no abnormality in nucleic acid test and CT examination; I drove from Kunming City to my home in Tieliu Town, Huidong County on January 26; Dongxian self-driving to Panzhihua City, and returned to his home in Huidong County on February 12; self-driving from Huidong County to Panxi Commercial City Jinyu Construction Site in Xichang City on February 14 to work, the nucleic acid test at Xichang People’s Hospital was negative on the same day , and has not been out at the construction site since then; on February 22, he felt unwell, and after consulting at Xichang People’s Hospital, he went to Tangren Pharmacy to buy medicine and take it by himself; on February 23, he took a taxi to the headquarter of the first state hospital for treatment, and at The first-level pre-examination triage office was transferred to the fever clinic of Chang’an Branch of the First State Hospital in a standardized manner due to fever. The nucleic acid test for the new coronavirus was weakly positive. Combined with the clinical and epidemiological history, it was diagnosed as a positive case of new coronary pneumonia, and isolation medical observation was immediately carried out. treat. After repeated research and judgment by the expert group, the nucleic acid CT value of this case is high and the infectivity is low. The patient’s vital signs are currently stable.

After receiving the report, the Liangshan Prefecture Emergency Response Headquarters for the New Coronary Pneumonia Epidemic responded quickly and standardized the handling. Strictly regulate the management and control and sterilization of risk sites, in-depth investigation and precise control of close and sub-close personnel, and nucleic acid tests of risk personnel and environmental samples are all negative.

The general public is requested to strengthen self-protection, actively cooperate and participate in the epidemic prevention and control work, pay attention to official information in a timely manner, and do not believe, spread or spread rumors.