1 drop of sperm equals 10 drops of blood? Do men die of exhaustion? Uncover the ingredients in sperm

Author: Weihong Ding (Huashan Hospital Affiliated to Fudan University)

Male semen is an important substance for reproduction, and some people think that semen is a highly nutritious substance.

From further analysis, seminal fluid mainly contains nutrients such as sperm and moisture, protein particles and fat.

Image source: Zhanku Hailuo

The nutrients in semen are relatively complex. Generally speaking, semen is mainly composed of sperm and seminal plasma. In addition to fruit sugar, protein, and fat, seminal plasma contains various Enzymes and various inorganic salts.

Men can discharge semen normally due to sexual life and masturbation. The components of discharged semen mainly include sperm and seminal plasma.

Sperm mainly has three parts: head, body and tail, which belong to male reproductive cells, but the composition of seminal plasma is more complex, which includes testicular fluid, prostatic fluid, seminal vesicle fluid , epididymal fluid, etc.

Image source: Zhanku Hailuo

Semen plasma can play a role in the transmission, nutrition and vitality of sperm. Generally, the seminal plasma in the semen contains 95%, while the sperm content is only 5%.

Male fertility depends not only on healthy sperm, but also on healthy seminal plasma.

The seminal plasma has many energy components, it not only contains fruit sugar, protein and fat, but also contains various inorganic salts and enzymes. The specific components are water, citric acid and cholesterol. , carbon dioxide, calcium and amino acids.

Image source: Zhanku Hailuo

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