1 case of bubonic plague confirmed in Ningxia, another class A infectious disease! How does it spread?

Currently, there are only 2 types of Class A infectious diseases.

One is cholera and the other is plague.

Following the confirmation of a cholera case in Wuhan University, yesterday, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region confirmed a case of imported primary plague (bubonic plague) case.

The People’s Government of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region has started a four-level emergency response for plague prevention and control.

Plague, the number one infectious disease in Category A

Plague, alias Black Death, In the middle of the 14th century, the second pandemic of the plague occurred, which lasted for more than 70 years, and nearly 1/3 of the European population died, known as the “Black Death” in history death).

Plague is a severe infectious disease mainly transmitted by Yersinia pestis through rat fleas. It is a natural foci that is widely prevalent among wild rodents sexually transmitted diseases. It is highly contagious and has a high case fatality rate.

It is mainly divided into seven disease types: bubonic plague, pneumonic plague, septicemic plague, intestinal plague, meningitis plague, eye plague and skin plague.

Among them, bubonic plague is the most common clinical type.

4 routes of plague transmission

1. Flea bites< /p>

The first cases of human plague are mostly caused by flea bites. After fleas bite sick mice, they will carry Yersinia pestis, and after people are bitten by infected fleas, Yersinia pestis will enter the human body and travel along the lymphatic vessels. Reach the lymph nodes to reproduce, that is, “bubonic plague” occurs.

The most common species is the rat flea, which is widely distributed worldwide and mainly parasitizes domestic rodents. The second is the main parasitic fleas of the host animals in the natural foci of different types of plague.

2. Direct contact

Humans come into direct contact with the infection by hunting, slaughtering, skinning and eating meat animal. Yersinia pestis can enter the human body through hand wounds, including very small wounds, such as finger barbs, and then cause bubonic plague or septicemic plague through lymphatic vessels or blood.

Animals that are naturally infected with plague can be used as the source of human plague infection (according to statistics, there are more than 300 species in the world), including rodents (rodents, marmots, etc.), wild carnivores Animals (fox, wolf, lynx, weasel, etc.), wild cloven-hoofed animals (yellow sheep, blue sheep, red deer, etc.), domestic animals (dogs, cats, Tibetan sheep, etc.). Among them, the main source of infection is rodents.

(The marmot is the squawking marmot. Many people will go to see it when they are traveling, and even feed it at close range. One of the main hosts of plague, although its appearance is very pleasing, do not come into close contact with it.)

3. Transmission through respiratory droplets

The respiratory secretions of patients with pneumonic plague or animals contain a large amount of Yersinia pestis, which can be excreted into the surrounding air through breathing and coughing, forming bacterial particles and aerosols, causing the spread of pneumonic plague.

4. Laboratory infection

Due to lax protection of plague laboratory staff, Improper operation and laboratory accidents can cause the plague to be infected through inhalation, sharp objects, etc.

The main symptoms of plague

The incubation period of plague is short, generally between 1-6 days, mostly 2-3 days, individual cases up to 8-9 days.

The systemic symptoms mainly include rapid onset, high fever, chills, and a sudden rise in body temperature to 39-41℃, which is a missed fever. Severe headache, sometimes central vomiting, shortness of breath, tachycardia, and drop in blood pressure.

Severely ill patients may experience a drop in blood pressure, confusion, and delirium at an early stage.

How to prevent plague

Humans are generally susceptible to plague, have no natural immunity, and have no gender and age differences. Pathologically manifested differences are related to the opportunity and frequency of exposure to infectious agents.

1. Manage the source of infection and cut off the transmission route:

Rat and flea control. If there are mice in the house, but not in the epidemic area, the risk of infection is generally not high, but other diseases, such as epidemic hemorrhagic fever, are prone to occur. It is necessary to do a good job of indoor hygiene and eliminate mice, but the bold behavior of “catch mice with bare hands” is not advisable.

2. Strengthen personal protection:

Do not touch, peel, or cook sick (dead) marmots and other Sick (dead) animals, and do not sit and rest around the marmot cave to prevent flea bites;

3. Medical staff participating in treatment or entering the epidemic area must wear protective clothing and High boots, face shields, thick masks, protective glasses, rubber gloves, etc.;

4. The patient’s secretions and excrement should be thoroughly disinfected or incinerated;

[Cooperating experts: Academician Xu Jianguo MedBrain Research Team]


[1 ]Notice of the General Office of the Ministry of Health on Printing and Distributing the “Plague Diagnosis and Treatment Plan (Trial)”[J]. Bulletin of the Ministry of Health of the People’s Republic of China, 2011(03):49-57.


[3] Li Lanjuan, Ren Hong. Infectious Diseases [M]. 9th Edition. Beijing: People’s Health Publishing House, 2018: 174-182.


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