【Spring Liver】How to put out this “fire”?

In spring, as the temperature gradually rises and the climate is dry, many people’s tempers are also irritable, and they become irritable and easy to anger. This is what we call anger. Why is it easy to be irritable in spring? Chinese medicine believes that spring belongs to wood in the five elements of “gold, wood, water, fire and earth”, and the liver also belongs to wood in the five internal organs. Therefore, spring corresponds to the liver, and there is also a saying that “spring qi flows through the liver”.

That is to say, spring is the time when liver qi is most active, so it is more likely to have liver inflammation when spring arrives.

What are the manifestations of Liver Fire?

1. Bitterness of the mouth

Some people feel bitterness in the mouth when they wake up in the morning, which is the manifestation of anger. Liver fire is prosperous, the clear qi cannot rise, the turbid qi cannot descend, and the turbid qi goes upside down, which will cause a bitter mouth. Excessive liver fire causes bitterness in the mouth, which cannot be improved after brushing and rinsing.

2. Dry mouth

Some people will feel dry mouth when they get up in the morning or go to bed at night, and they should also pay attention to the anger of the liver. Dry mouth is mostly caused by liver and kidney yin deficiency, lack of body fluids, or caused by heat engorging body fluids and burning body fluids. Therefore, once the liver fire burns, it will consume body fluids, resulting in dry mouth.

3. Bad breath

Excessive liver fire can also lead to bad breath. It is obvious after waking up in the morning, and after brushing and rinsing, it still can’t get a good improvement.

4. Liver fire and inflammation

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that fire has the characteristics of “fire-natured inflammation”, so it is mostly manifested as symptoms of the upper body of the human body, such as dizziness, red eyes, bitter mouth, Irritability, red tip of tongue, or even fainting, madness, vomiting blood, etc.

5. Liver fire dizziness

Due to the lack of kidney water, the liver and gallbladder are caused by fire and inflammation. Symptoms include dizziness, headache, flushed face, red eyes, red tongue, fast pulse. Found in modern hypertension, cerebral atherosclerosis and so on.

6. Liver fire deafness and tinnitus

The cause of deafness is the upside of liver fire, because liver and kidney are of the same origin, and the kidneys open to the ears, so liver fire can cause deafness. Often accompanied by tinnitus and anger, flushed face, mouth pain and hypochondriasis, and ear orifice swelling.

7. Liver fire in the early period of menstruation

The cause is stagnation and anger that damages the liver, and liver stagnation turns into heat. Symptoms include early menstrual period, long and short menstrual flow, red or purple color, irritability and irritability, etc.

8. Liver fire should not lie down

Refers to insomnia caused by live fire. It is mostly caused by over-thinking, anger and damage to the liver, qi and fire being reversed, or liver and blood consumption, and the mind is lost.

9. Liver fire headache

Liver yang rises up, shaking the sea of ​​marrow. Symptoms include pain in the corner of the head and top of the head, dizziness, irritability, irritability, restless sleep, and a stringy pulse.

10. Liver-heat spontaneous perspiration

Due to liver-heat, it is often accompanied by bitterness of the mouth and sleepiness.

How to deal with liver fire in spring nourishing liver?

1. Light diet, appropriate amount of tonic

If the liver fire is strong, it is natural to clear away heat and eliminate fire. There are many foods that fight fire, such as water chestnuts that warm the middle and replenish qi, olives that clear heat and detoxify, hawthorn that has a special effect on “real fire”, and apples that moisten the lungs and appetize.

2. Regulate emotions and maintain a positive attitude towards life

Stagnation of liver qi is easy to turn into fire. Usually, participating in more outdoor activities, exercising, gathering with friends, raising dogs and fish, playing chess and playing the piano, painting and calligraphy, etc., are all good ways to regulate emotions and relax body and mind.

3. Exercise more and exercise more

Exercise should be based on aerobic exercise, such as climbing stairs, kicking shuttlecock, jogging, walking, practicing yoga, playing Tai Chi, cycling, Jump rope, play badminton, dance, etc. But exercise should not be too long, do not do strenuous exercise.

4. Recommend two substitutes for drinking tea

Chrysanthemum. Chrysanthemum has the functions of dispelling wind and clearing heat, clearing liver and improving eyesight, nourishing liver and reducing fire, and can relieve pain in the mouth, headache, sore throat and other symptoms. Chrysanthemum is rich in vitamin A, which is the main substance to maintain eye health, and is also a good medicine for traditional Chinese medicine to treat various eye diseases. Chrysanthemum tea can make people clear-headed and bright-eyed, especially for dry eyes caused by excessive anger and excessive eye use.

Dandelion. Dandelion is cold in nature, and has the effect of clearing away heat and detoxification, eliminating carbuncle and dispersing knots. Any sores, boils, etc., smashed with fresh dandelion, applied externally to the affected area, or taken orally by decoction alone, all have good effects.

5. Pay attention to your diet

Eat more fresh vegetables and fruits. Such as watermelon, hawthorn, strawberries, tomatoes, carrots, spinach and other light foods.

Using “bitterness” to bring down fire. Bitter gourd green is bitter cold and heat, clear eyes and clear heart. When cooked, it is red in color, sweet in taste and flat in nature, nourishing blood and nourishing liver, moistening spleen and kidney. It has the functions of clearing summer heat and quenching thirst, lowering blood pressure, blood lipids, beauty and beauty, and promoting metabolism. Bitter gourd is rich in vitamin B1, vitamin C and minerals. Long-term consumption can maintain strong energy. In addition, there are bitter vegetables, bitter tea, celery and so on. (Contributed by: Yang Mingbo, No. 4 Department of Hepatology, Xi’an Eighth Hospital)