Zhang Wenhong is heavy! The research results of domestic anti-new crown drugs are released, involving 70 billion giants! Zhejiang rich people encountered a black swan, WuXi slumped, what happened?

There is great news about the domestic new crown drug!

On May 18, the National Medical Center for Infectious Diseases, the Huashan Infection Zhang Wenhong team, and the Shanghai Public Health Fan Xiaohong team completed an open, A prospective cohort study to evaluate the effect of VV116 on the time to negative nucleic acid in patients with non-severe Omicron infection was published in the journal Emerging Microbes & Infections on the same day. The results show that the domestic anti-new coronavirus drug VV116 can significantly shorten the nucleic acid conversion time of non-severe Omicron-infected patients by 2-3 days. According to the research report of Tianfeng Securities, this drug is related to Junshi Biology.

From a market perspective, there is a flash crash today. The market opened on May 18, and the “Jiayuan Department”, which was created by Zhejiang rich Shen Tianqing, plunged one after another. So what exactly happened?

The WuXi department also fell sharply, with both WuXi AppTec and WuXi Biologics dropping nearly 6%. According to a Citi research report, 27% of respondents are very likely to switch partners after providing a UVL definition. This move may be the main reason for the slump in WuXi. So how big is the impact?

Zhang Wenhong’s heavyweight

According to Yicai and other media reports, in May On the 18th, a joint study by the National Center for Infectious Diseases Medicine, Shanghai Key Laboratory of Infectious Diseases and Biosafety Emergency Response, Professor Zhang Wenhong’s team from Huashan Infection, Professor Fan Xiaohong’s team from Shanghai Public Health Clinical Center, and Lingang Laboratory was published. The results show that The domestic anti-new coronavirus drug VV116 can significantly shorten the nucleic acid conversion time of non-severe Omicron-infected patients by 2-3 days.

This is an open-label, prospective cohort study published on May 18 in Emerging Microbes & In the journal Infections, this is also the first peer-reviewed article published by Chinese researchers on the research results of domestic anti-new crown drugs on Omicron infection.

It is reported that a total of 136 people were enrolled in the trial, and the data showed that the Omicron strain infected people were within 5 days of the first positive nucleic acid test Using VV116, the time to negative nucleic acid was 8.56 days (vs. 11.13 days for the control group). In addition, administering VV116 to symptomatic patients within 2-10 days of the first nucleic acid positive can also shorten the time to negative nucleic acid. No serious adverse reactions were observed in the trial, and none of the subjects developed severe disease. Compared with the real-world study of paxlovid conducted by Shenzhen Third Hospital, the time for nucleic acid to turn negative in the experimental group was 9.92 days (vs. 12.17 days for the control group), and the results of the negative nucleic acid data for VV116 were close, and the results were in line with expectations.

The pharmaceutical research team of Tianfeng Securities stated that the two phase III trials of VV116 for mild and moderate diseases are progressing smoothly, and it is expected that data will be read out in the near future. At present, Junshi Biosciences has carried out 2 clinical trials for patients with mild to moderate COVID-19:

1) international multi-center phase III clinical trials, A certain number of patients have been enrolled in Shanghai, and clinical trials in Hong Kong have recently started. The trial plans to enroll patients in multiple locations around the world to support new drug marketing applications worldwide.

2) A head-to-head non-inferior phase III clinical trial with Pfizer’s special drug paxlovid in China. Patient enrollment has now been completed and data readouts are expected in the near future. The head-to-head clinical trial data with paxlovid will initially demonstrate the efficacy of VV116, which will facilitate marketing approval and later sales.

In addition, Junshi Bio has also deployed VV993, a 3CLpro inhibitor under development, and the synergistic combination of the two drugs is expected to solve the possible drug resistance problem. VV993 is a 3CLpro inhibitor with the same mechanism as Pfizer’s paxlovid deployed by Junshi. At present, according to the preclinical research and antiviral research results of VV993, the single drug of VV993 shows good efficacy and safety, and has important development value. VV116 and VV993 act on different key and conserved targets of the virus life cycle, respectively, and have the prospect of combined drug development.

The stock price of Junshi Bio has been relatively strong in recent times, but it has pulled back in recent trading days.

Zhejiang rich encounter black swan

From the market point of view, although there has been a lot of good news recently, the phenomenon of individual stock flash crashes occurs from time to time. Today is the turn of Jiayuan Department.

The market opened on May 18, and the stock price of “Jiayuan Department” created by Zhejiang rich Shen Tianqing plunged across the board. Jiayuan International’s stock price plummeted more than 40%.

best source Service plummeted by 70%.

On January 17, 2019, Jiayuan International’s share price plummeted by 83% due to the “debt default” storm, and its market value instantly shrank by more than 26 billion Hong Kong dollars. Since then, Jiayuan International has basically been in a long-term downturn.

Analysts believe that the flash crash may be related to the downgrade of major banks. On May 10, Moody’s announced to downgrade Jiayuan International’s rating from “B2” to “B3” and its senior unsecured rating from “B3” to “Caa1”. ‘s outlook was revised to negative from the ratings watch list. Moody’s pointed out in the rating report that the downgrade is related to Jiayuan International Holdings’ slightly weak performance and its weakened liquidity.

According to the data, the helm of Jiayuan International is Shen Tianqing. In 1991, Shen resigned and went to sea. In 1995, he founded Zhejiang Jiayuan Real Estate. It’s like starting with real estate. In his words, “I couldn’t feel it when I was an official, and then I decided to go to the sea. I am a person who can swim.”

Data It shows that the company’s sales in the first four months of 2022 are almost halved, to only 892 million. According to the company’s 2021 financial report, the company’s short-term borrowings are as high as 3.628 billion yuan, and the short-term notes and convertible bonds due in one year are 2.842 billion yuan, which may mean that the company will have more than 6 billion debts due this year.

WuXi’s department has plummeted again

It is worth mentioning that the WuXi department is also worth mentioning. In the past year, WuXi stocks have crashed and plunged quite a few times. Today, there has been a sharp drop. Both WuXi AppTec and WuXi Biologics once fell by nearly 6%, and then stabilized. So what exactly happened?

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